Lesson Number: 5
TITLE: Adjective Writing Finial Draft
Topic: Writing
Grade: End of 1st grade or the beginning of 2ndgrade
Time Period: 45 minutes
SOLs: 1.11a, 1.11b, 1.12c, 1.12d, 1.12e, 1.12f, 1.12g, 2.11c, 2.12a, 2.12b, 2.12c, 2.12f
Objectives: TSW rewrite their Juicy Word story using the previously edited rough draft to produce a final copy that is in their best handwriting. TSW also illustrate a picture to go with their story.
Prime (John Almarode): Read Hairy, Scary, Ordinary. What is an Adjective. Think time (John Strebe) I want you to think about all you have learned about JUICY describing adjectives this week and see if you have any questions about what exactly an adjective is. Pair time (John Strebe) I want you to pair up with your partner and ask them any questions you have about adjectives. It your partner does not know the answer raise your hand and I will come join your group.
Cook (John Almarode): The final step in our writing project is writing the clean final draft so we can publish (Kara Custis) our class adjective book. (You would have already called the kids back who still needed some editing help and worked with them during calendar or silent reading so they were ready for their final draft as well) I am going to give you this clean copy and you are going to rewrite your edited story. When you finish and have read over it pass it to a neighbor to make sure you did not miss a word. When your partner gives you a thumbs up bring up your clean copy and I will give you a page to illustrate your story on. Have them illustrate their story and put their Written and illustrated by ______stamp on the bottom. Laminate each page and fold into a book to be bound. On Monday have the class line up and walk down the hall to Mrs. Baker’s class and have each kid read their page in the book to Mrs. Baker’s class. (The sharing of this book would be the start of her adjective unit!)
At this point I would pull out my assessment sheet and show the kids their grades. I would ask permission from a kid to share their grade. Pick a student who started off with a low grade. Make a big deal about the fact that if they had not edited they would have had a D as their grade but since they did such an amazing job editing and fixing their mistakes they ended up with an A. This would be the start of a more in-depth careful editing unit!