Mrs. Geimer

Welcome to English III. In this class, we will review of the fundamentals of grammar, examine American literature, and practice essential writing skills.

COURSE OUTLINE – 1st Semester

Week One: Summer Reading/ ACT

Week Two: Persuasive Writing

Week Three: Persuasive Writing

Week Four: Encounters in the New World

Week Five: Colonial Impressions

Week Six: Colonial Impressions

Week Seven: Colonial Impressions

Week Eight: Colonial Impressions

Week Nine: The Crucible

Week Ten: The Crucible

Week Eleven: The Crucible

Week Twelve: The Crucible

Week Thirteen: Federalism

Week Fourteen: Persuasive Writing


Week Sixteen: Poetry Out Loud/Literary Criticism

Week Seventeen: Poetry Out Loud/Literary Criticism

Week Eighteen: Poetry Out Loud

Week Nineteen: FINALS


A students final grade in this course will be determined by the following percentages: 25% daily classwork/homework

75% summative assessments (tests, projects, essays)

The grading scale is as follows:

90% - 100% A

80% - 89% B

70% - 79% C

60% - 69% D

59% and below F

  • lined notebook paper
  • a folder to save literature handouts and finished work
  • black or blue pen

BE RESPECTFUL: Be courteous to your classmates and teacher.

BE READY: Be in your seat when the bell rings, ready to begin work.

BE RESPONSIBLE: Do your assignments on time and bring your supplies to class.

  • Bring the correct supplies/books to class every day.
  • Most days begin with a short “bell activity” you should quietly start as soon as you are seated. Check the board for instructions.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, turn in your assignments to the white tray provided.
  • It is important that you make it to class on time. See your student handbook for the policy on tardies. It will be enforced.
  • Please attend to personal needs before you come to class. This includes restroom visits, locker visits, grooming, and drinks of water.
  • If you are absent, check with the teacher and make up work promptly.

It is your responsibility to complete all required assignments even if you

have been on a field trip.

I am looking forward to a great year!


Telephone: Windsor High School (636)464-4429

Voice Mail Extension – 4522

Conference Hour: 8:27 – 9:14