Theories of Personality: PSY 330
Spring 2014
M,W,F: 2:00-2:50
Dr. Ted Powers
Office: Rm. 391 Tel: (508) 910-6906 E-mail:
Office Hours: Mon 3-4, Wed 12-2 and 2-3, Fri 11-12, or by appointment
This course explores fundamental questions about who we are and how we get that way. We will consider various theoretical approaches that address those and other questions, and we will examine some of the empirical research that has attempted to answer them. We will also explore changing ideas and current trends in the field of personality psychology.
Course Objectives:
1. Acquire a basic working knowledge of the major theories of personality
2. Develop the ability to critically appraise the major personality theories
3. Acquire abasic understanding of the primary tools of inquiry and tools of assessment utilized by the personality psychologist
4. Acquire abasic understanding of the major questions and controversies in the area of personality psychology
Course Requirements:
1. Three entirely multiple-choice exams (70 points each)
2. Two writing exercises (see below, total 70 points)
3. In-class activities (5 for total of 25 points, TBD)
4. Attendance and participation in class are also valued, and can be used toward extra credit (15 extra credit points on point total)
Paper 1: 30 points, (2-3 pages) due 2/24/14
Paper 2: 40 points, (4 pages) due 4/28/14
(All late papers will be marked down 3 points per day late)
There are NO MAKE-UP EXAMS; however, there is an OPTIONALCUMULATIVE FINAL EXAM that can be used to replace any one of the other exams. This optional exam can only improve your grade, because I count the best 3/4.
Final grade is calculated by adding your point total and dividing by 305 pts.
Required Reading:
Cervone, D. & Pervin, L. A. (2013). Personality: Theory and Research (12th Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Supplementary: TBA
All course materials, including the syllabus, powerpoints, review sheets, grade posting, and much more can be found by visiting my faculty web page.
You can get to the page from the university homepage in the following manner:
- Under Connections click on Faculty & Staff, then under Faculty Resources click on Faculty & Staff Profiles
- Go to P for “Powers” and click on Powers
- Click on “Courses”
- Click on our course
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to adhere to the University policy on academic honesty, which you will find in the course catalog and on the University website,
Personal Responsibility
By enrolling and remaining in this class after add-drop period, you have agreed to the course policy stated in this document and explained on the first day of class. You are being given ample opportunity to succeed through a dropped test grade, the offer of tutoring, and item analyses for each test. For your part, you are expected to be responsible for your behavior and success in this class by studying, coming prepared to all classes and tests, living up to the University’s academic honesty policy, and being respectful of all class members. Please feel free to contact your professor or teaching assistant if you have any questions or concerns. However, please check this document first, as it answers most policy/grading questions.
No exceptions to the policy explained in this document will be made. Any student who is unable to meet his/her responsibilities in this class or is uncomfortable with the policy is encouraged to drop the course through add/drop or through a withdrawal.
MW 1/27-29 Introduction and Theory C1
FM 1/31-2/3 Method and Assessment C2
WFM 2/5-2/10 Freudian Theory C3
WFTu* 2/12-2/18 Post-Freudian Perspectives C4
WF 2/19-21 Research/Assessment C4
M 2/24 Exam 1
WF 2/26-2/28 Trait Theories C7
MWF 3/3-3/ 7 Traits cont. C8
MWF 3/10-3/14 Biological Perspective C9
MWF 3/24-3/28 Heredity and Evolution C9
MWFM 3/31-4/7 Behavioral Approaches C10
W 4/9 Exam 2
FMW 4/11-4/16 Phenomenological Approaches C5 & 6
FWFMW 4/18-4/30 Social/Cognitive Approaches C11, 12 & 13
F 5/2 Goals, SDT, wrap-up C15
M 5/5 Exam 3
*Tu 2/18 follows a Monday schedule