Economics – Mrs. Andrews

Final Exam Study Guide

Please review the following power points – if you do not have one, they are all uploaded on my website

1.  The Study of Economics

2.  Economic Systems

3.  Globalization

4.  Understanding Demand

5.  Understanding Supply

6.  GDP

7.  The Origins of Money

Review: Completed study guide for extra credit

1.  Economics definition

2.  What scarcity is why it is created

3.  Why unlimited wants create scarcity

4.  Wants v Needs

5.  Factors of production

6.  Opportunity Cost

7.  Cost Benefit Analysis

8.  Difference between Free Enterprise and Socialism

9.  Difference of and the characteristics of the different economic systems – market, command and mixed (refer to handout)

10.  Theory of Adam Smith and self-interest

11.  Belief of Karl Marx and the value of produced goods

12.  The three basic economic questions

13.  Globalization defined

14.  First era of globalization

15.  Return of globalization in the 20th century

16.  Costs of globalization

17.  Demand defined

18.  Law of demand

19.  Needs to be present in order for demand to exist

20.  Substitution effect

21.  Income effect

22.  Demand curve shifts resulting from increase or decrease of demand

23.  Causes of shifts in the demand curve

24.  Supply defined

25.  Law of supply

26.  Difference between elastic and inelastic

27.  Factors affecting elasticity

28.  Marginal production of labor

29.  Negative marginal returns

30.  Diminishing marginal returns

31.  Fixed v variable costs

32.  Effects of rising costs

33.  GDP defined

34.  % of GDP produced for household consumption

35.  Functions of money

36.  Components of M1 & M2

37.  Why transaction costs are higher in a barter economy

38.  Why credit cards are not money

39.  What does it mean that the Fed is a central bank

40.  Responsibilities of the Fed

41.  Banks use excess reserves to create loans