T.I.E. RHYMES [pair work and group work] File 8
Name: class: date:
I have an idea
teacher, please open the door. Let the class go home.
I want my computer. I want my telephone.
I want to take a shower. I want to change my clothes.
I want to eat lunch and there may be time to doze.
Teacher, oh dear teacher, it is much too hot to teach.
I have a great idea! Let’s ALL go to the beach!
Don’t you understand? Isn’t my meaning clear?
“Class, you can go home now!” are the words I want to hear.
- Put your name on this paper.
- Read the poem.
- Write all the words that rhyme:
4. I agree / don’t agreecircle one with this poem because ______
5. Finish the sentences:
If I go home early today, I will ______.
If I go home early today, I may ______.
If I go home early today, I won’t ______.
If I go home early today, I will be able to ______.
6. Write the verbs below in the past tense:
7. NOW, turn in your paper and go home. HAVE A GOOD DAY!
[Conditional #2]
If I could fly….
Pre-reading vocabulary:
Nouns Verbs
updraftto soarto swirl
wind currentto nestto twirl
skydivingto flitto land
If I could fly, I’d be a plane, soaring through the sky.
I would hit all the updrafts. Even skydiving I would try.
If I could fly, I’d be a bird, nesting in a tree.
I’d build it in the highest branch. I would feel so free.
If I could fly, I’d like to be a lovely butterfly.
I’d flit from flower to flower, ‘cause in a month I’d die.
If I could fly, I’d want to be a kite with a long, long tail
and catch all the currents of the win, as high and low I’d sail.
If I could fly, I’d love to be a feather in the air.
I’d swirl and twirl and spin and dive, never landing anywhere.
Oh, if only I could fly, I wouldn’t have to sit here now in school!
I’d be playing outside with all my friends or swimming in the pool.
Choose one of the above [plane / bird / butterfly / kite / feather] and write a paragraph [70-80 words] about an experience you had one day. Be descriptive, interesting and original. [Continue on the back, if necessary.]
[To be done in groups of four. A different one or two may be given to each group to decide. Then theirs will be
read to the class so that the class can decide before the group answer is given.
Below are a series of poems about REFLECTIONS page one
- My book report is due.* * time to turn it in
There is a test, or maybe two.
The hour is getting late,
but my teachers refuse* to wait. * don’t agree
Tomorrow will soon be today.
I wish all my homework would just go away!
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- I’ve been sitting here since three.
No time for friends, you see.
The clock says it’s nearly ten
as I sit here with my pen
grading* these tests in red * writing the grades
when I’d rather* be in bed. * I want to
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- Why is my son’s homework in front of ME,
While HE is watching T.V.?
He says that his teacher is crazy,
[but I think my son is just lazy!]
Does A plus B equal C?
Is this math or English for me?
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- I am waiting by the door,
but no one pays attention to* me anymore. * looks at
I want to go out and play,
but nobody will look my way.
HE is sitting and watching T.V.
and SHE is doing homework, I see.
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- I came home today at eight,
not at seven, so I was late.
“Help me, PLEASE!” he said.
“Twenty pages must be read.”
He put the book in front of me
CHUTZPAH! Don’t you agree?
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- It’s almost five o’clock.
Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock!
The boss wants all the work done.
Working in this office isn’t fun.
Help! My computer has a bug
and the boss tried to give me a hug!* to put your arms around someone
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
7. The basket is very high.
All I can do is try.
If our team loses the game,
we’ll never be the same.
I know it’s not if you win, but how you play.
But we’d like to win today!
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
8. The small child still wants to play.
“Me sleep?” he says. “No way!”
I’ve already read him seven books.
He just looks and looks and looks.
“Close your eyes and sleep my little friend.”
Will this job never end?
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- I’m a warm and friendly light
after a cold and unlit* night. * no light
Everyone’s smiling now at me
and they all seem to agree
that I’ve made a big change in their day
and they ALL want me to stay.
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- A hat pulled down over my head.
“Give me your money!” is what I said.
“This gun is not a toy.
It can hurt your little boy.
I’ll count to three; you’d better* hurry. * you must
Dead people never worry!”
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- Up and down I go.
Never to and fro.* * from side to side
My doors open and people get in.
Some talk about where they have been.
Some look at the numbers on the wall.
All push: the old, the fat, the tall.
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
- My light is on the blink.* *doesn’t work
Inside me, it’s as black as ink.
But everything is still cold.
I’m only three years old!
I wish they wouldn’t keep opening the door
and looking inside me for more and more.
I think that the speaker is ______because ______
Where is the speaker? ______
How does the speaker feel? ______
What do you think will happen next? ______
For regular 9th. – 10th graders.
The lesson is too long today. I just cannot pay attention.
Don’t blame it on the teacher; it’s MY own lack of retention.
It’s my inability to concentrate. I keep thinking of other things,
like: * [a] boys and clothes and shoes and hats and necklaces and rings.
* [b] soccer and baseball and tennis and of course, the round basketball rings.
* [c] the sweet relief and freedom that summer vacation always brings.
* [d] snitzel and steak and potatoes and Chinese chicken wings.
- The speaker in [a] is ______because ______.
List three adjectives you feel describe this speaker:
[1] ______[2] ______[3] ______
2. I identified with speaker [ ] the most because ______
What three pieces of advice would you give to this speaker?
I would suggest that ______
I would advise him/her to ______
I would recommend that s/he ______
3. In what way is this student [lines 1-3] different from most other students?
4. List three reasons [in order of occurrence] why a student might not pay attention
during a lesson:
[1] ______
[2] ______
[3] ______
5. Paraphrase the following:
[1] lack of retention: ______
[2] inability to concentrate: ______
[3] relief: ______
[4] corridor: ______
6. Tic the appropriate answer below. information
fact assumption not given
1. The lesson was longer than usual.2. The student was aware it wasn’t the teacher’s fault.
3. The teacher was aware of the fact that this particular student wasn’t paying attention.
4. This student evaluated the situation correctly.
5. The other things on the student’s mind were more important
than the subject of the lesson.
6. It is generally difficult for students to concentrate during long
7. If the content-matter is interesting, it doesn’t matter how long
the lesson is.
8. None of the things the student might be thinking about justified
his/her lack of concentration during the lesson!
7. When, why and where were the above sentiments written?
SOMEBODY saw SOMETHING, but NO ONE’s said a word.
SOMEWHERE, SOMEONE knows the truth. This EVERYONE has heard!
Why won’t s/he come forward? Why is s/he silent now?
The police WILL learn the truth. The question now is HOW?
1. Write a descriptive newspaper article [120-130 words] based on the above.
Fill in all your own details, including an eye-catching title.
______ written by ______
2.Exchange papers.
The police have FINALLY learned the truth. Based on the ideas in the poem AND the newspaper article above, write the final draft of your newspaper article.
______ written by ______
I see two dogs and one
This one’s thin and that one’s ______.
This one’s white and that one’s ______.
This is the front and that is the ______.
Lemons are sour and candy is ______.
One foot but two ______.
Morning is finished; it’s almost ______.
In the sky at night, we can see the ______.
It’s now the year 2,000. Last year was ______.
This is your pen and that one is ______.
Open the door so I can come _____.
I have a hand, but a fish has a ______.
This ------} That. These ------} ______.
Fingers on our hands ; ; on our feet ______.
There’s always homework for us to ______.
For him, for her, for me, and for ______.
Last summer my family went abroad. It was the [1] ______vacation ever. We went to the Alps which are [2] ______than most mountain in Europe. There aren’t many [3] ______mountains in Israel. We wanted to go skiing. We thought it would be [4] ______in the Alps than on Mount Hermon in Israel.
How wrong we were! First of all, the weather was [5] ______. It snowed the whole week we were there. People said it was the [6] ______weather for that time of year that they could remember.
That wasn’t all. The hotel rooms weren’t nice. The rooms were [7] ______than boxes. The beds weren’t [8] ______and the mattresses weren’t any [9] ______than the beds. The beds were [10] ______than the floor. The windows were [11] ______than you can imagine! In short, it was the [12] ______looking room I have ever seen.
We left after that week and went to London, where we stayed with friends of my parents. It was great, the [13] ______part of our vacation. Why? Except for the Duty Free Shops in the Airport, it was the [14] ______part of our shopping. Clothes were lots [15] ______than in Israel because of the sales. Things cost me [16] ______than half in London and I got the [17] ______bargains!! We spent 5 days shopping and two days sight-seeing.
What was the weather like? I THINK it was [18] ______at the end of the week than in the beginning. I was so busy shopping that I didn’t pay much attention to the weather. The part I liked the [19] ______about London was the QUIET. People waited in line [they call them ‘queues’] [20] ______than in Israel. All in all, it was a great vacation. By the way, how do you like my new clothes, shoes, backpack, sunglasses, computer games, etc.,etc.
Circle the correct answer:
1. [a] bad[b]worse [c] worst
2. [a] high[b]higher [c] highest
3. [a] high [b]higher [c] highest
4. [a] good[b]better [c] best
5. [a] bad[b] worse [c] worst
6. [a] bad[b] worse [c] worst
7. [a] small[b]smaller [c] smallest
8. [a] comfortable [b] more comfortable [c] most comfortable
9. [a] good[b] better [c] best
10. [a] hard[b]harder [c] hardest
11. [a] dirty[b] dirtier [c] dirtiest
12. [a] sad[b] sadder [c] saddest
13. [a] great[b] greater [c] greatest
14. [a] good[b]better [c] best
15. [a] cheap [b]cheaper [c] cheapest
16. [a] little[b] less [c] least
17. [a] good[b]better [c] best
18. [a] sunny [b]sunnier [c] sunniest
19. [a] little[b] less [c] least
20. [a] patiently[b] more patiently [c] most patiently