Announce their

Third Drying Conference

/ AFSIA 2009
14 - 15 May 2009 /


·  Provide a two days european forum for exchange on advances in drying and dehydration

·  Initiate collaborations between drying specialists from academia and industry


The scientific program will be based on plenary lectures of internationally recognized experts. Oral and poster sessions will also be held for selected submitted contributions from both academia and industry. Contributions from the entire spectrum of drying and dewatering science and technology will be eligible.


Pr. Julien Andrieu ()

Pr. Patrick Perré ()

Scientific committe

Pr. J. Andrieu (UCBL, Lyon), Dr. C. Bonazzi (ENSIA, Massy), Pr. W. Jomaa (ENSAM, Bordeaux), Pr A. Mulet-Pons (Valencia), Pr. R. Peczalski (UCBL, Lyon), Pr. P. Perré (ENGREF, Nancy), Pr. M.A. Roques (UPPA, Pau), Pr. E. Tsotsas (Univ. Magdeburg); Pr. I. Zbicinski (Techn. Univ. Lodz).

Organization committee

Dr. R. Daoussi (UCBL, Lyon), Dr. H. Desmorieux (UCBL, Lyon), Pr. R. Peczalski (UCBL, Lyon), Dr. S. Vessot (UCBL, Lyon), N. Chapel


Normal inquiries: e-mail at .

Special or urgent inquiries: phone at +33 4 72 43 18 43 (Pr. J. Andrieu).

Conference site

The conference venue will be the scientific campus of the University C. Bernard Lyon 1 (campus de La Doua) and the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Electronique (ESCPE) located very close to Lyon downtown. This campus is deserved by rapid and modern transport systems, namely by tram, taxi or metro from the Lyon-Part-Dieu TGV station (10 mn) and by taxi from the Lyon-St Exupery International Airport (30 mn) which is connected each day by direct flights to the main european cities. Besides, the TGV Part-Dieu station is also deserved directly by many TGV trains from the Paris international airport (Roissy - C. De Gaulle).

Lyon is named the city of the lights and has a long tradition of industry, trade, culture and gastronomy in France and around the world. The city of Lyon has been classified in “Humanity Patrimony” by UNESCO.

Accommodation: large choice of hotels near the conference hall: **: 55 - 75 €, ***: 75 - 110 €, at small distances; more details on the web address

Registration fees

(lunches and banquet included)

AFSIA and EFCE members: 300 €

Industry: 400 €

University: 350 €

PhD students (no banquet) 120 €

Accompanying person 120 €

Banquet 50 €



The fees will be paid by administrative order form. The conference registration form states for the pro-forma invoice. The regular invoice will be returned at the reception of the order form.

Fournisseur : AFSIA (association loi 1901); ESCPE Bât. 308 G;

43, Bd du 11 Novembre 1918; BP 2077; 69616 Villeurbanne Cedex

N° SIRET : 42972921300018, N° TVA : non assujettie

Banque : Société Générale; 42, rue Saint-Dizier; 54000 Nancy

RIB : 30003-01460-00050491036-26

Other countries

The fees will be paid by bank transfer. A bill will be returned at the reception of the payment.

Account holder: AFSIA

Bank: Société Générale, Nancy, France

IBAN: FR76-30003-01460-00050491036-26



Please register to Afsia 2009 conference using the provided afsia09registration.doc file.

The completed form must be sent as attached file by e-mail to . The registration deadline is the 30th April 2009 unless you submit an abstract. In that case please refer to abstract submission deadline. The second announcement with the final program and practical information will be sent by e-mail end March 2009.

Abstract submission

The chairmen of Afsia 2009 conference kindly invite participants from both academia and industry for contributions. All contributions (oral or poster) will be submitted as extended abstracts on two A4 pages in English ready to copy. The abstracts will contain all the main results of the study (text, Tables and Figures) and have to be formatted according to the provided afsia09abstract.doc file. The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee which will attribute an oral or poster presentation. Next, some of the contributions will be selected for a special issue of ‘Chemical Engineering Research and Design’ journal. The conference proceedings as a paper document will be given to regularly registered participants at the conference desk.

The abstract submission deadline is February 15, 2009.

Only e-mail submission to is allowed.