Chief Executive and Corporate Resources Department, PO Box 300, Revenue Services,
Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 0DS
TEL: 01454 868003 FAX : 01454 868420
Single Persons Discount Form
A discount of 25%can only be applied if one person aged 18 or over lives in a property as their normal home.
However, you may still qualify for a discount if you live with someone who is disregarded for Council Tax purposes such as a full time student. Please visit our website for more information.
A discount cannot be granted if the person who normally lives with you, is working away from home on a temporary basis, is a member of the armed forces or is away on holiday for any period.
If you are no longer the only resident you must tell this office straight away.
- Council tax discounts are not granted permanently. We will contact you from time to time to check that you still qualify.
- It is important that you return these letters when they are sent to you, otherwise your discount could be cancelled and your bill increased.
Please use a black pen and capital letters when completing this form
Full name of Council tax payer
Address of property
Billing number
What date do you wish to claim Single Persons Discount from?
Names of persons who have left the property (please include their forwarding addresses)
Date they left the property (if different to above)
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given on this form is true and complete.
SignaturePrint name
If you have any queries regarding this form you can:
- Contact us on the above telephone number
- Write to us at the address given.
- Visit one of our One Stop Shops addresses below:
Thornbury One Stop Shop, The Library, St Marys Street, Thornbury
Kingswood One Stop Shop, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood
Yate One Stop Shop, West Walk, Yate.
The Patchway Hub, Rodway Road, Patchway