1.  Personal Data

a.  Name: Abbas Musa Yagoub Musa

b.  Date & Place of Birth: Jan 1st 1963 Kasala

c.  Nationality: Sudanese

d.  Religion: Muslem

e.  Marital status: Married with five children

2.  Present Address: Sudan University of Science and Technology

College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology

Postal Address: P.O. Box 72 Eastern Daims- Khartoum- Sudan

3.  Education: Sunni Higher Secondary School Wad Medani

4.  Qualifications:

a-  B. Sc Geophysics (Very good) May 1988 - Faculty of Science Cairo University, Egypt.

b-  M.Sc. Geophysics (Seismic)- November 2000 - College of Engineering- Sudan University of Science and Technology,


“Seismic investigation of depositional sequences in the Southern Sudanese Red Sea”

c-  PhD, Geophysics -Seismic Stratigraphy- June 2005, College of Natural Resources and Information - University of Petroleum - China

5.  Thesis Title: Seismic Stratigraphy Study Heglig East – Sudan).

6.  Area of Interest:

Seismic data processing and interpretation.

Seismic Stratigraphy, Modeling and inversion, and hydrocarbon indicators.

Well logging Techniques and interpretation.

7.  Professional Experience:

• Associate Professor in Sudan University of Science and Technology, Department of Petroleum Exploration Engineering December 2011- to present

• Assistant Professor in Sudan University of Science and Technology, Department of Petroleum Exploration Engineering –August 2005 – December 2011.

• Lecturer in Sudan University of Science and Technology, Petroleum Dept -2000-2005.

• Teaching Assistant in Sudan University of Science and Technology, Petroleum Dept 1994-2000.

8.  Teaching Experience: Teaching the following undergraduate courses:

1-Seismic refraction methods

2-Seismic reflection methods

3-Seismic data interpretation

4-Seismic data analysis and processing

5-Well logging techniques application and interpretation

6-Seismic stratigraphy application and interpretation

Computer Literacy:

• Familiar with: Excel, Microsoft Word, Access, and Power Point.

• Familiar with winSism 10 Seismic Refraction Processing Software.

• Familiar with Geoframe Software fundamentals course.

• Familiar with Geoframe Software basic IESX interpretation course.

·  Familiar with Geoframe Software seismic data loading using IESX.

• Familiar with Seis2D-3D Seismic Interpretation (CPS-3 Basic Mapping, Faulting, Volumetric, Model editor).

Computer Programming Languages and Applications:

1. Programming using Matlab language with GUI.

2. Programming using Visual Basic programming environment.

9.  Supervision of Post-graduate Students:

Supervising postgraduate research student

a-  Sudan University of Science and Technology

College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology- Department of Petroleum Exploration Engineering

10.  Research Projects:

11.  Administrative Experience:

May 2005- December 2006 - Head Department of Petroleum Engineering

December 2006- January 2010- Head department of Petroleum Exploration Engineering

2010 - to present- Deputy Dean, College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology - Sudan University of Science and Technology

•  Director of assessment and accreditation committee of the college.

I have been a BM of the following colleges since 2005 to present

•  College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology - Sudan University of Science and Technology

•  College of Engineering - Sudan University of Science and Technology.

•  College of Water and Environments Engineering - Sudan University of Science and Technology.

•  Senate of Sudan University of Science and Technology

•  Central examinations committee- Sudan University of Science and Technology

12.  Memberships:

•  Sudanese Association of Petroleum Geoscientists (SAPEG).

•  Sudanese Geological Union.

13.  Extra Curricular Activities: Supervisor of field trips:

•  May-June 1995 (45 days) B.Sc. students to Heglig and unity fields.

•  July-August 1998 (30 days) supervising B.Sc. students during to Heglig fields and Abu Gabra Refinery.

•  April 2006 (7 days) B.Sc. students and during their scientific field trips to Gabil Awlia area.

•  April 2007 (7 days) supervising B.Sc. students during their scientific field trips to Sapaloka area.

14.  Publications:

1. Abbas Musa Yagoub: Preliminary sequences stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of Tokar Delta (Southern Sudanese Red Sea). Qatar University science Journal. University of Qatar 2007.27:85-98.

2. Abbas Musa Yagoub: Structural and Stratigraphical Significance of Reservoir in Heglig Field (Sudan) Journal of Science and Technology. Sudan University of Science and Technology Vol.11 no 2 march 2010. p 200-215.

3. Abbas Musa Yagoub: Construction of sea level change chart: Journal of oil and gas Ministry of Energy and Mining (Issue No 11-Nonvember 2006).

4. Mohammed, A.H. Dahab1[(], Abbas M. Yagoub2 and Abdelhakam E. M3:

Geoelectric investigation of groundwater potential in khor Abu Habil drainage basin (accepted November 2011 by Journal of Science and Technology).

  1. Seminars, Conferences, & Symposia:

•  Chairman of cession of presentation of the 1st conference 2008 (SAPEG).

•  Chairman of cession of presentation of the 3rd conference 2010 (SAPEG).

Professional Training: Skills in all windows environment, windows applications, and internet technology.

a-  March 1-25, 1996: Teaching Techniques and Evaluating Procedures, Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Technology and Human Resources. By Dr Abdrahman Abdalla

b-  June 1-30, 1997: Pascal Language- Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Engineering

c-  August 1998: Seismic data processing and interpretation techniques, OPEA, Ministry of Energy and mining. By Prof. Hamind N. Alsady

d-  Feb4-July30 2007: Geoframe fundamentals and Basic lesx interpretation and course seismic data loading. Schlumberger company

e-  July 16-21/2011: Seismic survey, Acquisition, Processing and Quality Control, Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology.

f-  June 12-23 2011: Advanced training course in Management Development and Capacity Building (Sudan University of Science and Technology, University staff development Centre).

16.  Referees:

•  Dr. Rashid Ahmed M. Hussein

Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology.

•  Dr. Abd Alhakam E. Mohammad

Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology.

•  Dr. Abd Rahman I. Mustafa

Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Petroleum Engineering and Technology.

