Parent Meeting – June 12, 2007

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SCOUTS - BE PREPARED this Thursday for Day Pack & 1st Aid Kit inspection - use pages 224 & 289 of Scout Handbook as your guide. Thursday, June 14th is Flag Day…

Permission slips for West Tyson Camp-out due this Thursday (available on troop website).

Submit summer camp schedule - only a few of you left - you know who you are . . .

Check your Garage for Troop tents - need equipment for West Tyson and Summer Camp!

High Adventure

Philmont Scout Ranch - New Mexico - Summer 2008

(E-mail Todd if you would like to go - only 12 slots available!)

Wilderness First Aid Training - need two adult leaders trained! The Alpine Shop offers Wilderness First Aid Training for adults for the “scout” discounted price of $80 (normally $140). Certification will take ONE FULL SATURDAY (6am - 8pm). A number of dates are offered.

Training cost will be reimbursed by the Troop.

Florida / Bahamas Sea Base Sailing -

Terry Miner is checking into the possibility of coordinating a Sea Base Sailing High Adventure trip for 2009. Costs would be comparable to Philmont ($675 - $875 per person - high end adding airfare from Florida to Bahamas). Some programs are min 6, max 8 - others min 10, max 12 participants. All participants would need to pass the BSA swim test. Check website for extraordinary details! Let Terry know if you have any interest.

MASTER BUILDER Mike Arnold has completed our new poles for the dining fly. New poles are color coded for ease of assembly at night!

MERIT BADGES - Thanks to Billie Swartz for First Aid instruction and Dean Barnes for Family Life instruction.

1st Aid Notes:

  • Billie Swartz is working on locating mouth to mouth “barrier” devices for our scouts.
  • Scout 1st Aid Kits should focus on basic materials for Day Packs (band-aids, tape, Neosporin, etc.)
  • Troop Trailer carries more extensive 1st Aid Kit on all outings.
  • There is a full time Camp Medical Director on duty at S-F

Red Care Training June 6th lasted a full two hours - all scouts in attendance earned certification. Thanks to Deana Miner for coordinating.

Thanks to Shari Holaway for coordinating Swing Around Fun Town evening May 31st.

Thanks to Maria Goad for submitting Troop’s “use of premises” request forms to Wren. Wren should process all requests by end of July.

Troop Picnic will be Sunday, August 12th (day before school starts). Troop picnic also “doubles” as August Parent Meeting! More info to follow…

West Tyson Weekend - June 29th -July 1st - will cover advancement requirements for Scouts who need them.

Tentative Dates for Advancement and Court of Honor listed in “Upcoming Events” - but watch for e-mails.


Sunday, July 15th - Sunday, July 21st

S-F Scout Ranch - Camp Famous Eagle - Simpson Campsite

20 Scouts - 2 full-time leaders (Todd and Rob) - 2 adult campers (Robert Goad & Karl Thompson)

  • Any parent interested in camping contact Todd. Troop needs time to coordinate tent accommodations, acquire appropriate medical forms, etc. Scouts will not need tents (Troop provides) - but adults may prefer to bring their own.
  • All Scouts should have their Merit Badge picks turned in.

Summer Camp Permission Slip available soon at

Permission Slip will detail departure time and place for Sunday, July 15th

If you do not plan to caravan with Troop - let Todd know.

Parents are welcome to stay Sunday afternoon to tour/help settle their Scout in camp.

  • It’s possible to have Troop Trailer on campsite if it arrives prior to 10:30am Sunday. Rest of Troop cannot arrive prior to NOON on Sunday. A decision to drive the trailer down early will be made closer to departure. There will be time in advance to load trailer with any items that may not fit into your car.
  • MEDICATION - should be given to Todd ahead of time. Meds need to be in ORIGINAL container with physician’s prescription clearly readable. Place in zip-lock bag with Scout’s name clearly marked.
  • Caravan will most likely stop for lunch on the way to camp. Scouts traveling without a parent should have money for lunch.
  • Dinner will be provided Sunday evening at the dining hall in camp.
  • Scouts should BE PREPARED to leave Sunday in FULL CLASS A - OVER SWIM SUIT. There’s no time to change into suits before swim test Sunday afternoon. Quick access to plastic bag to stow uniform helpful.
  • Check the Summer Camp Manual for full list of equipment to bring. Name on everything. Do not “over pack” clothing but plan for rain. Packing in zip-lock bags, extra garbage bag for dirty laundry, extra pair tennis shoes/boots, water shoes, extra swim suit recommended. Merit badge / OA campouts - bring garbage bag/dry pack & 7’ x7’ ground tarp. Long pants and long sleeve shirt required for Swimming & Lifesaving.
  • $20 should cover your Scout’s snack / souvenir purchases at the Trading Post. Camp T-shirt around $10.
  • Upon arrival, medical forms will be immediately reviewed with each Scout (they’ll be asked a few simple questions). Swim test follows medical form check. Blake Miner has volunteered tolet Scouts know what to expect for swim test at June 21st meeting. Blake is a certified Lifeguard and Swim Instructor as well as an Eagle Scout.
  • After swim test - troop sets up tents, dining fly, etc. Although patrols will be mixed at camp - Scouts may choose their tent mates.
  • There will be a camp-wide opening ceremony and campfire Sunday Evening.
  • Thursday, July 19th is Parent’s Night - Parents (and other family guests) invited to visit camp and bring Scout's favorite "fast food" for dinner. Farmington has almost every fast food chain available. Please do not arrive before5pm - bring lawn chair, bug spray, flashlight and dress for weather.If you will not be able to attend that evening, please make arrangements in advance for your Scout to have his “fast food” dinner with another family. The Trading Post will be open during your visit to purchase souvenirs, etc.
  • Order of the Arrow Ceremony follows dinner on Thursday and is quite impressive. Ceremony should end around 9pm and parents are asked to head home at this time (do not return to your Scout’s campsite).
  • Campfires every night and Scouts swim twice daily. Those who pass the “swimmer’s test” will have access (using buddy system) to canoes during free swim period.
  • All aquatic, rifle, and archery activities highly supervised and rule-bound - run by certified instructors.
  • NEW SCOUTS will spend the majority of their time in the Voyager Program - covering Scout “basics.” Pocket knives must be given to Mr. Telker (Sunday Morning) and will be returned to New Scouts after Toten’ Chip certification (knife use and safety) has been earned. Information on Voyager Program detailed in Summer Camp Manual.
  • Any Scout can participate in the Mile Swim on Friday. Those who complete the course will earn the Mile Swim Patch.
  • Merit Badge Work - many have requirements that must be completed prior to camp. Check your PDF copy of MBCamp2007Details for all merit badge prerequisites - for details. If your Merit Badge requires “craft work” (Basketry, Leatherwork, etc.) - bring money to camp to purchase craft kits at the Trading Post.

Grand Glaize Library Branch has almost all MB books

Do “quick catalog search” using “keyword” and type Boy Scouts of America for alpha list.

  • Merit Badge Make-Up day at Beaumont is August 11th. Highly recommended to finish E-Science at camp.
  • Mail Call - Neither rain, nor heat, nor camp staff will keep your Scout’s mail from being delivered - if you give it toTodd in advance. Scoutmaster will keep cards / letters bundled by “day” for distribution. Ignore mail instructions in the camp manual.
  • DO NOT BRING electronics (IPODs, PSPs, cell phones, etc.) - leaders in camp will have cell phones.
  • DO NOT BRING INDIVIDUAL SNACKS - Troop can decide as a group to bring cooler of snacks in trailer. Individual tent “snack caches” bring ants and raccoons!
  • Rob Telker will send e-mail update on Scout Medical Forms (who needs updated Class 1 or 2). New Scouts need Class 1 and 2. Adults in camp over 72 hours need Class 3. Review of Medical Forms found in Summer Camp manual. -to view / print Class 1, 2, and 3 (listed under “camping”)

Sunday July 21st - break camp. We will not be able to check out until entire area has been cleared and inspected. This takes time. Goal is to arrive home around noon.