Press Release

MWR InfoSecurity raises growth capital from Environmental Technologies Fund

Second-round investment to drive further expansionfollowing strong business performance

Basingstoke (UK), 23rdFebruary 2016: MWR InfoSecurity, aresearch-led cyber security consultancy, has received a second round of investment from Environmental Technologies Fund. MWR continues its strong growth and expansion, including the opening of a New York office earlier this month.

Speaking about how the investment will benefit MWR, its CEO, Ian Shaw, explains, “With this round of funding we can not only continue our global expansion, but also our investment in award winning research that tests technological capabilities and explores its possibilities.In a rapidly changing technology landscape, innovation is essential.Our ambition to push boundaries not only sets us apart and keeps us motivated,but ensures our technology and services remain relevant.”

Ian continues, “Understanding not only how something works, but more importantly how it can be broken, gives us insight to the hackers’ mindset, so security defences can be improved to thwart their attacks. We’re delighted that Environmental Technologies Fund continues to recognise MWR’s strong growth potential, and its willingness to support our work through this investment.”

Rob Genieser, partner at Environmental Technologies Fund, said: “We are very excited to see the strong progress of MWR, which has grown to be a global leader since our initial investment. We are particularly encouragedby their efforts to build out solutions that address the needs of the green economy, securing vital assets in electricity generation, storage and distribution, mass transit and connected cars. In additionMWR continues to provide exceptional value to its core customers in key areas such as finance and telecoms.”

Fabrice Bienfait, partner at ETF, commented.“Cyber security is increasingly on the minds of senior, C-level executives, and MWR continues to strengthen its relationships with leading customers. In particular, the Company’s newly-launched managed service, Countercept, has been a great success, combining human intelligence with cutting-edge software to properly detect and respond to cyber attacks. This approach has proven incredibly effective on the client networks it has been deployed on, leading to strong demand from other enterprises who wish to benefit from the assurance and reduction in cyber risk that the service provides.”

Today, MWR services its global client base from seven offices in five countries – UK, Singapore, US, South Africa and UAE. In July 2015 it launched Countercept – a fully managed attack detection service, which has since experienced exceptional growth securing new clients both in the UK and Singapore. The company continues to invest heavily in its research and development, which has seen MWR able to further extend its APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) detection with new capabilities, and was confirmed one of 15 new members added to Tech City UK’s Future Fifty programme at the end of last year.

The company raised first round funding from Environmental Technologies Fund in June 2014.

To find out more about MWR InfoSecurity, Countercept and its research, visit


About MWR InfoSecurity

Established in 2003, MWR is an independent cyber security consultancy with research at the heart of what we do

We provide specialist advice and solutions in all areas of security, from professional and managed services, through to developing commercial and open source security tools. We focus on working with clients to develop and deliver security programs, tailored to meet the needs of each individual organization. For further information see:

About Environmental Technologies Fund

Environmental Technologies Fund is a leading growth capital investment fund investing in some of the most exciting growth companies in Europe. Environmental Technologies Fund supports companies whose products and services deliver a significant environmental and economic benefit.

The team is backed by leading institutional investors and has a great deal of experience gathered over decades of working in growth capital and with environmental companies. For further information see:

Environmental Technologies Fund 2 L.P. is supported by the European Union through the ‘Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme’ (CIP).

Press Contact:

Dulcie McLerie

Eskenzi PR

Tel: +44 (0)20 7 1 832 837
