Accessions List

Seeley Historical Library

December 2016

Andrews, David M.

International monetary power.

Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2006.

Classmark: HG230.3 .I577 2006

Angell, Norman.

Peace theories and the Balkan war.

London: H. Marshall & son., 1912.

Classmark: JX1952 .A75 1912

Ash, Rhiannon, Mossman, Judith and Titchener, Frances B.

Fame and infamy: essays for Christopher Pelling on characterization in Greek and Roman biography and


First edition.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Classmark: D56 .F364 2015

Barreyre, Nicolas, Heale, Michael, Tuck, Stephen and Vidal, Cécile.

Historians across borders: writing American history in a global age.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014.

Classmark: E175 .H66 2014

Beckert, Sven.

Empire of cotton: a new history of global capitalism.

London: Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books, 2014.

Classmark: HD9870.5 .B43 2014

Bengio, Ofra.

Kurdish awakening: nation building in a fragmented homeland.

First edition.

Austin: University of Texas Press, 2014.

Classmark: DS59.K86 K85433 2014

Benjamin, Walter.

Reflections: essays, aphorisms, autobiographical writings.

New York: Schocken Books, 2007.

Classmark: PT2603.E455 A26 2007

Berglund, Bruce R. & Porter-Szűcs, Brian.

Christianity and modernity in Eastern Europe.

Budapest: Central European University Press, 2010.

Classmark: BR738.6 .C47 2010

Bermeo, Nancy & Yashar, Deborah J.

Parties, movements and democracy in the developing world.

New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

Classmark: JF60 .P383 2016

Bourdieu, Pierre.

On the state: lectures at the Collège de France, 1989-1992.

Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014.

Classmark: JA76 .B673413 2014

Brewer, John.

Sinews of power: war and the English state, 1688-1783.

London: Unwin Hyman, 1989.

Classmark: 13.17.1038

Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe: Legal Resources Foundation, 1997.

Breaking the silence: building true peace: a report on the disturbances in Matabeleland and the Midlands, 1980 to 1988.

Harare: Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe: Legal Resources Foundation, 1997.

Classmark: HN802 .Z9 V5 1997

Chernin, Kim.

Womansize: the tyranny of slenderness.

London: Women's Press, 1983.

Classmark: RM222.2 .C47 1983

Cuadernos hispanoamericanos.

Madrid: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, 1948.

Classmark: LIT. 575

Debarbieux, Bernard & Rudaz, Gilles.

Mountain: a political history from the Enlightenment to the present.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.

Classmark: GT3490 .D4313 2015

Doumanis, Nicholas.

Oxford handbook of European history, 1914-1945.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Classmark: D424 .O946 2016

Dunne, Tim & Flockhart, Trine.

Liberal world orders.

Oxford: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013.

Classmark: JC574 .L5186 2013

Eichengreen, Barry J.

Hall of mirrors: the Great Depression, the great recession, and the uses-and misuses-of history.

New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Classmark: HB3717 1929 .E37 2015

Elliott, J. H.

History in the making.

New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012.

Classmark: DP63 .E35 2012

Entessar, Nader.

Kurdish politics in the Middle East.

Rev. ed.

Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010.

Classmark: DS59.K86 E585 2010

Faroghi, Suraiya.

Cultural history of the Ottomans: the imperial elite and its artefacts.

London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. 2016.

Classmark: NS956.101 .F37 2016

Fitz, Caitlin.

Our sister republics: the United States in an age of American revolutions.

First edition.

New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2016.

Classmark: F1418 .F58 2016

Ford, Worthington Chauncey.

Isle of Pines, 1668: an essay in bibliography.

Charleston: BiblioBazaar, 2008.

Classmark: Z6017 .N5 2008

Fukuyama, Francis.

Origins of political order: from prehuman times to the French Revolution.

London: Profile, 2012.

Classmark: JC11 .F85 2011

Gamble, Andrew.

Can the welfare state survive?

Malden, MA: Polity, 2016.

Classmark: JC479 .G36 2016

Giauque, Jeffrey Glen.

Grand designs and visions of unity: the Atlantic powers and the reorganization of Western Europe, 1955-1963.

Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002.

Classmark: D843 .G4478 2002

Gopal, Niraja Jayal & Mehta, Bhanu.

Oxford companion to politics in India.

New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Classmark: JQ231 .O86 2011

Gschwend, Annemarie Jordan & Lowe, K.J.P.

Global city: on the streets of Renaissance Lisbon.

London: Paul Holberton Publishing, 2015.

Classmark: NX563.L5 G56 2015

Hearder, Harry.

Italy in the age of the Risorgimento, 1790-1870.

London: Routledge, 2016.

Classmark: DG467 .L67 2016

Hunt, Margaret R.

English East India Company at the height of Mughal expansion: a soldier's diary of the 1689 Siege of Bombay with related documents.

Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, A Macmillan Education Imprint, 2016.

Classmark: DS465 .E54 2016

Ittmann, Karl, Cordell, Dennis D. & Maddox, Gregory H.

Demographics of empire: the colonial order and the creation of knowledge.

Athens: Ohio University Press, 2010.

Classmark: HB3661.A3 D439 2010

Kane, Eileen M.

Russian hajj: empire and the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2015.

Classmark: BP187.3 .K266 2015

Kennedy, Hugh.

Caliphate: a Pelican introduction.

London: Pelican, an imprint of Penguin Books, 2016.

Classmark: BP166.9 .K43 2016

Kotkin, Stephen.


New York: Penguin Press, 2014.

Classmark: DK268.S8 K65 2014

Kramer, Matthew H.

Quality of freedom.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Classmark: JC585 .K74 2003

Krieger, Joel.

Reagan, Thatcher, and the politics of decline.

Cambridge: Polity, 1986.

Classmark: E876 .K75 1986

Kurlantzick, Joshua.

State capitalism: how the return of statism is transforming the world.

New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Classmark: HD4420.8 .K87 2016

Kyle, Chris R.

Managing Tudor and Stuart Parliaments: essays in memory of Michael Graves.

Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell for the Parliamentary HistoryYearbook Trust, 2015.

Classmark: DA495 .M36 2015

Lacroix, Justine & Nicolaidis, Kalypso.

European stories: intellectual debates on Europe in national contexts.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Classmark: JN30 .E9147 2010

Leonhard, Jörn & von Hirschhausen, Ulrike.

Comparing empires: encounters and transfers in the long nineteenth century.

Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012.

Classmark: JV61 .C66 2011

Lorcin, Patricia M.E.

Historicizing colonial nostalgia: European women's narratives of Algeria and Kenya 1900-present.

New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Classmark: PL8010 .L68 2012

Nelson, Eric.

Royalist revolution: monarchy and the American founding.

Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2014.

Classmark: JA84.U5 N35 2014

Oliver, Lisi.

Body legal in barbarian law.

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.

Classmark: KJ806 .O43 2011

Packham, Catherine.

Eighteenth-century vitalism: bodies, culture, politics.

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Classmark: PR447 .P33 2012

Pairaudeau, Natasha.

Mobile Citizens: French Indians in Indochina 1858-1954.

Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2016.

Classmark: DS539.I53 P35 2016

Parmeggiani, Giovanni.

Between Thucydides and Polybius: the golden age of Greek historiography.

Cambridge: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2014.

Classmark: DF211 .B48 2014

Poole, Kevin R.

Chronicle of Pseudo-Turpin: Book IV of The Liber Sancti Jacobi (Codex Calixtinus)

New York: Italica Press, 2014.

Classmark: BT685.5 .C64413 2014

Promitzer, Christian, Marius, Sevasti Trubeta, Sevasti, Turda, Marius.

Health, hygiene, and eugenics in southeastern Europe to 1945.

Budapest: Central European University Press, 2011.

Classmark: HQ755.5.B28 H43 2011

Radkau, Joachim.

Wood: a history.

English edition.

Chichester, England; Malden, Massachusetts: Polity, 2012.

Classmark: SD541 .R335 2012

Robin, Corey.

Fear: the history of a political idea.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Classmark: JA74.5 .R48 2004

Rodrik, Dani.

Globalization paradox: why global markets, states, and democracy can't coexist.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Classmark: HF1418.5 .R63 2011

Rogger, Hans.

Russia in the age of modernisation and revolution 1881-1917.

London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2014.

Classmark: DK241 .R63 2014

Ryrie, Alec & Schwanda, Tom.

Puritanism and emotion in the early modern world.

Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

Classmark: BX9333 .P87 2016

Sarkar, Benoy Kumar.

Futurism of young Asia.

Berlin: Springer; 1922.

Classmark: DS35 .S3 1922

Sassen, Saskia.

Expulsions: brutality and complexity in the global economy.

Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014.

Classmark: HM548 .S275 2014

Schabas, William.

Unimaginable atrocities: justice, politics, and rights at the war crimes tribunals.

1st ed.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Classmark: KZ7145 .S33 2012

Schattschneider, E. E.

Party government: American government in action.

New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2004.

Classmark: JK2265 .S35 2004

Schell, Orville & Delury, John.

Wealth and power: China's long march to the twenty-first century.

First edition.

London: Abacus, 2013.

Classmark: DS776 .S34 2013

Scott, Peter & Cavanaugh, William T.

Blackwell companion to political theology.

Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2004.

Classmark: BR115.P7 B634 2004

Shiva, Vandana.

Making peace with the earth.

Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publ, 2013.

Classmark: HC79.E5 S4296 2013

Silverman, David J.

Thundersticks: firearms and the violent transformation of native America.

Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016.

Classmark: E98.W2 S55 2016

Smith, Michael, Keukeleire, Stepan & Vanhoonacker, Sophie.

Diplomatic system of the European Union: evolution, change and challenges.

London: Routledge, 2016.

Classmark: JZ1570 .D56 2016

Smith, Simon C.

Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath.

Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2008.

Classmark: DT137.S55 R43 2008

Spiess, Karl-Heinz & Warntjes, Immo.

Death at court.

Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012.

Classmark: GT3180 .D4283 2012

Steil, Benn.

Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the making of a new world order.

Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2013.

Classmark: HG255 .S837 2013

Strauss, William & Howe, Neil.

Generations: the history of America's future, 1584 to 2069.

1st Quill ed.

New York: Quill, 1991.

Classmark: E179 .S89 1992

Tarule, Robert.

Artisan of Ipswich: craftsmanship and community in colonial New England.

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

Classmark: TT25.I67 T37 2004

Traugott, Mark.

Insurgent barricade.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010.

Classmark: D299 .T68 2010

Villaume, Poul and Westad, Odd Arne.

Perforating the Iron Curtain: European détente, transatlantic relations, and the Cold War, 1965-1985.

Copenhagen, Denmark: Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2010.

Classmark: D849 .P4164 2010

Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N.

Oxford illustrated history of modern China.

First edition.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Classmark: DS754 .O94 2016

Yoshimi, Yoshiaki.

Grassroots fascism: the war experience of the Japanese people.

New York: Columbia University Press, 2015.

Classmark: D811.A2 Y5913 2015