ACADEMIC YEAR (2014-2015)



NAME:______DATE: 18.09.2014

CLASS: V SEC: ___ TIME: 3 hrs

ROLL NO: ____ M.M: 90


Pls.Note: 1)This Question paper contains __ printed pages.

2) Neatness & handwriting carry 4 marks.


Q 1.Read the passage and answer the questions given below: (5)

Necessity forced our ancestors to invent a method of protecting their feet from nature’s fury. Early footwear was made by layering leaves together and later from leather. Then came the sandal, which was a simple piece of plaited grass or leather strapped to the feet. Eventually, sandal – making became a recognized art in Egyptian history.

The Egyptians favoured beautiful and artistic sandals. The Greeks stressed on design and beauty, while the Romans created a military sandal that enabled their armies to travel throughout the empire.

In many ancient cultures, shoes indicated social status. A Roman officer’s rank was noted by the height of the shoe; the higher the shoe, the higher the rank. A Pharaoh’s sandal had a long peaked toe to denote a king, prince or priest.

During the mid 1600s, the Sun King Louis XIV created a new fad of platform shoes, simply because he had the royal power to do so. The platform shoes soon became the symbol of nobility. Also during this time women in Florence were wearing platform shoes known as Chopines. The Chopines were worn to increase a woman’s height. They were often twenty four inches off the ground and ladies had to be escorted through the streets. Some historians believe the modern day heel originated from the Chopine.

1)What were our ancestors forced to invent?

2)Complete the sentence –

A king or a priest’s sandal had a ______

3)What were shoes known to indicate?

4) Pick up a word from the passage which means –

i)“with great anger’’. ii)guidance

5)According to the passage, women in Florence wore Chopines because -

i)they were a symbol of nobility

ii)Sun King Louis XIV created them

iii)they increased a woman’s height

iv)they wanted to be escorted through the streets

Q.2. Read the poster carefully and answer the questions that follow.(6)

1)The poster is advertising a ______

i)scientist kit for junior school

ii)science laboratory

iii)a tool building set

iv)Mayer Store sale for scientists

2)The kit helps you to learn more about –

i)motorsiii)electrical circuits


3)It can be the understood that the kit will help you to –

i)understand what famous scientist do

ii)improve your knowledge in science

iii)understand how machines work

iv)understand sound effects

4)Why does the writer want you to visit the store?

5)How will the ‘’tape’’ be helpful while using the kit?

6)Find a word from the passage which means –‘something that actually exists’’.

Q.4.Read the letter given below and answer the questions given below: (6)

Dear Editor,

I have just learned that our town’s public art museum will eliminate Saturday

hours next month due to a protracted budget shortfall. Although the continued

shortfall necessitates some cuts in town programs or services, Saturday museum

hours are simply too important to lose.

It will be a severe hardship and loss to our town’s citizens if the museum closes

on Saturdays. For many working people like myself, Saturday is the only day of

the week we have to take advantage of the breathtaking and thought-provoking

artwork our museum has to offer.

Parents often use this day to take their children to the museum in order to

expose them to this important bit of culture.

The public museum has been a boon to this town since it opened in 1975. It has

fostered an interest in the arts, increased cultural awareness, and had a positive

impact on the local economy. Even people from many nearby towns choose

Saturday—a day free from obligation—to come and see artwork here.

I beseech everyone who values our museum to contact his or her town

representative and ask for funding to keep the Saturday museum hours intact.


Maria B. Williams

1)Which best describes the tone of the author of this letter?

i)florid iii)hostile

ii)genuine iv)obtuse

2)) As used in paragraph 2, which is the best antonym for protracted?

i)curable iii)ridiculous

ii)imagined iv)shortened

3)Find a word from the passage which means – ‘’to request earnestly’’.

4)To whom might this letter be addressed?

i)the townspeople

ii)a local newspaper

iii)federal government officials

iv)the museum manager

5)Mention one reason why the public museum has been a boon the town?

6)Why does the writer insist on the museum being open on Saturday?

Q 4.Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow: (5)


If you've tried and have not won,

Never stop for crying;

All that’s good and great is done

Just by patient trying.

Though young birds, in flying, fell,

Still their wings grow stronger,

And the next time they can keep

Up a little longer.

Though the sturdy oak has known

Many a wind that bowed her,

She has ris'n again and grown

Loftier and prouder.

If by easy work you beat,

Who the more will prize you?

Gaining victory from defeat,

That’s the test that tries you.

1)Why should one patiently keep trying?

2)What do you understand by the words ‘in flying, fell’?

3)Why is the oak proud of itself?

4)As used In the last paragraph which meaning best describes the line ‘Gaining victory from defeat’

i)To keep trying till you win

ii)Accept defeat

iii)Success is achieved only after failure

iv)Defeat is better than victory

5)Find a word from the passage which means - ‘bent downward and forward’

SECTION – B (WRITING) – 21 Marks

Q5. Write a letter to your uncle inviting him for your school Annual Day function. (8)

[Mention the date/day, venue, theme, event you are participating in and why should he attend the function.]

Q6. Write a story with the following beginning. ‘Sam was relieved that nobody knew what he had in that packet.’ Give a suitable title. (7)

Q7. Write a paragraph on “An Unforgettable Outing”in about 100 to 125 words. (6)


Q 8. Fill in the blanks with ‘for or since’. (3)

a)I haven’t seen you ______a week.

b)I’ve been working here ______the last two years.

c)John has been waiting ______12.30.

Q.9. Frame questions for the given answers. (3)

a)My bag is with John.

b)The party will go on for 3 hours.

c)The concert is on Sunday.

Q.10.Fill in the blanks with forms of Present Tensementioned in the brackets. (3)

a)She ______(be) my favourite teacher. She ______(teach) me Math. (Simple)

b)They ______(admit) more students to Grade 1. (Continuous)

c)We ______(known) him to be a generous man.(Perfect)

Q.11.Fill in the blanks with forms of Past Tensementioned in the bracket. (3)

a)Amy ______(keep) the old manuscript in her bag.(Simple)

b)We ______(return) as it got dark.(Continuous)

c)The convict ______(hide) the treasure in the graveyard. (Perfect)

Q.12.Fill in the blanks with forms of Future Tensementioned in the brackets.


a)Ali ______not ______(do) anything without his father’s permission.(Simple)

b)Mr. Smith ______(go) for a walk after dinner. (Continuous)

c)By this time next year, the plant ______(grow).(Perfect)

Q.13. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs. (3)

a)You must return this book ______.

b)He stormed out ______.

c)The sales person spoke to the customers ______.

Q.14.Identify the pun in the given sentence – (1)

I was struggling to figure out how lightning works, then it struck me.

Q.15. Fill in the blanks with similes. (2)

a)Uncle Sam is as brave as a ______.

b)The new science book is as light as a ______.


Q.16. Give the meanings for the following. (6x0.5=3)

i) prodded –ii) courteous –

iii) scrawl -iv) ruffian -

v) swoons - vi) arrogant -

Q.17. Frame sentences of your ownwith the words given below–(2x1=2)

1)scenery –

2) procession -

Q.18. Reference to context:- (3x1=3)

“Where is it? I want it right away”

1)Name the lesson and writer?

2)Who said this to whom?

3)What did the speaker want? Where was that thing he was looking for?

Q.19.Answer the following in brief:- (4x2=8)

1)Why does Abou ask the angel to write his name in the list of people who love their fellowmen?

2)Why doesn’t the boy like the goods train?

3)How was Mr.Chips’ experience at Melbury? Give examples to support your answer.

4)Why does the pencil like Ms.Phyllis more than Tommy?

Q.20.Answer any one of the following in detail :- (1x6=6)

1)How is the title ‘Tit for Tat’ justified in the lesson? According to you was it the right thing to do?


2)When Sundari informed Sheku that, she will get the bullock, what do you think did she have in her mind? How was she planning to help Sheku with his problem?


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