JCSA meeting minutes for November 12, 2013Page 1 of 2

Meeting Minutes

JeffersonCounty Sportsman's Association

November 12, 2013

President Jerry Charvatcalled the regular membership meeting of the

Jefferson County Sportsmen’s Association to order at 7:00 p.m. November 12, 2013 in the clubhouse.

Officers presentwere: President Jerry Charvat, Treasurer John Minor, Secretary John Ebner, and Sgt-at-arms Dale White..

The minutes of the October 29, 2013 meeting were read and corrected to read “or as needed” where the Cowboy Action shooting schedule was read as the third Saturday of each month..

Treasurers Report: John Minor reported we have a bank balance of $34,652.00.

Committee Reports:

Pistol: Doug Villers reported that Action Pistol is OK.

Environmental Stewardship: John Ebner reported the first wave of shot-count surveys is complete and the numbers are being tallied. The next survey will be in March and April of 2014.

Police Liaison: John Crooks reported the incident involving the PTPD had been corrected.


Weed abatement project: Levi invited Ed to take a look at the propane torch method of killing weeds as opposed to the use of chemical sprays.

Officer insurance: John Minor reported there is no info yet about the insurance for the officers

By-laws change: Rudy Prael presented a motion to change Section 6 of Article IV having to do with officers’ eligibility. He moved that members in good standing shall reside within 75 miles of the current location of the club. The motion was seconded and some discussion ensued. Since the premise was to allow for talented persons who might reside as far away as Port Angeles or Sequim who may wish to become an officer, should not be excluded just because they don’t reside in JeffersonCounty. After more discussion, John Minor moved to amend the motion to eliminate section 6 and replace it with “The officers shall be members in good standing of the Jefferson County Sportsmen’s Association.” The original maker agreed to the amendment and John Minor’s wording was seconded and passed as a resolution to change the by-laws. The process now goes to the membership in the form of a written ballot to be sent with the 4th qtr. newsletter and dues renewal forms in early December 2013.

Ballots to be counted must be returned to the Association post office box not later than December 31, 2013. Others will be collected but not counted.

Officer Nominations: In accordance with the by-laws, officer nominations were opened and candidates were nominated as follows:

President: Dale White

Vice president: Don McNees

Secretary: John Ebner

Treasurer: John Minor

Sgt-at-arms: Rudy Prael

Rangemaster: Doug Villers

After the President asked the membership three times if there were any more nominations for each of the offices, a motion was made that since there was only one nominee for each office, that the nominees should be elected by acclamation as provided in the by-laws. The motion was seconded and passed. The new officers will take their positions at the January 28, 2014 meeting.

Trench at base of rifle berm needs filling. Doug Villers volunteered to get a bid on how much it would cost to refill the trench that was dug in front of the rifle berm earlier in the year. He mentioned it seems to be a safety hazard for those working around the target stands and will present a problem when we prepare to mine the lead out of the berm.

No further business appearing: the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

John C. Ebner
