I – Background
At the close of the groundbreaking UNGASS on HIV/AIDS in June 2001, 189 Member States adopted the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. It reflects global consensus on a comprehensive framework to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of halting and beginning to reverse the HIV epidemic by 2015. Recognizing the need for multisectoral action on a range of fronts, the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS addresses global, regional and country-level responses to prevent new HIV infections, expand health care access and mitigate the epidemic’s impact. In 2006 and 2011, Member States of the United Nations renewed these commitments in high level Political Declarations on HIV/AIDS. The “2011 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to Eliminate HIV/AIDS” (General Assembly resolution 65/277) which was unanimously endorsed at the United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS in June 2011 called for a special report to the General Assembly on progress in accordance with global reporting on the Millennium Development Goals at the 2014 review of the Goals. The UN Secretary-General will report to the General Assembly on progress achieved and what it will take to close the gap. Collecting and reporting high-quality results on the AIDS response is an important element of the agenda for shared responsibility and global solidarity.
Under the terms of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, success in the AIDS response is measured by the achievement of concrete, time-bound targets. They call for careful monitoring of progress in implementing agreed-on commitments and require the United Nations Secretary-General to issue progress reports annually. These reports are designed to identify problems and constraints and recommend action to accelerate achievement of the targets. Starting with 2002, a series of core indicators were developed to measure progress in implementing the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. The core indicators were grouped into four broad categories: (i) national commitment and action; (ii) national knowledge and behaviour; (iii) national impact; and (iv) global commitment and action.
The progress over the next five years will determine the impact that is possible to obtain in the subsequent 10 years through 2030. This is new, compelling evidence that we must not ignore. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is calling for new Fast-Track targets, which will enable us to focus on where the results can and need to be achieved: stepping up HIV treatment through 90-90-90 targets (90% of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status, 90% of people living with HIV who know their status on antiretroviral treatment and 90% of people on treatment having suppressed viral loads), and reaching ambitious prevention and stigma reduction targets.
Previously submitted country data and analysis enabled UNAIDS to release three critical reports — the Gap Report, the Fast-Track: Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2030 report and the Cities report. These reports demonstrate just how dramatically was succeeded in bending the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic.
Moldova has reported on its progress under UNGASS starting with the first cycle of the reporting, improving both content-wise and process-wise from one cycle to another. Our country is invited to submit to UNAIDS its monitoring data, HIV estimates and a narrative report for the year 2014. For this, a team of consultants shall be recruited under a Lead National Consultant, to collect, collate, validate and input the data in the online reporting tool at
II - Consultancy Objectives and Expected Results
- Overall Objective:
Data input into the online reporting tool at due regard to consistency checks among available national data and validated indicator values and report writing.
- Specific Objectives:
Data inputinto the online reporting tool at
Consistency checks among available national data and validated indicator values
Report writing
- Data values for all core indicators and additional health sector indicators collected, reconciled and entered into the online reporting tool at
- GARPR report for Moldova
III – Conditions for consultancy
Duration of work: 10 working days throughout March 2016
Management of consultancy: the consultants will work in cooperation with the National HIV/AIDS Programme Coordinator and the UNAIDS Country Office.
Close consultation and collaboration is expected with the MOH, NCC TWGs and the UN JT on HIV/AIDS.
Profile of the consultant
- Competencies:
- Monitoring and Evaluation of AIDS programmes
- Data collection, quality control and validation
- Experience:
- Relevant educational background in public health, sociology, epidemiology or related field;
- Minimum 3 years experience in the field of HIV/AIDS national response and/or HIV/AIDS national M&E system;
- Strong team-work skills;
- Experience of working in unsupervised, ability to work under pressure, prioritise work and use personal initiative;
- Experience in using basic Microsoft Office packages (Word, Excel), using e-mail and internet;
- Experience using platforms as CRIS shall be an asset
- Languages: Romanian and English writing skills