Creating Cache’s

By Methane

Has anyone given any thought to creating and keeping Cache’s buried in different areas? Not enough supplies to keep you and your family alive for more than a week, but at least with enough bullets, weaponry, clothing, and medications to keep you alive.

What if you are overrun and luckily they let you and your family go while they stay in your abode. Wouldn’t you like to be able to take it back from the thugs?

If you had a cache with guns/ammo, you might be able to re-launch an attack of surprise and annihilate the threat.

Yes, I worry about someone finding my well hidden Caches, and nervous as to whether the supplies are doing okay. Hopefully the preparations taken to prevent loss and failure of stored items will prove it worthy.

I have no rifles stored, but have found a few good used 45 caliber revolvers that should suffice for shooting the bad guys and/or protecting my family. This cache is about ½ mile from my home, while others are much farther. The ones that are farther away contain mostly Medicine, first aid, clothing, water, and food. Each Cache also has a tarp for emergency shelter. Don’t forget a roll of Paracord.

Remember, not to bury any Cache’s in your yard. The bad guys will probably catch you trying to dig it up. Haven’t had much luck trying to sink one in the lake either (Wave action and it’s tendency to float). Don’t bury next to a river that may flood and wash it away either. I have heard of folks who live close to forests that they are able to sling a rope over a high tree branch and pull the tube up and tie it. Be sure you camo it. Most folks aren’t looking up in a forest, but just straight ahead, so this might work. Use nylon cord so it doesn’t rot and lets the tube fall down with age.

So….even if you don’t put ammo/guns in it, you should have other needed supplies in the event you are forced to leave your Bug-In location. Bury them deep. A minimum of 2 feet will keep most metal detectors off. I prefer using large PVC tubes with a cap on one end, and a screwed lid on the other. Be sure to bury a wooden bung wrench with the tube so you can open it. The threads will get tighter with age.

Make a list of supplies you would want if you lost your Pack or Vehicle. There are many small needed items that will fit inside a PVC tube. My goal is to inspect each Cache annually and update/exchange supplies as needed.