Upgrade from Version 5.1


Version 6.0

Please completely read the upgrade instructions before beginning the install.

You should have the following items before starting this process.

Pro:Man version 6.0 upgrade tape (or CD-ROM)

Pro:Man password for version 6.0

Pro:Man diskette labeled ‘Pro:Man Acct version 6.0” (unless you have a CD)

NT version

You should have installed NT server on your host, you should have installed D3, your version 5.1 of Pro:Man, and all of your data. Make sure your D3 services are stopped to begin this process. Make sure that you have done a full file-save of your Pick data prior to starting this process.

Your response to the questions will be in italics for all of the following instructions.

If you have a CD-ROM with your new version, you should

Log into your NT server with administrator privileges.

Using “explorer”, go to your “C” drive and create a new folder called “PROMAN”.

Click on your CD drive (in the left-hand window), and highlight “upgrade5.1” in the right hand window.

Press your right mouse button, and then choose “copy”

Return to the right side of the screen, double click on the “PROMAN” in your “C” drive.

Move your cursor to the right side of the screen, and press your right mouse button.

Choose “paste”.

You should see one file listed on your right side of the screen.

Close “explorer”

Choose “programs” from your start menu.

Choose “D3utilities” from the pop up menu.

Choose “D3devices” from the next pop up window.

A window will pop up displaying “general” “printers” “devices” “pibs”

Choose the “devices” tab

Using your mouse, highlight the “\\psuedo” from the options on the left side of the screen

Using your mouse, highlight the next blank number on the right side of the screen.

Choose “OK” at this point

a new window will pop up, asking for the direction name.

Type “C:\PROMAN\upgrade6_0”

Close this window

Now the balance of the install process should be the same for CD-ROM installations and/or Tape installations.

From “services” start the virtual machine.

Log into D3, and your pro_doc account.

Non – NT Installations

You should load from the type of media that was sent with your installation instructions. There are no special instructions to attach to any special tape device to install without a “CD”.

General Instructions

In the ‘PRO.DOC’ account, do the following, using the ‘DUMP.VER.5.0’ media:

It is imperative that you have run a file-save before you start your upgrade process.

Do a “set-devices”

choose your tape device if you are using a tape

- or -

choose the pseudo device that you created above, if you used a CD-ROM.

Type “T-REW”

Type “T-REW”

Type “T-LOAD MD (O”

Type “LOAD.VER.6.0”

The system will respond by creating and loading several temporary files.

All of the upgrade files, programs, procs, and screens are loaded into temporary files. This is done so that the upgraded files can be compared to the live files to find any modifications that the user may have had done to their system. This is a manual process to be performed by the person doing your upgrade.

There is a separate page to use as a check off list. There are instructions as to how to compare the existing data to the new upgrade data.

Once the compare has been done, and the files prepared, proceed to the next step.

Type “MOVE.VER.6.0”

This process moves the programs, procs, and screens from the 5.1 upgrade files into the live Pro:Man files. It will overlay the upgrade programs over the live versions.

Log into your live Pro:Man account

This phase will create any new data files and update other data files necessary to run the new version. It will also run conversion programs, give the user the option to create new indexes, and finally rebuild any cross-references. You should determine the amount of free space available on you system. This should be the space available to PICK either in your FSI (if NT) or in your data space (in other implementations).

Insert the update diskette provided with your upgrade packet labeled “Pro:Man Acct Version 6.0”

Attach to your floppy diskette drive.

Normally this will be “set-device 0”

Type “T-REW”

Type “T-LOAD MD (O”

Type “UPGRADE.VER.6.0”

The system will respond by doing :

  1. Verifying that you are in your Pro:Man account
  2. Create the applicable new data files. These are all created relatively small and should not require a lot of space.
  3. System will attempt to set the proc pointers to the PAM file. The user will be prompted to update the MD or not. If the user chooses NOT to update the MD, the pointers will be left alone to point to the current files. An error report will be shown for any item pointing to a file other than PAM, regardless of the update flag. It may be wise to run this without updating the MD, and then manually re-run the process again with update flag after reviewing the error report.
  4. System will attempt to set the catalog pointers to the BP file. The user will be prompted to update the MD or not. If the user chooses NOT to update the MD, the catalog pointers will be left alone to point to the current files. An error report will be shown for any item pointing to a file other than BP, regardless of the update flag. It may be wise to run this without updating the MD, and then manually re-run the process again with update flag after reviewing the error report.
  5. System will then move all of the new dictionary items from the temporary files in your PRO_DOC account over into your live data files.
  6. System will copy data files, ST.DESC, ST.DESC.XREF, QUEUE.SETUPS, H.COL, H.ROW, H.TABLE, OBJ.
  7. The system will convert your MCF items to have some new prompts. The data will remain intact and will not change; just some new prompts will be added.
  8. The system will convert your SOD, IVD, and SOL records to support the new 4 digit prices rather than the old 3 digits.

You will then receive a message that the installation is complete, Press <return> to confirm. You will then be shown a system display showing your licensing information. This screen can be viewed at a later date by typing “SHOW.PG” from your proman account.

You should now review the new fastkeys in verions 6.0 and update the control matrix for any users that need the new functions. You should then run ADD.NEW.ACCTS after updating the users to add the appropriate security.

You shoud review the new MCF items listed later in this document.

You will be at TCL and may now log off.

Conversion Check Off List
Off / File / Comments
Dict CM / New attributes defined from 83 to 155.
Dict EM / Added attributes 53,58,146,148
Dict EDTLS / Added attributes 20 and 21
Dict GLT / Added attribute 7
Dict GL.MSTR / Added attribute 11.
Dict GL.TW / Added attribute 11.
Dict IM / Added attributes 60 and 112
Dict PL / New attributes used from 25 to 27
Dict PLO / Attribute 11 – due date for each component
Dict PR.CTRL / New attributes 20,22,23
Dict PS / New attribute 20 – substitute part number qpa
Dict RCVR / New 43-50, 51 – 60 set to user.defined
Dict SHOP.TIME / New attributes used from 19 to 21
Dict Ven / Several missing old dicts added, used 62-71, user defined above.
File.specs * / We have updated or changed 22 existing items. These are listed in a table below. You should review these items listed.
Bp * / You may have your custom changes in this file. Please see the separate notes on MCP, a new utility to separate your custom changes from your standard Pro:Man system.
Psh * / There is new functionality added to the PSH file. Your existing custom screens should run fine without being recompiled. The PSH.MAINT screen has changed to allow the new prompts on the second screen. You may have your custom changes in this file. Please see the separate notes on MCP, a new utility to separate your custom changes from your standard Pro:Man system
Psd * / There is not a change to the layout of your existing PSD items, so you should be able to run your existing custom screens without re-compiling them. Many items have been updated in this file, as well as new items added.
Pam * / You may have your custom changes in this file. Please see the separate notes on MCP, a new utility to separate your custom changes from your standard Pro:Man system
Purpose.function / We find very few people who ever update the data in this file. You should not have conflicts in this file.
Logic / We find very few people who ever update the data in this file. You should not have conflicts in this file.
Oper.instructions / We find very few people who ever update the data in this file. You should not have conflicts in this file.
Menus * / We have updated the standard Pro:Man menus. You should compare these menus to see if you have modified any of the standard Pro:Man menus. If you have custom menus, the system will not affect them. You may want to review all new fastkeys to determine the correct menus to add new functionality for your uses.
File.control.master / All of the items in this file are new data files in this version. You should have no conflicts with items in this file.
Macros / We have also added a number of macros and will continue to do so in the future. You should see the separate note on macros.
Mcf / There are five MCF items that were updated from the 5.0 version. You will need to review your settings on these MCF items prior to the upgrade and re-enter your settings after the upgrade. These items are noted on the MCF table below with an “*” next to the name.

From your PRO_DOC account, compare each of the above files with your live Pro:Man version. You can do this with some standard pick utilities. The purpose of this step is to find items that do not match the upgrade version and therefore can high-light any changes that you may have had made. If you are positive that no changed were made to version 5.1 on your machine, you may skip this step.

* We have included a utility program to compare all of these items. When in your Pro_doc account, type compare.applic.60 . This process creates a multiple data section file called “clashes”. Each data section is the name of the file being investigated. The process selects the new version 6.0 items, and compares them to existing items in the files. Any new items are ignored. The results are a list of items that do NOT compare. By using “sort only”, you can get a list of items that you must review. The results of the compare are stored in the clashes item. You can print these out and review for any changes that are your custom ones, and you can re-integrate into the standard versions in the application files (i.e. Bp.pm6_0, etc.).

We have also included a utility program to reformat your programs. This utility should not be used with pam’s, psh’s, nor psd’s. This was designed to be used with bp file items only. Many bp items have been reformatted in the past resulting in compare results that are very difficult to interpret. You may find it necessary to re-format both the standard “bp” and “bp.pm6” versions to ensure that each is done the same. This utility is called PE.FORMAT. This utility over-writes the original version of your program, so save a copy of the items in another file.

We have also provided a utility program called ‘AUDIT.AMC” which will review all your items in a file and determine which attributes have data in them. This should be useful in determining which files may have conflicts with new attributes shown below.

An example of the command to do this compare is :

:compare dict.pm5_1,ap (az

to: (dict proman,ap

Example display from above command

dict.pm5,ap PAY.STATUS dict proman4.5,ap, PAY.STATUS

D 8 A;"PAY HOLDPRTYSPEC"[(4*"4"+"1")


I 8 A;"PAY HOLDPRTY"[(4*"4"+"1"),"4"


[409] 'OLD.MAINT.DT' is not on file.

[409] 'rcvr.dt' is not on file.

[409] 'INVOICE.NBR.L' is not on file.

[409] '' is not on file.

[409] 'ven.nbr.idx' is not on file.

[409] 'NEW.MAINT.DT' is not on file.

[409] 'fastkey' is not on file.

  1. Ignore any reference to “not on file” – this means that this is a new dictionary for the subject file and will not conflict with any current dictionaries.
  2. Ignore any references to “user-defined” – these are attributes supply to our users for their own use and are not used by our standard software.
  3. When conflicts occur, as with the case with “pay.status” above, the cause can be a change to your existing dictionaries or can be a change due to version 6.0. You must review these changes to determine if they are custom changes made by yourselves or are part of the upgrade.
  4. You can add a “(p” to the end of your compare statement to print the results out on your printer. In the case of programs, procs, or screens, this may prove useful.

The purpose of this process is to highlight changes that you have done to the system. Review each of the items above and check them off as you compare them.

If you need to make changes to the upgraded programs, procs, screens, or dictionaries. You should:

Make your custom changes directly in the temporary files. Never write over your upgrade tape. You may always reload the programs and review your changes. The “move” process selects the temporary files and overlays them into the live files.

If you have MCP, you will want to leave the temporary files as they are. Copy all of the items that have conflicts into your development account and the appropriate application files. Make your changes in the development account and promote them, as you would with any changes. You may proceed with the “move” portion of the upgrade before or after you promote your changes.

If you are sure that your changes have been incorporated into your custom files elsewhere, you may delete the items from the temporary files. The system will compile and catalog these files during the “move” process. We select the temporary file to determine which items need to be compiled and cataloged. If the items are not present, we will not do anything with the items. It is your responsibility to ensure that your custom files are properly cataloged after the upgrade.

New or Changed MCF items

Name / Type / Description
BACK.SCHED.FLAG / CN / New flag to control how WORK.ORDERS controls start and finish dates.
CUR.FIN.PER / CN / Added a second prompt for number of months. Used to tell the system to look at usage history for only this number of months and then correctly calculate turns based on this.
CURRERNT.PERIOD / GL / Sets how part.hist, slsm.hist, and rep.hist are loaded, calendar or financial periods
LABEL.DEF / CN / Defaults to print inventory labels from WIP.RECEIPTS and PO.RECEIPTS – only if bar code module
MASS.REP.REL / CN / Two new flags to control how MASS.REP.REL works.
MRP150.PER / CN / Added two new flags, one for reorder point logic and another for deleting frozen non-firm plans
NEXT.TRANSFER.NBR / NN / A new flag has been added to be used in TRANSFER.PARTS to tie the IT’s together. This is the reference on the IT transactions.
QQUOTE / CN / Two flags that control how QQUOTE works, one for component cost updates and one for margin defaults
TEST.FLAG / XX / This is a new MCF item. It should not be updated or changed, except in the DEMO account. This flag controls how CLOCK.TIME.ENTRY and SHOP.TIME.ENTRY work. If set to “1”, the system prompts for date and time, otherwise, it uses the system date and time. Used only in training.
TIME.LUNCH / CN / This is a new flag used to control the CALC.DAILY process. Used to define acceptable lunchtime in/out windows.
TIME.WINDOW / CN / This is a new flag used to control the CALC.DAILY process. Used to define acceptable lunchtime in/out windows.

Table of changed FILE.SPECS records

This table shows changes to existing FILE.SPECS and does not necessarily represent all the new attributes used in a file. You should review the dictionary portion of this document to confirm that you have not used those attributes in your custom programs.

CM / 130 / Date customer was first added to system
CM / 138 / Flag used to make the customer inactive
CM / 138 / Date inactive flag was set for this customer
CM / Many / Many reserved and user-defined dictionaries have been added
EDTLS / 20 / Qty complete as reported with SHOP.TIME.ENTRY
EDTLS / 21 / Setup or run flag as entered with shop.time.entry
EM / 53 / Free form field to define the group leader or supervisor for this employee
EM / 58 / Indirect earning code to be used for this employee for time not captured between CLOCK.TIME.ENTRY and SHOP.TIME.ENTRY
EM / 146 / Clock number for this employee, used in ADP interface to map ADP clock number to employee number
EM / 148 / User ID, used in future release to tie user logon to employee number used in labor collection.
FASTKEY.SPEC / all / New file, all items
GL.MSTR / 11 / Reversing flag – used to automatically reverse the journal entry in the next financial period.
GL.TW / 11 / Reversing flag – used to automatically reverse the journal entry in the next financial period.
IM / 60 / Firm time fence in days for MRP
IM / 112 / Total cumulative lead time, all the way to bottom of the bill of material
IM / 77 / Changed description field
IM.CONV / all / New file – all items
MRP.LOG / all / New file – all items
PL / 25 / List of substitute part numbers that could be used for this component
PL / 26 / List of quantities per assembly for substitute part numbers that could be used for this component
PL / 27 / List of parent part number PS id’s that the substitute part numbers were based on .
PL / 28 / Substitute part number quantities
PLO / 11 / Due date associated with each component
PLOS / All / New file – all items
POD.DUE / All / New file – all items
PR.CTRL / 20 / Earn code family – used by ADP interface to map earning codes in Pro:Man to ADP earning types
PR.CTRL / 22 / Vacation flag – this earning code to be used as a vacation accumulator
PR.CTRL / 23 / Workers comp flag – used in payroll reports to determine if these earnings are to be used on workers comp reports
PS / 20 / Quantity per assembly for each substitute part number
RCVR / 40 / Missing item from version 5.0 – variance from invoice to po
RCVR / 41 / Missing item from version 5.0 – variance description
RCVR / 42 / Date record purged to history
RCVR / 43 / Exchange rate at time of initial receipt
RCVR / 44 / Currency code at time of initial receipt
RCVR / 45 / List of quantities received
RCVR / 46 / List of prices associated with quantities received
RCVR / 47 / List of ordering units of measure associated with quantities received
RCVR / 48 / List of exchange rates associated with quantities received
RCVR / 49 / List of days old codes associated with quantities received
RCVR / 50 / List of days old associated with quantities received
SHOP.TIME / 19 / Earn code associated with the labor collection
SHOP.TIME / 20 / User logon that maintained this record with SHOP.TIME.MAINT
SHOP.TIME / 21 / Date and time associated with the user updating the record in SHOP.TIME.MAINT
STK.OUT / all / New file – all items
TRAIN / all / New file – all items
VEN / 62 / Account number for this vendor
VEN / 63 / Rep flag – if set to “R” this is a rep
VEN / 64 / Sum flag – future release
VEN / 65 / Fax flag – future release
VEN / 66 / Vendor web site name
VEN / 67 / Hold flag – future release
VEN / 68 / Payment email address
VEN / 69 / Correspondence email address
VEN / 70 / Home email address
VEN / 73 / Reserved for future release
VEN / 74 / Reserved for future release
VEN / 80 / User defined field
VEN / 83 / User defined field
VEN / 84 / User defined field
VEN / 90 / User defined field
VEN / 93 / User defined field
VEN / 94 / User defined field

If you have made any changes to these items, please review them. You delete the items from FILE.SPEC.PM5 in your PRO.DOC account and they will not be updated to your live files during the “MOVE” process of the upgrade.