March was a magnificent month! In the beginning of the month, we spent time learning about Dr. Seuss and read some of his most popular children’s books.After reading the story “I wish I had duck feet” the students had a home work to make duck feet, we wore them in the classroom on Dr. Suess Birthday . We conducted many activites to celebrate Dr. Seusses birthday. In March, we also completed our unit of study about Bread. We discussed how bread is made, where to find bread, bread in different cultures and the ingredients needed to make bread. We used our bread maker in class and made bread together as a class.

Several of our parents broought in bread freshly made from home for us to taste.Thank you for sharing you home made bread with us. The students also tasted bread for Greece and India.

The House Area was turned into a bakery where we buillt a bakery stand, show case and an oven. Inorder to build those things we had to use our math skills. We had to measure the materials we were using then cut to size. We measured the height and width of vaiorus materials to determine if it was correct size. Math 4.2: 4.2.1 Measurement (spacial Awarness) Math 4.4: 4.4.1 Data Analysis

One of our favorite story for the Bread Unit was the Little Red Hen. The End of March we began our study on Trees. The trees unit will be close to 10 weeks ling so please support you child and the classroom as best as you can.

TWO of our class bakers.


April is a month of Growth, New Beginnings, and Change. For the first week of April we are continuing our unit on Trees. We will be visiting the (Cora HartshornArboretum and Bird Sanctuary).

Thefocus of the trip will be on the various trees (sizes, roots, and the height of the trees, the leaves, buds on the trees things that live in trees and things that comes from trees. Please talk to your children about what they have learned about trees.Please listen to what they have to say and engage them in conversation. We will explore the new beginnings of spring, discovering various kinds of insects and animals, growth and planting. We will observe the changes in butterflies from larva to its final change into a butterfly. We will explore all that spring has to offer. Please enjoy the spring break and remember to please do the homework and return them on April 24th.

Spring reminders:

As spring approaches and the weather warms up, please remember these important things:

Children should wear sneakers or closed toed shoes each day. Flip-flops, shoes with heels, and open toed sandals are not safe for your child’s feet.

Dress your child appropriately for the weather outside. We will continue to go outside each day.

You may send water to school with your child to drink throughout the day. Please make sure that all water bottles are labeled with your child’s name.

As the weather begins to change, new germs are beginning to spread. If your child show signs of sickness please be sure to keep him/her home so he/she does not spread their germs to others. Remember if a child has a fever, diarrhea or has been vomiting they must remain home from school for 24 hours AFTER the symptoms have subsided.