Instructions for installing Opal Rad to a clients workstation:

Step 1: Open Internet Explorer

Step 2: In the address field type,

Step 3: login using the user name and password

Step 4: Click yes after the HIPAA Compliance disclosure comes on

Step 5: Select Cancel to not install the viewer. (This will come later)

Step 6: In the top right corner, click on

Step 7: Select Run

Step 8: Windows might ask you to confirm installation. Say yes.

Step 9: A message will display that OpalRad is installed. Click OK.

Step 10: Select Tools and Internet Options. You can usually find it by clicking on the circular bolt. Sometimes this maybe spelled out as Tools.

Step 11: Internet Options box will display. Click on the Security Tab, then highlight Trusted sites with green check mark. Then click on Sites as illustrated below.

Step 12: Add the trgrad website to list of Trusted Sites. Close Trusted sites. Select OK on Internet options

Step 13: Click on Tools or icon that looks like a bolt or wrench ()within Internet Explorer and select Compatibility Views Settings (each Internet Explorer will have the settings different based on version of Internet Explorer your working with).

Step 14: Select Add to and close.

Step 15: Drag and drop web address to desktop to create a shortcut.

Step 16: Rename the shortcut to MRI Imaging

This completes the setup.

Once logged into the system, some key notes.

  • User can filter by entering specific information to locate the patient in the database. Anything on the top row has filters.
  • This icon will display the report.
  • If you double click on the patient, the referrer will be able to view the patient images.
  • To keep the system running faster, data shows the first 30 days of patient data. To display patients dated later than 30 days. Select Full Scan and select Refresh located at the bottom of the screen. It’s best to place a filter prior to running full scan, so the system doesn’t bring every single patient up creating a slow response time.

The P icon, if highlighted, indicates that the patient has had a prior exam. The other exam will display towards the bottom of the screen to easily locate the exam.

The K icon, if highlighted, indicates that the Radiologist has indicated a key image.