Unit 7 Chapter 10

The Roaring Twenties

Skeleton Notes

Adjusting to Peace 1919-1921 Post World War I

  • Isolationism –
  • The Red Scare
  • Palmer Raids
  • Sacco & Vanzetti
  • Nativism
  • Racism & Ku Klux Klan

Three Republican Presidents – Laissez Faire

  • Policies to protect Business
  • High Protective Tariffs
  • Lowering Taxes on Wealthy
  • Regulating Lax on Anti-Trust Acts
  • Warren G. Harding – 1921-1923
  • Return to Normalcy
  • Ohio Gang
  • Calvin Coolidge – 1923-1929
  • Silent Cal
  • Pro-business Laissez Faire
  • Herbert Hoover – 1929-1933
  • Rugged Individualism
  • Big Business/Small Government

Factors that caused Prosperity of the 1920’s

  • Rise of Automobile
  • Henry Ford – Model T
  • Rise of New Industries
  • House Appliances
  • Glenn Curtiss
  • Assembly Line – Product Efficacy
  • Mass Consumption
  • Buying on Credit
  • Speculation Boom
  • Uneven Prosperity

Conflict of Cultural Values

  • Prohibition
  • 18th and 21st Amendments
  • Speakeasies
  • Frances Willard
  • Temperance Movement
  • Rise of Gangstas
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial
  • Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
  • Religion v. Science
  • John Scope - Tennessee Science Teacher
  • William Jennings Bryan v. Clarence Darrow
  • Immigration Restrictions
  • Immigration Acts of the 20’s
  • Eugenics
  • Charles Davenport
  • Social Darwinism

Emergence of New Values

  • Women’s Roles
  • Flappers
  • Sigmund Freud
  • Tin Pan Alley
  • Vaudeville Shows
  • Sheet Music/New York City
  • Youth & Lost Generation
  • Sinclair Lewis
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Famous Books of 20’s
  • The Great Migration
  • Significant Cities
  • Harlem
  • The Harlem Renaissance
  • Impact on Black Community
  • Langston Hughes/Alain Locke/Countee Cullen
  • Zora Neale Hurston
  • Marcus Garvey
  • Black Nationalism/Back to Africa Movement
  • Popular Heroes – Jack Dempsey/Babe Ruth/Spirit of St. Louis/ Charles Lindbergh/Pole Sitting