NY State 911 Coordinators Conference
May 17 – 19, 2016
Steuben County
May 17, 2016
Conference called to order at 0900 hours by John Merklinger, President.
Colors were posted by the Corning Fire Department, followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Dave Hopkins and Tina Goodwin welcomed everyone to the conference, and introduced Jack Wheeler, County Manager.
Jack Wheeler welcomed everyone to Steuben County.
Dave Hopkins introduced Allison, Congressman Reed’s Chief of Staff, who welcomed everyone to the conference.
Allison spoke about what the Congressman supports in the 911 industry, however she suggested that everyone please feel free to reach out to his office, and encouraged everyone to provide input on what the needs are.
John Merklinger reviewed some housekeeping items, and the conference agenda with the membership.
John Merklinger introduced Brett Patterson who reviewed High Performance EMD.
John Merklinger introduced Chris Gallahan, who did a presentation on “Cloud Based Solutions for the PSAP”.
Dave Hopkins reviewed NG911 and the FCC report. This was discussed by the membership.
NENA DC 2016 was discussed, and how it all fits into plans to deploy NG services Nationwide by 2020. This was discussed by the membership, as well as, the need for more people to be involved.
Brett Chellis, DHSES, gave an overview of NG911, this was discussed by the membership.
Katie Hohman, NYSAC, gave the membership an update on NYS Surcharges, this was discussed by the membership.
May 18, 2016
John Merklinger introduced Dave Hopkins & Lisa Madden to discuss NG 911.
Brett Chellis & Marissa Getko gave everyone updates on the States Grant Programs.
Cheryl Benjamin gave a presentation, updating the SAM project.
Lieutenant Gary Kelly, NYSP gave a presentation on Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit.
Association broke for lunch, and presented a retirement plaque to Michelle Kerr for her years of service in the 911 industry.
Members broke for time with the vendors until 1430 hours.
Members returned at 1430 hours, and went into a NENA Meeting, with David Hopkins, Mike Tersmette, and Tina Carson.
Following the NENA Meeting, the membership went into our APCO meeting, discussing the upcoming Joint Conference, as well as, other topics, which were discussed by the membership.
At 1530 hours, the membership adjourned for the day, and will do additional vendor time from 1530 – 1730 hours.
May 19, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 900 hours.
John Merklinger introduced Brett Chellis, who updated the membership on where NY State stands on FirstNet.
Brett Chellis introduced Bill Hinkle from the First Network Authority, who gave everyone updates on FirstNet.
Business Meeting was called to order at 1040 hours.
Mark took care of roll call with sign-in sheets.
Secretary Report
Mark had the Fall 2015 minutes on the website, which members can review.
A motion was made by Kelly Donoghue, seconded by Dave Hopkins to accept the Secretaries Report.
Motion Passed
Treasurer Report
Sandy read the Treasurer’s Report.
$49,009.51 –Current Checking Balance (Prior to paying for this conference)
$11,000.00 – CD (Rolled Over For Another Year)
A motion was made by John, seconded by Tina to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
Motion Passed
New members were introduced, and gave the membership an overview of their positions with their Counties.
Committee Reports (Highlights)
By-Laws Committee had no proposed changes.
Legislative process was discussed by the membership.
Vendor Presentations was reviewed by the membership.
GIS was covered by the updates from the NYS Sam project.
- Members should update their information with the State, then everyone can get the information from the State, and it will be updated.
TERT was discussed by Jeremy with the membership.
Nominating Committee, Mark discussed with membership, anyone interested in any positions, see Mark, as elections will be at the 2016 Fall Conference, with elected members taking office January 2017.
Training Committee, John stated we reviewed a lot of training opportunities during the course of this conference.
A motion was made Dave Hopkins, seconded by Sandy Smith to accept Committee Reports.
Motion Approved
District Reports
John Mecca, Northern District, reviewed updates, with the membership, from the northern district.
Fred Lampman, Central District, reviewed updates with the membership, from the Central District.
John Merklinger, Western District, reviewed updates, with the membership, from the Western District.
Allen Wierzbicki, Southern District, reviewed updates, with the membership, from the Southern District.
A motion was made by John Mecca, seconded by Kelly Donoghue to accept District Reports.
Motion Approved
Old Business
John Merklinger reviewed our Incorporation Status with the membership.
The Executive Board hired an accountant to insure that we have all the correct paperwork and filings for our Incorporation, Tax Exempt, etc.
Spring 2018, Erie County would like to host, everyone was good with that.
A motion was made by Mike Allen and seconded by Brian Mahney to accept Old Business.
Motion Approved
New Business
Mark Balistreri reviewed the Vendor Sponsor Section of the website, and the need for all of us to promote this section, as it creates recurring revenue for the association.
John Merklinger updated the membership on meeting from the last six (6) months with NY State.
This was discussed by the membership.
Dave Cook made a motion that we procure a plaque and present it to Sheriff Maha, seconded by Steve DeChick.
Motion Approved
Mark J. Balistreri mentioned that all the presentation, as well as, the National Red Nose Day is on the website, in the member section.
Wild Apricot program was discussed by the membership, and if we could use this for membership dues, vendor sponsorship, etc.? – This will be explored by the association.
Mike Allen stated the Spring 2016 conference will be May 9 – 11, 2016.
A motion was made by Steve DeChick, seconded by Mark Balistreri to increase the conference registration fee to $95, and the one (1) day fee to $50, starting with the Spring 2017 conferences.
Motion Approved
A motion was made to adjourn at 1150 hours by Lisa Sears, seconded by Alan Turner.
Motion Approved