MINUTESof the Annual General Meeting of Wivenhoe Town Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday 16 May 2016.


Present:The Town Mayor, Cllr. I. Endean (Chairman),

Cllrs: K. Read, N. Lodge, F. Richards, C. Kelly, P. Kraft,

A. Aldis, A. Vaughan, N. Tile, M. Newton, S. Boughton and D. Henley

Borough Cllrs.R. Scott and M. Cory

CountyCllr. J. Young

Mrs. A Stinson (Town Clerk),

Vicky Gayle (Gazette)

Peter Kay, Public Transport Representative

Amanda Smart, Helen Aldis and Mariette Newton.

Prior to commencement of business safety announcements were given.

Before commencing the meeting Cllr. Endean spoke about his year, saying that he had been very privileged and proud to serve Wivenhoe as its Mayor and that it had been a very enjoyable year, adding that he must be the only Mayor to walk over hot coals for charity! He expressed thanks to fellow members and all who had helped and supported him during his year of office, paying especial tribute to the Mayoress, Michelle Osborne, adding that he could not have done it without her. A fantastic amount had been raised which was well distributed at the Annual Town Meeting. He also thanked the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress for their support during his year.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. R. Needham and Borough Cllr. C. Liddy.


RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr. Asa Aldis be elected to serve as Town Mayor for the ensuing year. Cllr. Aldis thanked Members for the honour conferred upon him, signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and assumed the Chair for the balance of the meeting.


The Town Mayor (Cllr. Asa Aldis) Chairman


Cllr. Aldisexpressed the thanks and appreciation of Members to the retiring Mayor, Cllr. Endean, for his very successful yearas Town Mayor and presented him with a bottle of spirits as a gesture of thanks and appreciation from the Town Council. Cllr. Aldis also presented a bottle of wine to the retiring Mayoress, Michelle, who was unable to be present, for all her hard work over the year. A bouquet of flowers was alsogiven to Cllr. Endean for Michelle as a gesture of thanks and appreciation from the Town Council.

Cllr. Aldis then spoke about being very privileged and honoured to take on the role of Town Mayor. Together with his Mayoress, Helen, he would do his best to do a good job for the whole of town.


Cllr. Mike Newton was proposed and seconded and the proposal carried unanimously.

RESOLVED that Cllr. Mike Newton be elected Deputy Town Mayor for the ensuing year.

Cllr. Newton thanked Members for the honour conferred upon him and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


a) Planning Committee:

RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Planning Committee for 2016/2017:

Cllr. A.Vaughan (Chairman)

Cllr. K. Read

Cllr. N. Tile

Cllr. A. Aldis

Cllr. S. Boughton

Cllr. M. Newton

Cllr. F. Richards (substitute)

b) Personnel Committee:

RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Personnel Committee for 2016/2017:

Cllr. P. Kraft

Cllr. A. Vaughan

Cllr. N. Lodge

Cllr. F. Richards (substitute)

Cllr. R. Needham

Cllr. I. Endean

Cllr. M. Newton

c) Finance and Administration Committee:

RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Finance Committee for 2016/2017:

Cllr. N. Lodge (Chairman)

Cllr. P. Kraft

Cllr. A. Aldis

Cllr. I. Endean

Cllr. R. Needham

Cllr. M. Newton

d) Estates Committee:

RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Estates Committee for 2016/2017:

Cllr. A. Aldis

Cllr. C. Kelly

Cllr. F. Richards

Cllr. P. Kraft

Cllr. M. Newton (Chairman)

Cllr. S. Boughton

Sub-Committees of Estates:

Allotments – Cllrs. Kelly and Boughton.

Play Areas and KGV Field –Cllr. Richards with Estates Manager

Cemeteries and Churchyard – Cllrs. Richards, Kraft and Needham.

Cooks Shipyard – Cllrs. Read, Aldis, Tile and Lodge.


Agreed that the composition of Working Parties/Groups be as follows:

a) William Loveless Hall Working Party:

Cllrs: P. Kraft (Chair), F. Richards andC. Kelly.

Co-opted members - Mick Wells, Rosemary Hodge, Albey Stinson and Sid Bayley.

b)Mini-Bus Working Group:

Cllrs: F. Richards (Chair) and M. Newton.

Co-opted members - John Foster, Des McCourt, Len Horner, Jan Richardson, Albey Stinson andthe Town Clerk.

c)Wivenhoe Wood Working Party:

Cllr. K. Readand Cllr. P. Kraft.

d) Youth Facilities Working Party:

Cllrs. F. Richards, K. Read, S. Boughton, A. Vaughan, M. Newton and C. Kelly.

e)Jubilee Gardens Working Group:

Cllrs. A. Vaughan, K. Read, F. Richards, I. Endean and P. Kraft.

f)Police Houses, Offices and Pavilion Working Group:

Cllrs.M. Newton,I. Endean, R. Needham and N. Lodge.

g)Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group:

Cllr. R. Needham with Cllrs. K. Read and N. Lodge.


RESOLVED that the following be appointed as representatives on other bodies:

a)Colchester Association of Local Councils Cllrs. Lodge, Boughton andEndean

b)Civil Protection Cllr. Needham

c) Public Transport Representative Peter Kay with Cllr. Read as liaison

d) Community Safety Group and NW Group Cllr.AldiswithCllr. Kraft as substitute

e) Parish Safety Agent Cllr. S. Boughton

f)Wivenhoe Society Cllr. Needham.

g)Colne Estuary Partnership Cllr. Tile and Cllr. Read
h) Wivenhoe Housing Trust Cllrs. Needham andLodge.

i)Wivenhoe & District Sporting Cllrs. Lodge, Kelly and Read as

Facilities Trust observers.

j) Wivenhoe in Bloom Cllrs. Richards with Cllr. Kraft as


k) Communications Officer Cllr. Needham

Two Committees – Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and the Jubilee Gardens Group would eventually migrate to the Estates Committee.


RESOLVED that the following subscriptions and dues be approved for the ensuing year:

1.EssexAssociation of Local Councils -subscription £930.56 p.a

(which includes contribution to NALC)

2. Colchester Association of Local Councils -subscription £35.00 p.a.

3.Fields in Trust (formerly NPFA)-subscription£35.00 p.a.

4. ICCM – Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium

Management-subscription £90.00 p.a.

5.Society of Local Council Clerks-subscription£120.00 p.a.

6.Eastern ,Essex & Herts Regional Employers Organisation

for Local Authorities (Resource) NJCouncils- subscription £130.00 p.a.

7.N.A.L.C. Direct Information Service-subscription£90.00 p.a.

8. Community Transport Association-subscription £116.60 p.a.

9. Council for Protection of Rural Essex-subscription £36.00 p.a.

10. Rural Community Council of Essex-subscription £50.00 p.a.

11. Friends of Historic Essex-subscription £10.00 p.a.

12. Museums Essex-subscription £30.00 p.a.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meetings of the Town Council held on 18 AprilApril 2016 and of the Town Meeting held on 11 May 2016 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

9. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES. There were no matters arising.


RESOLVED that by virtue of Standing Orders 1 and 4, meetings for the current year will be held at 7.30pm on the third Monday of each month on the following dates:


20 June16 January

18 July20 February

19 September20 March

17 October 17 April

21 November15 May

19 December



a) EssexCounty Council: Cllr. Young congratulating Cllr. Aldis on becoming Town Mayor, wishinghima successfuland happy year and also congratulatedthe outgoing Mayor and Mayoress on a very busy and successful year.Cllr. Young reported that it had been an interesting and challenging year for Wivenhoe. The problem of the bright lights along the Cyclepath looked like being resolved shortly. A forthcoming new project named Community Prototype was being rolled out. This was loosely explained as a DIY project on how communities can run a service themselves. Another new initiative was Intergenerational Housing and Community Asset Mapping.

Cllr. Kraft asked what had happened to the 30mph flashing speed sign along Colchester Road and Cllr. Young would chase this up as well as pressing for Elmstead Road to be resurfaced. Cllr. Read reported that the road planings from Colchester Road had been put to good use to alleviate a better surface on the car park at the Football Club.

b) Borough Council: Cllr. Corycongratulated Cllr. Aldisand Helen on becoming Town Mayor and Mayoress and also congratulated the retiring Mayor and Mayoress on a very successful year. Cllr. Cory also congratulated new Deputy Mayor and Mayoress. Cllr. Cory also thanked Cllr. Henley for his excellent work on the Town Council, stating that he would be missed very much. Cllr. Cory also complimented Peter Kay on his recent award as Transport Representative stating that it was well deserved.

Cllr. Cory said that he would become a Cabinet Member with Portfolio on Colchester Borough’s Finance Committee and would ensure Wivenhoe is kept informed of any finance issues. Concerning the lights along Colchester Road Cllr. Cory added that those lights most affecting a resident had actually been turned off now. Cllr. Cory also reported on the subject of Devolution and handed a Devolution Update document to the Town Clerk for circulation to members. He also stressed his concerns for the implications in centralising statutory powers and the prospect of a Greater Essex Mayor. Concerning the Colchester Big Choice grant Wivenhoe Youth FC had joined with Tempest FC which promised a good relationship and a preferred contractor had been sought for the Philip Road site, which was encouraging news.

In a written report Cllr. Liddy congratulated the outgoing Mayor and Mayoress on a successful year and also conveyed his best wishes to Cllr. Aldis and Helen for a very successful and happy year.

Cllr. Liddy raised a couple of issues concerning the plaque on the damaged bus shelter at Rectory Hill and the Dry Dock marble monument at Cooks, both of which the Town Clerk would deal with.

Cllr. Scott said that she was pleased to be re-elected again and would continue to look into Wivenhoe’s parking problems, road surfacing and repairs. Cllr. Scott congratulated Cllr. Aldis and Helen on becoming Mayor and Mayoress and thanked Cllr. Endean and Michelle for a very good year.

Cllr. Lodge raised an issue concerning a matter which was raised at the Town Meeting and to which Cllr. Scott was present. Cllr. Lodge had invited questions at the Town Council and therefore was disappointed to discover that Cllr. Scott had commented about him via social media, rather than ask a question at the meeting itself.

Members supported Cllr. Lodge on the matter.

c) Public Transport representative: Peter Kay reported on a mound of tarmac which had appeared along the slope to the Station and that two more A4 notices were required for the Flag bus shelter.


13.1 Planning:

a)Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 19 April and 10 May 2016 were received and noted.

b) Health Centre: Nothing further to report on.

13.2 Personnel Committee.

a) A provisional date had been set for 23 May at 7.30pm.

13.3 Finance and Administration.

a) Cllr. Lodge reported that the date of the next meeting would be arranged shortly.


a) The next meeting would be held on 11 July 2016 at 7.30pm.

b) Minutes of the meeting held on 9 May were received and noted.

Cllr. Richards stated that the new slide was now in place and the safety surfacing would be

carried out the next day.

c) Cooks’ Shipyard Working group: Cllr. Read reported that the pontoon was now opened

and being used. The dinghy car park was being used by Vaughan and Blyth for temporary

scaffolding during the construction of Bawley House. A decision had been made that the wet

dock could not accommodate leisure vessels at the moment as it was being well used by the

four commercial fishing vessels. The leisure vessel owners have previously been informed.


14.1 William Loveless Hall Working Party:

a) Date of next meeting2 June2016 at 7.30pm.

14.2Minibus Working Group: Nothing to report.

14.3 Wivenhoe Wood Working Party. The following two requests were considered:

a) Essex Stragglers Orienteering event: To consider a request to run another event in Wivenhoe on July 6th, to take place between 6pm and 8pm in Wivenhoe Woods, Ferry Meadows and one or two roads connecting the two areas. They have applied to Colchester Borough Council for their approval to use of the main part of Wivenhoe Woods.

b) Essex Stragglers Orienteering event: To consider further request for another event on Sunday October 9th that includes Wivenhoe Woods and the University campus. Parking and the event centre will be within the campus grounds.

AGREED that both requests be granted with the usual conditions concerning removal of markers and tapes from the woods.

14.4 Youth Facilities Working Party.

The next meeting had been arranged for 30 May 2016.

14.5Jubilee Gardens Working Group.

Cllr. Aldis reported that an event had been planned for the Queen’s 90th Birthday on 11 June. The Essex Yeomanry Band would be attending and events were being held around the official opening of the JubileeGardens area.

14.6 Cemetery Chapel Museum Working Group. Cllr. Kraft reported that she had planted up the two planters in front of the Chapel in preparation for the opening on 21 May 2016.

14.7 Pavilion, Offices and Police Houses Working Group.

a) Cllr. Newton reported that a meeting was to be held on 19 May 2016 at 3.00pm.

14.8 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

The minutes of the last meeting were on the table for members to read. Cllr. Lodge said that it was important that all members study the material. Cllr. Lodge also wished to thank the volunteers for their efforts so far on this project.

14.9 Members' Individual Proposals or Reports:

a) Cllr. Endean - Mayoral Activities: Cllr. Endean reported on final attendances which were:St George’s Day Parade and Church service in Colchester; Opening of the Wivenhoe to University Cyclepath on 20th April; Queen’s 90th Beacon Lighting on 21 April on the KGV Field; Opening of the Wivenhoe Pontoon on 7 May, a very momentous occasion; Sunday 8 May Brightlingsea’s Blessing of the Waters; 11th May Annual Town Meetingand distribution of Mayor’s Charity Fund at the WLH;

In total Cllr. Endeanhad attended approximately63events during his Mayoral Year and raised a total of over £8,600.

b) Wivenhoe Community Safety and Neighbourhood Watch: Nothing to report.

c) Remembrance Parade: Cllr. Lodge reported on the meeting held at the British Legion on Thursday 12 May 2016. This year was to be a special commemoration of The Somme and more details would follow later. The same format would follow with the Town Council funding the band, the road-closure and the wreaths.


15.1 Burial Grants and approval of memorials.

The Town Clerk reported that one Burial Grant had been issued and one memorial had been approved since the last meeting. One interment of ashes had taken place.

15.2 NALC/EALC Communications:May monthly communications and newsletters

were available in the office for members to read and when possible circulated by email.

15.3 Work Management.

a) General: The Town Clerk reported that site preparation workfor the new slide on the KGV field had been completed with the contractors installing the slide very shortly. Grass cutting had started in all areas and the final works on the pontoon had taken place with the installation of the gates and signs. The number of customers and visitors to the Council Offices for the month of April totalled 325.

16.1 Current Financial Report

a)The April Spending and Income Report was received and noted.

b) 2015/2016 Audit of Accounts: The accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016were approved and signed by the Town Clerk and the Town Mayor.

16.2 List of cheques numbered 504558 -504578drawn since the last Town Council Meeting were approved and signed.

16.3 List of Payments made from the Imprest Account since the last Town Council meeting was received and noted.

16.4Motions Under Standing Orders Recommending Expenditure. None.

16.5 Appeals for Financial Support. None.


17.1 Correspondence. None.

17.2 Conferences/Seminars. None.

17.3 Notices. Members noted the following:

Mayor’s Charity Events:

Fete on the Field, 2 July on KGV Playing Field

Annual Cricket Match, Wednesday 6 July, 6.00pm (provisional)

Mayor’s Ball, 4 March 2017, William Loveless Hall

Civic Events:

Annual Civic Service Sunday 16 October 2016 10.15am

Royal British Legion Remembrance Parade, Sunday 13 November 2.00pm

17.4 Licences.

Members noted that the lease for The Flag PH had been put on the market, which was good news.

17.5 Highway Matters.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.



At the close of the meeting an invitation was extended to those present to join the newly-appointed Town Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr. Asa Aldis and Mrs. HelenAldis to their home for celebratory refreshments.

As it was Cllr. David Henley’s last meeting he thanked every member for all their work. He had enjoyed his four years and stated that he had the utmost respect for the Town Council and if needed he would be willing to assist in future events. Members thanked Cllr. Henley for his kind words, saying that his cheerful disposition would be greatly missed.