/ British Council Pakistan seeks proposals from institutions and organisations for design and delivery of elementary level investigation and prosecution skills for the Anti-Corruption Establishment, Government of Sindh, Pakistan

British Council Pakistan seeks proposals from institutions and organisations for design and delivery of elementary level investigation and prosecution skills for the Anti-Corruption Establishment, Government of Sindh, Pakistan -

Terms of Reference for Technical Assistance

Government authorities in Pakistan wish to reduce corruption within the public sector and have identified some 50 public bodies they wish to improve with the introduction of anti-corruption training for staff and to improve the awareness of the issue and its consequences in the eyes of senior management. Corruption is considered widespread in Pakistan, particularly in public officials, civil servants and the lower levels of police. In 2015, Pakistan was positioned at number 117 out of 167 countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)[1]. CPI scores for Pakistan have improved slowly but steadily over the years. However much is to be done to reduce levels of actual and perceived corruption.

British Council has partnered with the Anti-Corruption Establishment- Government of Sindh, Pakistan to provide technical support in capacity building of investigation officers on investigation and prosecution skills in Pakistan. This will include a brief training needs assessment and the design and delivery of a training course of investigation and prosecution skills.


This consultancy is aimed at conducting a brief needs assessment exercise, and design and deliver a training programme on investigation and prosecution skills suited to the local context.

The consultant will develop in consultation with the British Council and the Anti-Corruption Establishment – Government of Sindh a detailed work plan with timelines including:

·  Review of research on best practices in investigative and prosecution skills training in contexts similar to Pakistan

·  Carry out a brief training needs assessment virtually (over phone, email and / or videoconferencing) with the relevant stakeholders

·  Design a training course suited to the local context in consultation with the British Council

·  Develop schedules and timelines for course delivery in agreement with the British Council

·  Travel to Pakistan and deliver the training. Two days pre-training will be reserved for observation and conversation on ground and any required adjustment of content based on the on ground context.

·  Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the programme through questionnaire evaluation from participants immediately after the course and design evaluation tools for trainees and their managers for post training evaluation at a later date.

Expected outputs and timeframes

1.  Organisation will be required to submit a proposed programme according to the above mentioned requirements

2.  The proposal should include a timeline for each activity including needs assessment, course design (or customization of existing courses) and training delivery.

3.  The training should be delivered by end of March 2017.

Expressions of interest

Interested organisations/ institutions can apply by 24 January 2017 by submitting an up-to-date profile of the organisation, technical and financial proposal and covering letter, stating how they meet the criteria required for this TA work to Nida Dossa, Consultant Higher Education and Skills, British Council Pakistan at .

[1] http://www.transparency.org/cpi2015