Personification Poem – Criteria for Success

Author ______Emotion ______Date ______Per: _____

Your final draft includes…

Area / Self-Eval
Meets ()
Not Yet (NY) / Comments / Peer-Eval
Meets ()
Not Yet (NY) / Comments
a.  Word Choice that creates a mood and images in the reader’s mind.
b.  Personification of an emotion. / Emotion:
c.  Figurative language (beside personification). / FL types used:
d.  Evidence that time was spent working on Word Choice. / Evidence:
e.  Lines that begin in a variety of ways.
f.  Clauses, phrases, opening adverbs and adjectives, & prepositional phrases.
g.  Evidence that time was spent working on Sentence Fluency. / Evidence:
h.  Examples of three or more Revision Strategies from the Writing Handbook. / List Strategies used:
i.  Voice that reveals the human spirit.
j.  Evidence that time was spent working on Voice. / Evidence:
k.  A beginning.
l.  A middle.
m. An end.
n.  Transitions. / List some:
o.  Punctuation used purposefully.
p.  A creative title. / Title:
q.  Typed (or other for effect).
r.  An original “character” picture.
s.  One page, front only, in length.

Personification Poem – Evaluation

Author ______Emotion ______Date ______Per: _____

Attributes / Exceed
5 / Met
4 / Developing
3 / Not Yet
2 / Not Present 0
Word Choice
·  Word choice created a mood (feeling) in the audience and created a picture in the reader’s mind of the character and situation (imagery).
·  Powerful, stunning verbs & unique phrasing.
·  Author used figurative language, including personification.
·  Everyday language used in original ways.
·  Every word carries its own weight.
·  Words capture what is hard to express.
Sentence (Line) Fluency
·  Lines began in a variety of ways.
·  Writer used clauses, phrases, opening adverbs and adjectives, prepositional phrases in poem.
·  Easy to read with inflection that brings out voice.
·  Lyrical-dances along like a script, poem, or song.
·  Stunning variety in style, length.
·  Fragments effective, dialogue authentic/dramatic/performable.
·  Makes reader want to say, “Listen to this.”
·  As individual as fingerprints.
·  Begs to read aloud-reader can’t wait to share it.
·  Uses voice as tool to enhance meaning.
·  Passionate, vibrant, electric, compelling.
·  Reveals the human spirit.
·  Three or more Revision Strategies were evident and used well.
·  Lines and stanzas used to make meaning clear.
·  Organization (beginning, middle, end, + transitions) aided in understanding the writer’s ideas.
·  Typed (or similarly crafted) for effect.
·  Original, student-created, “character” art included.
·  One page (front only) in length.
·  Catches the eye (can’t not look at it).
·  Formatting reinforces or adds to meaning.
Purpose – overall effectiveness
·  Writer used word choice, fluency, voice, and form to create a character (physically and personality wise) that represented an emotion.
·  Writer created a moment-in-time with his or her character that illustrated the emotion.
