BWHS Dance Team Application Packet

Head Coach – Lauren Lillestolen –

Assistant Coaches—Susan Dorn & Annette Sahakian

DANCE TEAM 2016-2018:

The BWHS Dance Team is a performance team that started in the 2013-2014 academic school year. The

Dance Team performs at pep rallies, basketball games, and other BWHS events. The dance team will hold 1-2 practices a week to prepare for events during the months of October –February.


Auditions will be at 4:15 PM in theCafeteria. The dates will be determined at the interest meeting based on dancer input.


Audition PermissionForm

Completed ApplicationForm

Signed Guideline Agreement Form by dancer andparent/guardian


Please adhere to the following guidelines for auditions:

It is important to be on time and ready to warmup.

Candidates need to wear appropriate workout/dancewear to auditions. No baggy clothes,midriff

tops, or sports bras to be used as a top.


Tennis shoes, dance sneakers, or jazz shoes are required always. You may not dance inonly

socks for safety reasons.

Hair should be pulled back in a ponytail orbun.

Only water bottles and a light snack ifneeded.


No jewelry duringtryouts.

Bring a positive attitude and a strong workethic!


Afterreviewingtheresults,thecoacheswillupdate the list of dancers on the website to include thosecandidateswhomadetheteam. The update will be made within 24 hours of the audition.

Captain and Co-Captain Interviews:

It is crucial to have student leaders on the dance team. Please review the separate Captain/Co-Captain guidelinesandformsifyouareinterestedinleadingthedanceteam.Interviewswillbeconductedafter practice at a date TBD in classroom#506.

Approx. Costs (we will review ordering information at our first meeting)

Required Uniform –approximately $220

Optional quarter zip - approximately$40

On your own:

Tan jazz shoes – (Cappezio, Block etc.) - $25 -$30

Nude/Tan tights

Dance attire forpractice

Criteria for Judging:

Although prior dance experience is preferred and recommended, it is not necessary. Judges will look for your ability to perform specific technique requirements and perform a choreographed routine showing off your unique talents and what you can bring to the BWHS Dance Team. You will be judged on your overall performance, poise, and rhythm. The judges will be using a scoring rubric to score your individual performance.

Audition Requirements:

Dance Routine – we will teach you 30-45 seconds of a dance routine during the first day(s) of auditions. Then, on the final day, dancers will audition using the choreography learned.

The skills listed below will also be shown individually:

Right and left leg sidekicks

Right and lefttilts

Right and left leg fankicks

Grand Jete(Leap)

Straddle jump or “toe touch”


Fouetteturns or a la seconde turns


Right and Left LegSplits

Additional technique dance trick – dancer’schoice

Tentative Schedule of Practice:

We would like to practice Monday 4:15-5:15 PM & Thursday 7:45-8:45 AM starting the second week of October. Our team understands that most dancers have demanding schedules and we seek to coordinate practice as fairly as possible for all. Once we have all dancers, we will sit down to firm up the schedule accordingly.

Additional schedule information will be given out shortly, once basketball schedules areannounced.


Mystudent,______hasmypermissiontotry-outfortheBriarWoodsDanceTeamatBriar Woods High School. I understand that the audition process will take place over the course of several days TBD,starting at 4:15 PM and ending at approximately 5:15 PM. I will be providing my student with transportationhome.


Parent/Guardian (PrintName):


This form must be signed and returned to Coach Lille on or before the day of try-outs.


Please write clearly.



Student CellPhone:____





1.List previous dance experience.Include location, years involved, and type ofdance:

2.Will you be involved in dancing with a studiothisyear? evening hours) andwhat type(s) ofdance:

If yes, explain where, when (days and

3.Please list other activities and interests. Be sure to include those you anticipate being involved with laterthis schoolyear.

4.Please tell us why you would like to be on the BWHS DanceTeam:

Dancer Tryouts Sample Form

DancerName: / Judge#
1.Right LegSideKick0 / 1 / 2 / 3
-clean preparation
-straight leg and above 135 degrees
-pointed foot
2. Left LegSide Kick0
-clean preparation
-straight leg and above 135 degrees
-pointed foot / 1 / 2 / 3
3. RightLegTilt0
-clean preparation
-straight leg and above 135 degrees
-pointed foot / 1 / 2 / 3
4. LeftLeg Tilt0
-clean preparation
-straight leg and above 135 degrees
-pointed foot / 1 / 2 / 3
5. Right LegFanKick0
-clean preparation
-straight leg and full rotation
-pointed foot / 1 / 2 / 3
6. Left LegFanKick0
-clean preparation
-straight leg and full rotation
-pointed foot / 1 / 2 / 3
7. GrandJete(Leap)0
-Legs straight and toes pointed
-Good height from the floor
-Clean take-off and landing / 1 / 2 / 3
8.Straddle Jump0
-Legs straight and toes pointed
-Good height from the floor
-Clean take-off and landing / 1 / 2 / 3


-Turn is controlled

-Rotation is complete

-Clean landing coming out of turn

10.Fouette Turns

-Turn iscontrolled


-Extended leg is parallel and opens to the front

-Leg is in posse when not extended

-Rotation iscomplete

11. Dancer’s Choice / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3

Total (33points):


-Moves are clean and sharp / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
-Gives eye contact/excellent facial expressions / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
-Remembers choreography / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
-Has good rhythm / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
-Maintains energy throughout dance / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
-Grabs the attention of the audience / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
-Excellent transitions / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
-Shows strong technique (pointed toes,hand / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
placement, etc)
Displays positive attitude / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3

Total (27points):

GRAND TOTAL:/60points

Would you include this candidate ontheteam?YESNO Comments: