EXTRA English 23
Truth or Dare

Grammatik und Übungen

Verbs followed by – ing

The following verbs are usually followed by the -ing form:

admit avoid deny

fancyfinish go

on hate imagine

keep like love

mind remember stop

  • My old boyfriends keep phoning me.
  • He admitted stealing the phone.
  • I can't imagine living in the country.

A. Choose one of the verbs in the language box to complete these sentences.

1. Do you ______going to the cinema later?

2. I ______eating seafood! It makes me sick!

3. Why do they ______calling you? What do they want?

4. I know where we are. I ______going to that beach when I was a child.

5. Can you ______living in a palace? I can't.

6. Do you ______opening the window? It'svery hot in here.

Verbs followed by the infinitive

The following verbs are usually followed by the infinitive form:

agree dare manage

promise arrange expect

need stay choose

hope offer want

  • They agreed to lend us their car.
  • Nick dared to take off his clothes.
  • We hope to visitThailand next year.
  • She managed to open the door without a key.

A. Choose the correct forms of the verbs in these sentences.

1. Hector promised (take) ______Annie to Argentina one day.

2. We decided (leave) ______the bar at about midnight.

3. Tom never studies, but he managed (pass) ______his exams.

4. Why does Ben keep (ring) ______when he knows Claire doesn't want (talk)

______to him?

5. I need (change) ______some money so I can finish (pay for) ______the tickets.

Contact clauses

In these sentences, the object of the first verb is the subject of the second verb.

  • I'm talking to a man who lives in Milan.
  • I'm writing down things that are important to me.

In these sentences, the object of the first verb is also the object of the second verb.

  • I'm talking to a man who I met in Milan.
  • I'm writing down things that I don't like about Hector.

If the object of the first verb is also the object of the second verb, we can leave out the relative pronoun.These are called contact clauses.

  • I'm talking about a man I met in Milan.
  • I'm writing down things I don't like about Hector.

A. Make one sentence from the two sentences. Leave out the relative pronoun,

if you can.

I'm writing a letter to a girl. I met her in Sweden.

I'm writing a letter to a girl I met in Sweden.

1. I met a boy. He lives in Rome.


2. What happened to that ring? You bought it in Peru.


3. There's a man at the TV station. Bridget wants to go out with him.


4. Bridget has an ex-boyfriend called Kevin. He called her this morning.


5. Hector comes from a country in South America. I visited it last year.


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