Sunday, 26th June 2016


8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)

President: The Revd Nick Wells

Homily: Mr David Chapman

1 Peter 3. 8-15a; Luke 5. 1-11

10.00am Choral Eucharist

President: The Revd Nick Wells

Sermon: The Revd Nick Wells

Psalm 16; Galatians 5. 1,13-25; Luke 9. 51-end

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Officiant: Mr David Matthews

Psalm 60; Genesis 27. 1-40; Mark 6. 1-6

Weekly services in church

11.00am Friday Holy Communion

Monthly services in church

7.00pm First Monday Service of Wholeness & Healing

3.30pm Third Thursday Messy Church (term time only)

We welcome all who come to worship here today. If you are visiting for the first time, please make yourself known to any of the Sidespeople or Clergy. Do remain with us after worship for a cup of Fairtrade tea or coffee.

A loop system for those hard of hearing is available; just turn your hearing aid to the T setting.

Toilets are situated at the back of the church; please ask if you need assistance.

Young people of all ages are welcome to join with the Sunday Club at the 10.00am service. Children process from the front of the church after the first hymn to the Victory Hall, and come back in time for Communion. Just follow the flag!

Vision 2026 - Healthy Churches Transforming Communities. Our Vision Champions will be in the Lady Chapel after the morning service every Sunday. Please feel free to come along with your brew and have chat to find out more!

The Mothers' Union Summer Outing is this coming Thursday, 30th June, to Towneley Hall near Burnley. The coach will leave at 9.30am and the cost is £20.00 for admission and guided tour. We would welcome anyone who would like to join us for this lovely day out. Margaret Fisher

Christian Aid Week A big THANK YOU! Together we have raised £410.60; this will increase to £466.53 when Gift Aided. This was raised by a collection at Lytham Church of England Primary School; a fabulous Big Breakfast organised by Julie Webb; and a collection from St Cuthbert's congregation. A really great effort from all those involved, thank you. Michael Dearnley

I’m sure that many of you will wish Jane well in her new vocation after seven years of loyal service to the administrative department here at St Cuthbert’s. I invite you to consider giving towards a leaving gift - please see Beryl or Colin with your contribution. Today is the final Sunday on which contributions can be received; the presentation will take place on Sunday next, 3rd July, at the 10.00am Eucharist. Colin Ballard, Churchwarden

Following the vicar's sermon on service three weeks ago, one person has shown some interest in serving at the altar. If you too have been encouraged to think about your contribution to the work of the church, can I invite you to come and sit quietly in the choir stalls one Sunday morning (with no obligation/browsers welcome) and watch at close hand what is involved. The time involvement can be as little as you wish (once a month/once every two months?) at either 8.30 or 10.00am. Supporting the clergy in this way can be very rewarding. Please give it some thought and prayer. Clive Barnes

Can you help? We need people to provide cakes - either home made or shop bought - for Sunday mornings. If you can help, please give your details to Tracy Dearnley after the service.

The winner of the QUIZ FOR JUNE: Colours was Sarah Mayland.

Thank you all for looking after me so wonderfully in the Parish Office over the last seven years. I will miss you terribly, but I will be now be able to get more involved in church life, so I will definitely see you around! Jane x

Keep up to date by visiting our website

Like us on facebook - St Cuthbert Lytham

Two open events being held at Fosbrooke House

Coffee morning, this Wednesday, 29th June, from 10.00am. We look forward to meeting visitors on the occasion of our coffee morning. Do come along to support this event and to share in real fellowship. There will be stalls with a variety of items – cakes, gifts, chutneys, etc. There will also be handmade cards, the work of the Fosbrooke Craft Group.

This year, we are supporting Macular Degeneration, the largest cause of sight loss in the developed world. We must remember the many who are affected by this central eye disease.

Everyone will be made welcome by the Fosbrooke residents and staff.

Quiet Day, Tuesday 12th July, 10.00am-4.00pm.

We look forward to a day of quiet and a sharing of time together with our friends from local parishes. I am sure that there are those in our local churches who will be pleased to find a quiet space, even for just a few hours.

The Shepherd – The Sheep – The Sheep Dog ….. led by Sr Lucy Clare

10.00am First address – ‘In the wrong hands’

10.40am Coffee available

11.00am Awareness walk around the garden (or using Labyrinth)

12 noon Meditation

12.30pm Lunchtime sandwiches in the library

2.00pm Second address – ‘Available for all things’

3.00pm Time to share how the day has been

3.45pm Tea and cakes in the lounge

Refreshments, sandwiches for lunchtime and cakes for afternoon tea, also coffee/tea, etc., will be provided. The suggested donation is £6.00, proceeds to be given to Trinity Hospice, Blackpool. R.S.V.P. to reserve your place/s, call 01253 667004. Christine Endall

The Parish Office opening hours are now: Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 12noon. If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically every Friday, please email your details to or download from our websites News page.

Our calendar can also be found on our website on our What’s On page

For notices and future contributions to the pewsheet, the monthly magazine or website please contact the Parish Office on (01253) 736488 or email

Lytham St Cuthbert is a charity registered in England and Wales

| Charity Registration No. 1143673

Registered Office:- St Cuthberts Church, Church Road, Lytham St. Annes, FY8 4EZ