Minutes of an Annual General Meeting

of the Torrevieja Branch of The Royal Naval Association

held at restaurante El Paraiso Urb Jardin Del Mar on March 6th 2013

In Attendance:

Mike Wright Chairman

Danny Kay Vice Chairman / Membership Secretary

Margaret Forshaw Secretary

John Forshaw Treasurer

Dick Conway Social secretary

Welfare Officer Pamela Cluney, Cathy Brown

P R O Terry Watson

Attendance: 22 Full Members and 12 Associate Members

Apologies received from: R Hargrave, G Burden, P & A Deathers, K Gane, A & M Aldridge, A McRae-Clifton, C Middleton, G & T Rapley, T Strangeland, B Burrows,

B Snell, C & L Ramscar and E McCallum.


The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. He then asked all those who were able to stand for the Shipmate’s Prayer and asked them to remain standing in memory of all those who had fallen since our last meeting.


The Chairman asked for acceptance of the minutes of our last A G M which was held on 6th March 2012 and asked for a proposer and seconder of the minutes. Danny Kay proposed that they be accepted as a true record, and this was seconded by Vic Cluney. The members agreed and they were accepted unanimously.


There were no matters arising.


Audited Accounts: Patrick Deathers and Dick Conway have scrutinised the accounts for the year ending 31st December 2012. The treasurer gave his sincere thanks to them both for their assistance. He then gave the branch a full account of income and expenditure for that year.


Appointment of Auditors for 2013. Patrick Deathers, John Curtis and Bob Harrison said they were willing to act as scrutineers for next year. The Chairman thanked them and said they were duly appointed.


Treasurers Report: The annual report which has been scrutinised to the 31st December 2012 showed our general fund was healthy and we are comfortably in credit. Our Treasurer explained to members that we have two funds and that the general income comes from annual subscriptions which has been stable at €10 per member for a number of years. He went on to explain that of this €10 we are obliged to send €6 back to H Q in England, the branch retaining the balance. John said that the majority of our income comes from raffles held at meetings and social functions, the sale of Joan’s cards and the sale of Rose’s books. We also hold stock in the form of 'slops'. John gave members a detailed account of our finances and again stressed that the accounts are available to any member wishing to see them.


Chairman’s Report: You will be pleased to hear that my report is going to be fairly short! I’m very pleased that 2012 was a fairly quiet year for us. I was as surprised as anyone when I learned that La Rustica was going to close two days after our meeting! We obviously needed a new home quickly, and I was anxious that we kept our meetings to 1700 on the first Wednesday of the month. Casa Ventura was available, so as an interim measure I booked it straight away. However when I learnt this room was available I thought it is more central, quieter and suits our needs just about right. As usual I owe a huge amount to all those who help me. I wouldn’t even want to try to do this job on my own. Not just the Committee members who I rely on so much, but all those who help out regularly. I’m particularly grateful to those who have volunteered to serve on the welfare team. Robin, Cath, Pam and Gillian. I have to say I am a bit disappointed that we still have areas which are not covered. Thanks also to our standard bearer Bob, Patrick, Rose, Sally, Pam &Vic, Joan and of course Ruth.

Naturally I also thank all of you for your continued support.

Vice Chairman /membership secretary’s Report: It has been a somewhat quieter year than 2012 except for the change of venue. Hopefully we have found a permanent home however it is unfortunate that we seem to be unable to find enough members who are willing to assist in the running of our association. We can only get out of our association what we are prepared to put in to it. Membership as of today stands at 66, which is down on last year, however there are still members who are not yet able, for various reasons to attend meetings. I would like to remind members to please keep me informed of any change in phone / email / addresses, so that I can keep the membership listings up to date. That way we can keep you informed of branch activities there is a list of branch assets and their custodians on the notice board.

I would like to bring your attention to item 9 on the agenda ref membership fees.

As stated by our Treasurer, membership to the R N Association in U K is £10, membership overseas £5. Membership fees for our branch has been €10 for several years. At the current rate of exchange, €6 is returned to UK therefore only €4 of your membership fee remains here for your benefit. Under RNA rules we cannot change the amount we send to U K. At present members over 80 years of age are free (totalling 4 members), as are Life members (2). If the exchange rate were to go back to what it was a few years ago (around €1.70), then the fees may have to rise. This will be kept under review.

Secretary’s Report: I don’t have much to say except I have been secretary for the past two years, I will continue if members wish me to do so. I want to thank members for their help over this period especially Patrick Deathers who has stood in for me on a couple of occasions and also to Danny who has made himself available to take calls for me particularly this past six months when I have had to go to Edinburgh. I wish the branch well in the coming year.

Social Secretary’s Report: Dick said that in response to several members requests for a change, we have tried an alternative venue for our functions, but several members have expressed disappointment. At present the Olympia still the most suitable for our main function but he will always be on the lookout to try alternatives. This was much appreciated by the members.

Welfare Report: No welfare rep had anything particular to report. Mike said he was very much in favour of a welfare committee, as in the past a single Welfare Officer had considerable distances to travel, and with the ever increasing cost of fuel it would be much fairer to share the load. We do need more volunteers and if anyone hears of a member who is sick and would appreciate a visit please contact Margaret as she holds the list and telephone numbers of the relevant volunteer. Dick told members sometimes more help is needed on a more professional level. This is available through the R B L of which Sally and Dick are accredited reps. Mike asked Dick to produce a comprehensive report on what welfare can do and this will be read out at a later date. Pamela said if a member is lonely or perhaps has a birthday, the area reps can provide this. She also added that Terry holds medical aids and equipment which can be borrowed on loan by any member.


Election of Officers:

Positions for re-election: Chairman & Secretary

Position Nominee Proposed by Seconded by

Chairman Mike Wright Danny Kay John Forshaw

Secretary Margaret Forshaw Sally Conway Terry Watson

Mike and Margaret were asked to leave the room while voting took place.

Both were re elected unanimously.


Discussions and votes on R N related charities

The Chairman quoted from RNA rule 13 which states that Associate Members may participate only in social and domestic affairs of the branch. This has been interpreted as all members can vote as to where our money goes, but only full members can vote on how much. This rule has been upheld by the National Council.

A proposal was received in writing that members under the age of 65 pay €10 as at present, but the membership fee for members over 65 be reduced. However as this proposal did not receive a seconder, the Chairman ruled it inadmissible.

Donations to charities: The Chairman explained to members that R N A rules have been changed and we are now allowed to donate to charities which are not exclusively R N related, as long as an R N A member could benefit from that charity.

Five charities were nominated, these being:

1. RN/RM Charity fund

2. RN/RM Children’s fund,

  1. WRNS Benevolent Fund
  2. The Salvation Army, and

5. The Sea Cadets Association.

A vote was taken on how many charities we wished to donate to.

A majority vote showed in favour of 3 charities, these being the RN /RM Charity fund, the RN / RM children’s fund and the Sea Cadets Association.

Full members (only) voted to donate the sum of €150 to each charity.


The Chairman announced that our next AGM will be held on March 5th 2014.


The Chairman closed the meeting