Healthy Tips / 2017
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
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/ / Always offer a food your child will eat at meals along with a new meal. / Turn the TV off during meals. Sit together as a family and talk. / Many studies have proven the importance of eating breakfast! Make sure you start your day right!
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The standard recommendation of water intake for kids is 6-8 glasses! / Steamed brown rice has more nutrients and fewer calories than fried rice. Try some! / Let the kids help plan lunches for the week. / Frozen fruit added to non-fat vanilla yogurt makes a great thick smoothie! Have one! / Studies show that kids who eat breakfast maintain or lose weight. / Make the backyard or front yard into an obstacle course. / Healthy lunches have at least 3-4 of the food groups which includes fruits and vegetables.
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Start with carbohydrates, protein and a little fat to keep energized! / Kids who skip breakfast often mistake hunger pangs for a tummy ache. / Eat at least two 100% whole-wheat food today such as pita bread or mini bagels. / You’re the best role model for good hand washing. It can keep your family from getting sick. / Exercise has been proven to help kids sleep better and reduce stress. Go for a bike ride together. / Check out your local Farmer’s Market and buy some fresh vegetables and fruit. / Have your child bring healthy snacks to school like fruit cups, raising, and trail mix in baggies.
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Playing “catch” is a fun activity and can teach eye hand coordination. / Skip the chips and serve celery with peanut butter. / Walk to a local park with a jungle gym and play. / Berries only have 60 calories per cup serving. Enjoy some today! / Omega 3 fat is good for your heart and brain.
Eat a handful of nuts or if you are allergic soybeans. / Avoid foods that have sugar or high fructose sugar as the first ingredient. / Any puzzle that taps your child’s language or math skills can leave the mind sharp.
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Have kids create the weekly menu. / Cut fruits in different shapes and let your child create faces before eating it. / Try a multigrain English muffin with cream cheese and cut up berries of your choice. / Avoid using sweets as a reward. / Build stronger muscles, bones and tendons by skip roping. / Exercise helps increase your healthy “HDL” cholesterol. Take a walk around the block.
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