Request for Workshop Proposal for 2015 VCAM Triennial Conference
Thanks for your recent input on workshop topics for the upcoming 2015 VCAM Triennial Conference at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia on October 6 and 7, 2015. Based on the survey results, the following workshops are planned. These topics are ranked in order of positive survey feedback.
1 / Recruiting and Growing Your Volunteer Ranks, which might include attracting volunteers of all generational experiences and reaching out to young professionals2 / Building Stronger Relationships between Staff and Volunteer Groups, which might encompass nurturing a culture of volunteering within your organization
3 / Volunteer Retention and Appreciation, which might include mentoring programs, training programs for volunteers, and membership enrichment programs
4 / Developing Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities which might include using volunteers rather than staff as volunteer managers, successful assignment descriptions, creative volunteer assignments and use of volunteers in outdoor spaces.
5 / Role of Volunteer in Visitor Satisfaction and Feedback
6 / Role of Museum in Community, which might include individual health and well-being.
7 / Technology Innovation and the Visitor’s Experience
8 / Matching the Right Volunteer With the Right Opportunity, which might include capitalizing on volunteers’ skills and talents, skill-matching software, evaluating volunteers, removing a volunteer, accommodating aging and ailing volunteers
9 / Growing Impact of Technology on Organizational Operations, which might include volunteer communications, scheduling of volunteers, registration software, online dues billing
10 / Fundraising-New Ideas, Old Favorites
11 / Collaborative Relationships with Colleges/University Museums
12 / (Add your own )
Each workshop will be 1 hour in length and will be offered at one of the following times:
· Tuesday, October 6 at 11:00 a.m.
· Tuesday, October 6 at 1:45 p.m.
· Wednesday, October 7 at 10:30 a.m.
· Wednesday, October 7 at 1:15 p.m.
If you are interested in presenting in any of these workshops please submit your proposal using the following form. Please do not hesitate to submit a proposal even if you cannot cover all of the suggested issues under a topic. Other presenters may be paired with you to complement your presentation by offering a different solution to the same issue, or addressing other issues within the topic. The proposals should be sent to Nikki Nicholau at no later than December 1, 2014.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at the same email address.
Workshop Proposal for 2015 VCAM Triennial Conference
Due by December 1, 2014
Name: Click here to enter text..
Title: Click here to enter text.
Organization: Click here to enter text.
Contact E-mail Address: Click here to enter text.
Contact Telephone Number: Click here to enter text.
Topic Area from List Above: Click here to enter text.
If you envision a panel presentation, would you like to suggest other panel members? Be sure to include name, title and organization. If you are not aware of other qualified panelists, we will work to find those presenters. Note: Panels, when used, will include no more than 3 persons including the moderator.
1. Click here to enter text..
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
The Workshop Title: Click here to enter text.
Please provide a one-paragraph description of the workshop to be offered. You are welcome to offer more than one proposal. However, please submit on a different form.
Click here to enter text.
Audio Visual Needs: Click here to enter text.
Do you plan to have handouts? Yes ☐ No ☐
Check appropriate box: I will bring my own ☐ I will provide to VMFA for copying ☐