1. Name Pankaj Soral


K.V. No. 1 Army


2. Class V

3. Subject EVS

4. Title of the Project NATURAL CALAMITIES (video1) (video2)

5. Expected Learning Outcomes

a) To acquaint The students with natural disasters and calamities

b) To develop sense of awareness through activities before calamity, during

caletmity and after calamity.

c) To Learn more about flood, earth quake and drought.

d) To learn about disaster management.

e) To participate in the relief activities to the best of their ability during

natural calamities and also take suitable measures to safeguard


6. Content Area

a) Iv1eaningof Calamity.

b) Classification of calamities as man made or natural.

c) Observation of various calamities through pictures and multimedia.

d) Identification of various calamities.

e) More about flood, flood, prone areas in India, Rescue operations during


1) How can we control flood ?

g) Earthquake, its causes & eifect.

h) Earthquake prone areas in the map of India.

i) Working of a seismograph.

j) Various other disasters and their management.

7.1 Underlined Concepts of the Project

a) TTT (Tool, Technique, Target)

b) FFF (Fun, Freedom, Finding)

c) RRR (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse)

8. Activities of the Project

a) Observation of various kinds of calamities (to develop observation skill)

b) Identify natural and man made calamities (to develop identification skill)

c) Role play, dramatization of the scene before, during and after a calamity

(to develop participation in group activity)

d) to collect information from magazines news papers, T.V., radio and find

the cause of these calamities and (to develop the reasoning discover facts


e) to make m9d~rs of check dams, dams etc. '''-.

9. USE of Information Technology.

a) Effective use of Multimedia.

b) Video clipping by the use of video cutter software. "-

c) Various pictures, sound effects by using gold wave software.

d) Use of Encarta Encyclopedia, Britanica. Encyclopedia and other

related searches from Google Search engine site.

e) Effective use of broadband connectivity in the school.

g) Use of video grapy and photography.

h) 3DMAX, Adobe package, sound forge, Photoshop and other

software were used for making effective presentation,

i) For better presentation various colours were used.

j) Various others important lesson plans were also hyperlinked along

with this project.

10. Statistical Analysis

a) Pre and post tests were conducted and scores achieved were tabulated

after each phase of research work.

b) The concept under study is not above the head of the class V standard

children because each child in the experimental group learned the

Concept thoroughly and scored more than 80% of value points in

different competencies.

c) Comparative results of STUDENT'S T-TEST for given degree of

freedom at 0.05 level of significance shows the validity of adopted

methodology in all the phases of research study.

d) For effective lean1ing not only the sufficient knowledge of the concept is

essential but the way of transaction is also very essential, it is clear from

the difference of achievement between the experimental and control


e) Learning by doing experimentation or activities with help of self learning

low cost no cost improvised teaching learning Aids and effective use of

multimedia and information Technology are two strong pillars of this

voluminous research work statistical results support validity of above


f) Through this integrated methodology performance index in different

competencies in different phases of study also increased.

g) BAR DIAGRAMS showed excellent over all performance in the post


11. Educational Implications


IN SCHOOL) programme. Of NCERT.


programme of NCERT.

iii) To establish conductive learning environment in class.

iv) It was observed in the present study that use of Information Technology

has appealed and attracted the students to. a high degree. Thus learning

can be made more interesting and exciting ·

12. References

i) National Policy letter on education 1986, New Delhi Ministry of HRD.

Goven1111entof India.

ii) NCF - 2005

iii) Use of behavior principles of educational software by L.Poppen and R.


iv) The use of Animation with instruction and feedback in fractions software

for children Disseliation Abstracts international by D.M. Wilcox.

v) Statistical Analysis in educational Research IBA Publication New Delhi.

vi) Ray, William, S (1960) "An introduction to experimental design. The

Machmjll~n s,ompany Newyork.

vii) Romiszowki A.I. (1986) Developing Auto instructional material

Newyork, Koganpage London Nicchols publishing.

viii) Gupta HO (July 2000) A constructivist enquiry Learning model for

science education, Indian education Review NCERT New Delhi Vol36

Number - 2 Page 5 to 16.

ix) Measurement and evaluation of educational Achievement by Dr.

M.P. Chhaya. First Edition 2003. Alpha Publication New Delhi.

The following two teachers have won in the Microsoft Regional Innovative Teachers Conference held at Hanoi, Vietnam:

Pamela Chauhan, KV, JNU Campus, New Delhi

Harminder Kaur Suri, KV No. 1, Ambala Cantt