European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management


1. Eligible beneficiaries

A scholar who receives an Erasmus Mundus scholarship within the MA LLL consortiummust be enrolled in either Third-Country institutions or in European institutions.

Regarding this, please confirm the EU Commission’s definition of third-country (Article 2, 10) and European (Article 2, 9)

Link to the original document:

2. Personal data

  • Copy of passport and 1 passport-sized photos must be enclosed. The photograph should be provided in a separate envelope with the applicant’s name on it.

3. Academic history of visiting scholar

  • Scholars applying must enclose certified copies of degrees (if these documentsare not in English, you must attach an official English translation).
  • Scholars applying must enclose a curriculum vitae.
  • Scholars applying must enclose a record of publications.
  • Scholars applying must enclose at least 2 letters of recommendation (references).

4.Career plan for visiting scholar

  • Scholars must provide brief statements demonstrating their motivation for applying to the MA LLL.

5. Theme for visiting scholar

  • Scholars applying must enclose a detailed description of planned activities, which should not exceed 5 pages.
  • Scholars should demonstrate clear research specialism relevant to the MA LLL programme as well as ability and willingness to contribute to lectures and seminars and to participate in the life of the institution(s).
  • For a complete module description of the European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management, please go to

6. Preferred higher education institution in Europe and in Third-Country

  • For further information about the 4 partner universities, please go to the websites of:

The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University:

Institute of Education, University of London:

University of Deusto:

7. language skills

  • Scholars applying must provide details of foreign language skills.
  • Scholars applying should demonstrate a high level of competence in English.

8. Previous/current academic work experience

  • Scholars applying must provide details of academic work experience achieved.

9. Referees (3 required) – name, position, address, phone and email

  • Scholars applying must provide at least two letters from two different academic referees, individually enclosed in envelopes, sealed and signed across the back flap of the envelope by the referee.

Selection result

All grantees will be contacted directly via email as soon as the European Commission has given the MA LLL Consortium Office final approval of the selection results.

Further information

For further information, applicants should contact the MA LLL Consortium Office at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, att.: Lise Hansen:
