Version 5.4 Updated 04/02/2005 08:40


IntroductionPage 2

Data Delivery TimetablePage 2

BARB Reporting CyclePage 3

Reporting DaysPage 3

File ProductionPage 4

Version ControlPage 5


This file gives the current Data Delivery Timetable and also describes the full BARB reporting cycle.

Data Delivery Timetable

All filenames start with Byyyymmdd, where yyyymmdd indicates the date of transmission of the data contained in the file. File suffixes are given below.

File / Suffix / Time / Frequency
Overnight 5 minute IBTs / .O05 or .05O / 09:30 / Daily
Panel Viewing File / .PVF / 09:35 / Daily
Sample Sum of Weights / .SSW / 09:35 / Daily
Live IBTs / .Lxx or .xxL / 10:30 / Daily
Consolidated IBTs / .Cxx or .xxC / 11:30 / Daily
Consolidated Spots / .SPC / 11:40 / Daily
Commercial Event TX / .CET / 11:40 / Daily
Consolidated Breaks / .BRK / 11:45-12:45@ / Daily
Programmes / .PRG / 10:00 / Daily (Saturday – Tuesday)
Wednesday (3 days files)
Programme Events TX / .PET / 1000 / Daily (Saturday – Tuesday)
Wednesday (3 days files)
Promotion & Sponsorship Events / .PSP / 1000 / Daily (Saturday – Tuesday)
Wednesday (3 days files)
Universes / .UNI / 15:30 / Monthly
Rate Factors / .FAC / 15:30 / As required
2 Week Spot Amendments / .SP2 & .CE2 / 19:15 * / Daily
2 Week Break Amendments / .BR2 / 19:15 * / Daily
6 Week Spot Amendments / .SP6 & .CE6 / 19:15 * / Daily
6 week Break Amendments / .BR6 / 19:15 * / Daily
6 Week Programme Amendments / .PR6 & .PE6 / 21:30 * / Daily
6 Week Promotion & Sponsorship Amendments / .PS6 / 21:30 * / Daily
Live Spots / .SPL / 21:30 * / Daily
PAS Master File / .PMF / # / Weekly
LifeStyle Insight & Updates / .APC / # / Quarterly

* Files are placed on ftp when processing is completed, time given is approximate.

# as received
@ Breaks file may be delivered late on occasion due to the extended processing time necessary when a large number of breaks cross the 02:00 am threshold. Normal delivery time will move to 11:45.

BARB Reporting Cycle

The Polling Day runs from 2:00 am to 1:59 am the following day, polling taking place between 2:00 am and 6:00 am. All time-based files (one, five & fifteen minute impacts) are based on the Polling Day. (i.e. from 02:00 – 25:59). Event based data (Commercial Spots, Commercial Breaks and Programmes) will continue to be based on the BARB Reporting Day (i.e. from 06:00 – 29:59).

Reporting Days

The examples below follow the life of viewing sessions for a given Monday, from polling through to reporting. The diagram below shows the period being reported.

Real Time / Real Day / BARB Day / BARB Time / BARB Day /


/ Spots, Breaks, Programmes
12.00-12:59 / Monday
02.00-02:59 / Monday / 02.00-02:59
03.00-03:59 / 03.00-03:59
04.00-04:59 / 04.00-04:59
05.00-05:59 / 05.00-05:59
06.00-06:59 / 06.00-06:59 / Monday / 06:00-06:59
07.00-07:59 / 07.00-07:59 / 07:00-07:59
08.00-08:59 / 08.00-08:59 / 08:00-08:59
09.00-09:59 / 09.00-09:59 / 09:00-09:59
10.00-10:59 / 10.00-10:59 / 10:00-10:59
11.00-11:59 / 11.00-11:59 / 11:00-11:59
12.00-12:59 / 12.00-12:59 / 12:00-12:59
01.00-01:59 / 13.00-13:59 / 13:00-13:59
02.00-02:59 / 14.00-14:59 / 14:00-14:59
03.00-03:59 / 15.00-15:59 / 15:00-15:59
04.00-04:59 / 16.00-16:59 / 16:00-16:59
05.00-05:59 / 17.00-17:59 / 17:00-17:59
06.00-06:59 / 18.00-18:59 / 18:00-18:59
07.00-07:59 / 19.00-19:59 / 19:00-19:59
08.00-08:59 / 20.00-20:59 / 20:00-20:59
09.00-09:59 / 21.00-21:59 / 21:00-21:59
10.00-10:59 / 22.00-22:59 / 22:00-22:59
11.00-11:59 / 23.00-23:59 / 23:00-23:59
12:00-12:59 / Tuesday / 24.00-24:59 / 24:00-24:59
01:00-01:59 / 25:00-25:59 / 25:00-25:59
02:00-02:59 / Tuesday / 02:00-02:59 / 26:00-26:59
03.00-03:59 / Etc / 27:00-27:59
04.00-04:59 / 28:00-28:59
05.00-05:59 / 29:00-29:59
06.00-06:59 / Tuesday / 06:00-06:59
07.00-07:59 / Etc
File Production

Taking a Monday as Day 1, the Reporting Cycle is as shown below.

Note that files are produced Daily rather than Weekly from January 2002 and that “overnight” files will be 5 minutes rather than 15. With the exception of Programme Files, all files issued daily. Programme files are daily files, but are issued a week at a time (i.e. 7 files)

Database 1 files are shown in Italic, database 2 in bold.

Day / Time / File(s) / Comment
Monday (Day 1) / Viewing takes place
Tuesday (Day 2) / 2:00 – 6:00 / Polling takes place
Tuesday (Day 2) / 09:30. / Overnights / 5-minute audiences for all channels, for 15 audiences. Live data from 02:00 to 25:59. 2 formats, time slot by audience & audience by timeslot.
Tuesday (Day 2) / 09:35 / Panel Viewing File;
Sample Sum of Weights / “Live” Viewing statements for Day 1 between 2:00 and 25:59. Time shift viewing as it occurs.
Tuesday (Day 2) / 10:30 / Impact by Time Files
1 minute, 5 minute or 15 minute intervals. / Live data from 02:00 to 25:59. 2 formats time slot by audience or audience by timeslot. All channels for 71 audiences. Customisable on request.
(Day 4) / 21:30 / Commercial Spots File; / Live data from 6:00 to 29:59. Obviously dependant on Logs being received on schedule.
Tuesday (Day 2) through Monday (Day 8) / Panel Viewing File;
Sample Sum of Weights / Time shift viewing as it occurs
Monday (Day 8)
/ 11:30 / Impact by Time Files
1 minute, 5 minute or 15 minute intervals / Consolidated data from 02:00 to 25:59. 2 formats time slot by audience or audience by timeslot. All channels for 71 audiences. Customisable on request
(Day 9) / 11:40 / Commercial Spots;
/ Consolidated data from
06:00 to 29:59.
(Day 9) / 11:45
-12:45 / Commercial Breaks;
/ Consolidated data from
06:00 to 29:59.
Saturday (Day 13) / 10:00 / Programme File. / Live & Consolidated data from
06:00 to 25:59
Saturday (Day 13) / 15:00 / Promotion & sponsorship Events File. / Live & Consolidated data from
06:00 to 25:59
Version Control

Below is a list of changes to the Specification Document

Version / Date / Description of Change
1.0 / 09/04/2001 / First Agreed Version
3.0 / 03/08/2001 / Re-issue
4.0 / 15/10/2001 / Re-issue – proposed issue times for PVF & Live Spots reversed
4.1 / 06/03/2003 / Replacement, including Data Delivery Timetable
4.2 / 22/09/2003 / Data Delivery Timetable updated
5.0 / 12/02/2004 / Re-issue
5.1 / 17/03/2004 / Data Delivery Times updated
5.2 / 08/10/2004 / Data Delivery Times updated, Sponsorship file detail added
5.3 / 04/02/2005 / Data Delivery times updated for Programme based files
5.4 / 01/07/2005 / General revision

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