Allied Health Programs

AH 63 - Maternal-Neonatal/Medical Surgical Nursing

Weekly Schedule

Fall 2001

Instructor:Barbara Arredondo, MS, RN, PHN

Office: Health Occupations Building

Phone: (408) 848-4841; Pager: 408 932-9131


Fax: (408) 848-4769

Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday – 2-3 PM

Wednesday & Thursday – 9:30 – 11:30 AM

Classroom:Health Occupations Building - Theory Hours – W-Th 1:10 – 4:00 PM

Days/Hours:Clinical – M/T – 6:30 AM – 2:00 PM (MCH)

Clinical – M/T – 2:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Med/Surg)

Dates:August 20, 2001 – December 22, 2001

Prerequisites:Successful completion of AH 61 and AH 62 or equivalent. Equivalency determined by written and performance exams.


Texts:Curren & Munday, Dimensional Analysis for Meds, W.I. Publishing, 2nd Ed. 1998

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, Lilley/Aucker. Mosby, 2nd Ed. 1999

Maternal-Child Nursing, McKenny, Ashwill, Murray, Ames, Gorrie, Droske. Saunders, 1st Ed. 2000

Linton, Matteson, & Maebius, Introductory Nursing Care of Adults,

Mosby, 2nd Ed. 2000.

BVN Nurse Practice Act. (Order form included in Packet.)

Course Description:Course contains two components to provide theoretical and clinical experience in medical-surgical and maternal-neonatal nursing. Content includes care of clients with disorders of the circulatory, urinary and reproductive systems, normal pregnancy and birth, common or major complications, care of the normal newborn and neonate with special problems. Related pharmacology is included.

Course Objectives:Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

1)Use the nursing process in the care of patients with common medical-surgical disorders and conditions.

2)Identify the ethical and legal role of the vocational nurse in caring for the complex medical-surgical patient.

3)Formulate and participate in health education and discharge planning using available resources within the hospital and community.

4)Describe preventative measures applicable to medical-surgical disorders.

5)Use the nursing process to help meet needs related to normal pregnancy, birth and

postpartum as well as the care of the neonate.

6) Utilize the nursing process to help meet needs related to abnormal conditions involving childbirth in both stable and complex situations.

7)Exhibit the communication skills necessary to interact with patients, their families, and health professionals.

8)Participate in basic health teaching related to prenatal and postpartum care.

9)Relate ethical and legal aspects of the role of the vocational nurse in relation

to the maternal-child health setting in the hospital and community.

10)Demonstrate an understanding of the necessity of the maternal-child health

nursing field and its relationship to the normal cycle of life.

11)Exhibit through nursing care an increasing respect for the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of the individual.

Course Requirements per the Gavilan College Nursing Student Handbook.

Clinical Requirements per the Gavilan College Nursing Student Handbook.

Clinical Rotations Assignment:

1)Maternal-Infant Nursing

The students will be expected to complete each rotation within obstetrics.

Leaving the clinical setting in hospital scrubs can be grounds for discipline and/or dismissal.

2)MCH and Med/Surgical Care Plan assignments will be on-line. Due dates TBA.

Expected Outcomes:

1)Each student will successfully complete the written exams with a grade greater than 70% (make-up exams by arrangement with instructor).

2)Complete weekly reading assignments, *Caregiver, Caretaker Report due 9/4/01.

3)“Pop” quizzes may be given before lectures begin. Quiz material will be from the assigned readings for that day or from assigned IBM software.

4)Scheduled quizzes will be given after the scheduled lectures for that day.

5)Complete the oral/written community resource assignment.

6)Adhere to the policies presented in the Gavilan College Nursing Student Handbook.

7)Consistently demonstrate competency (85% or greater correct) on clinical math calculations.

8)Adhere to individual instructor's clinical policies.

9)Late assignments will receive half credit.

10)Complete the assigned computer software within the week the material is assigned.

11) Any necessary make-ups for missed clinical or theory is to be completed prior to finals week.

Grades:A= 93-100%

A- = 90-92 %

B+ = 87-89%

B= 83-86%

B- = 80-82%

C+= 77-79%

C = 70-76%

D = 60-69% (not passing)

F= 59% or less

Remember: The Math Final must be passed with 85% to pass course.

Must pass clinical, have a grade of "C" or better, and demonstrate proficiency in medication calculation with a minimum of 85% correct to pass AH 63.

Attendance:Per the Gavilan College Nursing Student Handbook

Work Experience:Check with your advisor/counselor if you have a job related to your major to sign

up for AH 190 Occupational Work Experience. (If you have a job not related to your major, consider General Work Experience – CWE 190).

Student Honesty Policy Reference Statement:

“Students are expected to exercise academic honesty and integrity. Violations such as cheating and plagiarism will result in disciplinary action which may include recommendation for dismissal.”

ADA Accommodation Statement:

“Students requiring special services or arrangements because of hearing, visual, or other disability should contact their instructor, counselor, advisor, or the Disabled Student Services Office.”

Occupational/Vocational Statement:

“Occupational/Vocational Students - Limited English language skills will not be a barrier to admittance to and participation in Vocational Education Programs.”

Please help keep Gavilan College a liter free campus and preserve its park-like setting. Thank you.


Allied Health Programs

Student Objectives: AH 43 Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Clinical

Upon completion of the AH 63 Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Clinical Lab, the student will be able to:

1.Admit a mother to the LDR Suite.

2.Time uterine contractions.

3.Monitor fetal heart rate.

4.Apply external fetal monitor to the patient in labor.

5.Provide nursing measures to assist in pain control during and after labor.

6.Participate in set-up of the delivery table.

7.Assist the physician/midwife during the delivery of an infant.

8.Assess impending signs of postpartum complications: uterine rupture, amniotic fluid embolism, hemorrhage, and infection.

9.Perform a fundus check and a check for bladder distention.

10.Employ nursing measures to provide episiotomy care.

11.Assess patient for breast engorgement, perineal infection and lochial flow.

12.Assist caesarean delivery patient in ambulation .

13.Employ nursing measures to assist patient in returning to normal elimination habits.

14.Demonstrate nursing measures to assist for the patient experiencing emotional problems during postpartum: grief, postpartum “blues,” and postpartum psychosis.

15.Perform patient education during the postpartum period.

16.Assess the body systems of the newborn.

17.Demonstrate care of the normal newborn: proper hold, feeding, bathing, and dressing.

18.Demonstrate proper procedure for admitting a newborn to the nursery.

19.Perform NB admission per protocol.

20.Suction a newborn with a bulb syringe.

21.Administer a vitamin K injection, eye prophylaxis.

22.Assist mothers with breast feeding.

23.Assist in the care of the newborn requiring intensive treatment.

24.Assist MD with preparing NB for a circumcision.

Upon completion of the maternal-neonatal component of this course the student will be able to:

1-1Discuss the leading cause of maternal mortality.

1-2Identify the major causes of infant mortality in the United States.

1-3List the ten health goals established by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

2-1Explain the role of hormones in the menstruation cycle.

2-2Identify the common problems associated with the menstrual cycle and their effect on the woman’s ability to conceive.

2-3Discuss the male parent’s contribution to the initial creation of a child.

2-4Explain how the sex of an offspring is determined.

2-5Describe the mechanism of fertilization and implementation.

2-6Explain the development of the placenta and the amniotic sac.

2-7Discuss the commonly used methods of fetal evaluation.

2-8List the presumptive signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

2-9Identify the probable signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

2-10Describe the positive signs of pregnancy.

2-11Discuss the goals of prenatal care.

2-12Explain how the delivery date is determined.

2-13Discuss the importance of proper nutritional guidance during pregnancy, especially for pregnant teens.

2-14Describe the effects of smoking, alcohol, and other drugs upon the unborn infant.

2-15Identify community education resources in this area for pregnant women.

2-16Discuss cross cultural components influencing maternity care.

2-17Describe minor complications of pregnancy.

2-18Discuss major complications associated with pregnancy.

2-19Identify hemorrhagic complications associated with pregnancy.

2-20Define pregnancy induced hypertension and its complications.

3-1Describe the pelvic landmarks of the inlet and outlet of the female pelvis.

3-2Identify the four types of pelvis.

3-3Discuss the four methods of pelvic measurement.

3-4Describe the structures of the external genitalia.

3-5Define lie and presentation in relation to fetal position.

3-6Discuss position of the fetus in relation to the pelvic quadrants on the mother.

3-7Discuss various presentations and positions.

3-8Compare the various measurements of station and engagement.

3-9Describe effacement and dilation in relation to labor.

3-10Describe the signs and symptoms which usually precede the onset of true labor.

3-11Identify the stages of labor.

3-12Discuss the admission procedures for the patient in labor.

3-13Discuss emergency admission procedures for the obstetrical patient.

3-14List commonly used methods for fetal heart rate evaluation.

3-15Describe the physical and psychological characteristics of Stage 1 of labor.

3-16Describe the physical and psychological characteristics of Stage 2 of labor.

3-17Describe the physical and psychological characteristics of Stage 3 of labor.

3-18Describe the physical and psychological characteristics of Stage 4 of labor.

3-19Describe common methods to evaluate progress of labor.

3-20Describe intensified labor: its characteristics and care.

3-21List the steps in preparation of the LDR.

3-22Discuss positioning of the patient for delivery.

3-23Describe draping techniques.

3-24Discuss the use of forceps/vacuum extractor.

3-25Discuss the purpose of the episiotomy.

3-26Discuss alternative childbirth arrangements.

3-27Explain five special situations that may occur during childbirth and their labor delivery consequence.

3-28Identify the most common causes for caesarian birth in the United States.

3-29Discuss three complications in multiple birth.

3-30Discuss the use of oxytocics during labor.

3-31Describe common analgesics used during the first and second stages of labor.

3-32Identify common anesthetics used during the first, second and third stages of labor.

3-33Describe rupture of the uterus and its emergency treatment.

3-34Explain amniotic fluid embolism and its complications.

3-35Discuss complications of cord prolapse.

3-36Identify common complications of premature labor and birth.

4-1Identify the necessary nursing observations for the patient in postpartum recovery.

4-2Discuss the importance of monitoring the postpartum patient’s emotional status.

4-3Explain the importance of perineal care during the postpartum period.

4-4Describe postpartum complications, lacerations, hemorrhaging, and infection.

4-5Describe breast care procedures for the postpartum patient.

4-6Identify educational resources for the new mother in the surrounding community.

4-7Discuss special considerations and care for the post-caesarean patient.

4-8Identify three community resources for the grieving mother.

4-9Describe signs and symptoms of puerperal infection.

4-10Discuss commonly used methods of contraception.

4-11Discuss abortion and its complication regarding physical and psychological well-being.

4-12Identify various methods of sterilization.

4-13Discuss genetic counseling and its application.

5-1Describe the general appearance of the normal newborn infant.

5-2Identify Apgar evaluation of the newborn infant and its significance.

5-3Discuss methods to assess the newborn’s body systems.

5-4Identify the universal needs of the newborn.

5-5List steps in an admission bath.

5-6Describe nourishment needs of the newborn.

5-7Compare advantages of breast-feeding vs. formula-feeding in the newborn.

5-8Discuss circumcision and popular beliefs regarding the procedure.

5-9Describe the special needs of the premature infant.

5-10Identify common brain injuries of the newborns.

5-11Discuss the main objectives of neonatal intensive care units.

5-12Describe procedures for maintenance of body temperature for neonates.

5-13Discuss neonate drug addiction and fetal alcohol syndrome.

5-14Describe special considerations for infants born to diabetic mothers.

5-15Describe physical characteristics of the postmature infant and necessary nursing care.

Student Performance Objectives: AH 63 Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical

Upon completion of the AH 63 Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical Lab, the student will be able to:

1-1Describe the normal electrical conduction through the heart.

1-2Identify four cardiac arrhythmias and their effect on cardiac output.

1-3demonstrate the preparation of patients for cardiac

1-4Compare nursing assessment and interventions indicated for a patient with acute pulmonary edema with those indicated for a patient with congestive heart failure.

1-5Compare the nursing assessment and interventions indicated for a patient with angina pectoris with those indicated for a patient convalescing from a myocardial infarction.

1-6Describe those items that should be included in a patient education program on hypertension.

1-7Identify nursing assessment and interventions related to the postoperative care of a patient with a vein ligation and stripping.

1-8Describe nursing responsibilities related to preoperative and postoperative phases for a patient undergoing cardiac surgery.

1-9Describe educational measures for the cardiac patient.

2-1Define polycythemia, infectious mononucleosis, and leukemia.

2-2Describe five diagnostic tests for blood disorders.

2-3Compare pathophysiology, nursing assessment and intervention between iron-deficiency, pernicious, sickle cell, and aplastic anemias.

2-4Discuss the significance of leukocytosis and leukopenia as indicators of illness.

2-5Define the major aspects of nursing intervention for the patient with leukemia.

2-6Discuss the etiology, manifestations, and nursing intervention in caring for patients with hemorrhagic disorders.

2-7Describe two routes of medication administration used in cardiovascular disease.

3-1Differentiate between routine, sterile, and “clean-catch” urine specimens.

3-2Discuss the purpose and nursing responsibilities related to the common diagnostic tests and procedures performed on the urine, kidneys, ureters, and bladder.

3-3Discuss the prevention of and observation for side effects of diuretic therapy.

3-4Describe the assessment and nursing intervention of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.

3-5Differentiate nephrosis and glomerulonephritis.

3-6Identify methods of preventing complications and renal damage in the patient with an infection of the urinary tract.

3-7Discuss the nursing intervention for the patient with urinary calculi and methods of preventing their formation.

3-8Compare and contrast the nursing assessment and intervention for patient with acute and chronic renal failure.

3-9Explain the purpose of dialysis and differentiate between peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis.

3-10Describe the pre- and postoperative nursing care for the patient with a ureterosigmoidostomy.

3-11Describe the pre- and postoperative nursing care for the patient with a cutaneous ureterostomy.

3-12Describe the pre- and postoperative nursing care for the patient with an ileal conduit.

3-13Identify the nursing responsibilities related to dressings, drains, and urinary drainage tubes following surgery on the urinary tract.

3-14Discuss the psychosocial aspects of caring for the patient with a disorder involving the urinary system.

3-15Describe three routes of medication administration used in the treatment of disease of the urinary tract.

4-1Discuss the theories relating prostaglandins and progesterone to dysmenorrhea.

4-2Identify those symptoms of menopause that are relieved by treatment with supplementary estrogen therapy.

4-3Identify the purpose and nursing responsibilities for the following diagnostic tests: Papanicolaou smear, Schiller’s test, breast examination, and Rubin’s test.

4-4Contrast the treatment of vaginitis caused by the trichomonas organism with that caused by Candida albicans.

4-5Discuss two types of medications administered vaginally.

4-6Identify the indications for vulvectomy.

4-7Discuss the effect of a radical vulvectomy on the patient’s ability to have coitus.

4-8Compare and contrast the postoperative intervention for the patient having an abdominal hysterectomy with that of the patient having a vaginal hysterectomy.

4-9Discuss the effects of hysterectomy on the patient’s sexual identity and activity.

4-10Discuss the psychologic and physiologic care of the mastectomy patient and identify the role of the “Reach to Recovery” visitor.

4-11Discuss methods of breast reconstruction following mastectomy.

4-12Discuss three causes of spontaneous abortion.

4-13Describe three methods of induced abortion.

4-14Discuss the psychologic aspect of caring for the patient who elects to terminate pregnancy by legally induced abortion.

4-15Identify the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.

4-16Describe the operative procedure and discuss the preoperative and postoperative intervention for the following methods of prostatectomy: transurethral, suprapubic, perineal, and retropubic.

4-17Identify two procedures for prostatectomy that may result in incontinence, impotence, or sterility.

4-18Discuss two types of drug therapy used with prostate disease.

4-19Discuss the impact of pelvic exenteration on the patient’s feeling of self-worth.

Name ______


Allied Health Programs

AH 63 Fall

ESSAY (One Page)

Caregiver, Caretaker - Summers, Caryn, RN

Please answer the following questions. Each area is worth 5 points/20 possible. They must be all inclusive or no points will be given. All of the questions can be answered from information in this book. No hand written papers will be accepted. Please spell check your work.

Topic Area: Chemical Dependency

(5 pts)1.Discuss in your own words the severity of this problem facing nurses today as described in the text.

(5 pts)2.Discuss the profile of the impaired nurse as outlined in the text.

(5 pts)3.List the causes of addiction (occupational factors).

(5 pts)4.List three of the six objectives of the California Diversion Program.

Due Date: September 4, 2001




Students will be grouped in pairs to prepare a 30 minute presentation (15 minutes each) from a field trip to a randomly chosen community resource. Also included in this assignment will be to answer the following questions from information obtained during your visit to the agency. Please include a one-page typed handout that covers the following questions. Be prepared to bring a copy for everyone in class.

Please call well in advance to the agency, make an appointment to interview someone who is familiar with the specific program assigned. Follow-up your interview with a written thank you note, then photocopy it and attached it to assignment turned in to me.


Name of the service/group

Date of the interview

Time of the interview

Person interviewed

1.What is the general purpose and/or philosophy of the agency?

2.What clientele are served? (i.e., teens, women, etc.)

3.What, if any, are the costs of the services rendered? Would these services be covered by private insurance, Medicare or Medical?

4.What are the credential/training requirements of the staff?

5.Is there 24 hour access to this service/agency?