Title: Macau
My day started out perfect. I was very excited because my grandma and my grandpa were coming all the way from Mexico. My grandma loves to go shopping, is very funny and happy, is a medical doctor, and usually wears happy colors (she used to wear dark colors, but I convinced her to wear amazing pretty colors that altogether make an artsy design). She used to have curly, brown, short hair, but now she flat irons it. My grandpa accompanies my grandma when she goes shopping, he is very explorative, and is a medical doctor as well. He had and still has a lot of black hair, glasses, and twinkling eyes. They both love to travel everywhere and speak Spanish. I had not seen them in a really, really long time since they were on the other side of the world, and still are. I was so excited thatI felt butterflies fluttering happily in my stomach the days before. In the morning I woke up thinking about my grandparents coming to Macau even though I lived in China, but our first stop was Macau. I had to wait for more than half of the day to see them (which felt like such a long time but is not). Then finally the time came and my family, my sister, mom, dad, and I, were going to pick my grandparents up from the airport (it smelled like smelly people). The airport was all white, and the waiting area was wet since the cleaning people had just cleaned it, and it was not really that loud. (Surprisingly)
We finally saw them which made me feel so excited since I had been waiting for that moment for a really long time.Then we started heading to the taxi stand to get to the correct hotel, and the taxis were green. The taxi stand was a bit dirty even though it was a hotel. There were only like three people in front of my family and I.
As soon as we got into the taxi,which smelled terrible like fish and shrimp, the taxi driver said, “Oh, no more than five people in this taxi, you have to go and take two separate taxis.” Great! This could not get any worse, we are a family and we want to go together, but at that time of the night there were basically no taxis left, and the ones that were, were very small. So on I went into another taxi (which thankfully smelled like fresh air and flowers and was very leathery) with my sister and my grandparents. We took a map just in case we got lost but that probably would not happen, right?
The first sign that we really needed the map was that it showed that it would be like 45 minutes away from the airport, and it had already been an hour. There was some sort of tension since we all felt like something was wrong. The awesome thing was that I was not impatient because my grandparents were there. Then after about an hour and a half we finally got to the hotel. I was thinking about going to sleep since the trip to the airport had even been tiring for me and because I woke up early in the morning thinking about my grandparent’s arrival. I was waiting for my parents for about 5 minutes until I decided to call them. So I did and my mom said, “Where are you, I am already at the hotel, I have been here for a really long time (5 minutes),” I told her that I was already there. My muscles tensed. Uh-Oh. She told me the name of the hotel she was at, and it was different from the one that I was at. I looked at a map that had all of the hotels in Macau, and I found both of the hotels, I realized that we were on different islands. I was so disappointed that I could not go to sleep right away. So we were going to go on a taxi, my sister and I told them the name of the hotel, but he did not understand, the people at the reception could not even understand, was I saying it wrong or did they not understand me since they spoke little English. I called my mom and told her that she would have to pick us up. I was planning on going to sleep early to start my day early showing my grandparents around Macau, but no, the taxi just had to bring us to the wrong hotel.
The next thing you know, I found myself waiting!!! It took them 1 million years to get to the hotel!!! The good thing was that they were finally there and they were in a larger taxi!!! It was so weird how my feelings changed from being nervous and furious, to being super happy and relieved. Yay! My grandparents, parents, sister and I would fit in this one, and we would not get to a different hotel on a different island!!! We got on the taxi waited half an hour and finally we were there. Yes!!!
Then we got to the hotel!! It was really pretty. It was decorated with flowers everywhere and there was a bakery in the hotel which would probably smell delicious in the morning since at that time it was closed. We went into the rooms which I did not observe, (My parents had already gone to the reception) and went to sleep because it was after all midnight. We were dead asleep. GOOD NIGHT!!! (After a really, really, really, long time of being in a taxi) Finally, yes!!!