TASTY BATTERS Frozen Cookie Dough SaleStarts Today!

Discovery Council is pleased to bring you QSP’s Tasty Batters Frozen Cookie Dough Fundraiser. The sales will raise much needed funds for our programs and activities that benefit all our students. Our goal is to have all our families involved so please contact family, neighbours and close friends. Thank you!

  • Perfect for everyone - especially busy people!
  • Fresh baked cookies in minutes! From the fridge or freezer, into the oven and ready to eat!
  • 13 Gourmet Varieties. Trans fat and preservative free. Made right here in Vaughan, Ontario.
  • Choose from either tubs or pre-portioned cookies.
  • Each tub makes approximately 43 cookies (28g or 1 oz.) or make whatever size you choose!
  • Pre-portioned cookies are packed in cases of 36.
  • Can be stored in the fridge for 6 weeks or frozen for 6 months.
  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
  • For a list of the ingredients for the cookies there will be copies printed in the office and at for view at

Please fill in the order form neatly & completely.

Keep the pink copy of the order form as your receipt.

Cash or cheque payment is to be collected with the orders.

Delivery will be approximately 2 weeks after our order deadline. You will be notified of the pick-up date.



Our cookie dough fundraiser will earn funds for our school, while providing yummy treats for our students, families and friends. At the same time QSP has partnered with Save the Children (savethechildren.ca) to make sure children in the poorest parts of the world have the food they need to grow up healthy and strong.

For every 5 cookie dough orders a student submits, QSP will donate a chick to a family in an impoverished country on behalf of our school.

Why chicks? When a chick becomes a chicken, it produces hundreds of protein-rich eggs each year. Eggs provide essential nutrients to help children grow up strong and healthy. Soon, a few chickens become many chickens. Moms, Dads and Grandparents sell excess eggs and chickens in the local market to help provide income for their family.

Go to to see a quick video explaining this wonderful program.

Safety First! No Door-to-Door Selling! Thank you for YOUR PARTICIPATION AND support!