Animals and habitats: Walking in the Jungle

Activities / Materials / Language
Rules for good looking/listening/sitting
Sit in semi-circle /
  • Good looking card
  • Good listening card
  • Good sitting card
  • Where and Who Makaton signs, if known
  • Good looking
  • Good listening
  • Good sitting

Hello Song
Pass the teddy to the child while saying the name
Sing hello song
Ask “who” the child is going to choose next /
  • Teddy
  • Words of song
  • Names of children and teachers
  • “How are you today?”
  • “I’m good” “I’m fine thanks”

What is this?
Each child chooses an animal (hide the animals while they choose) / Animal photos, puppets, or figures (bear, wolf, lion, snake, whale, crocodile) to match characters from the book “Walking in the Jungle” /
  • What is this?
  • Use signs for animals to reinforce words

Where is this? Who lives there?
One at a time, choose a habitat, revealing slowly.
Children say which animal lives there (matching with the book!) / Photos of the different habitats in “Walking in the Jungle” by Julie Lacombe (desert, mountains, jungle, ocean, ice, river) /
  • “Look! Where is this? It’s the _____ !”
  • “Which animal lives in the ____ ?”
  • “Is it the ____ ? No! Is it the ___?” Etc.

Match animal and habitat
Randomly choose a habitat and put it a few paces away from the children. Again, ask which animal lives there. The child with appropriate animal takes it to the habitat, leaves it there and comes back. /
  • Help children to walk to habitat.
  • Extension possibility: have all the children make the sound of that animal while it’s being carried.

Goodbye Song
Now it’s time to say goodbye (tune of Mulberry Bush)
Say goodbye to each object – child pops it in the bag when they hear their object /
  • Bag
  • Goodbye object