Minutes of TIPS BLC Business Meeting

September 14, 2016 @ 4:00 PM ET

Telephonic Meeting

Attendees: Jeff Brauer, Brian Bank, Cathy Strickland, Frank Tischone, Lisa Dickinson, Kristin Bush, Jason Hirshon, Amy Gross, Patrick Kelly, David Kemp, Matt Moeller, Lee Diamondstein, Lisa Pittman, Steven Still, Jennifer Friedman, Lesley Reynolds, Bruce Courtade, Alyssa Ehrlich, Kristen Castenado, Dainen Penta

  1. Fall Meeting Events
  2. Jeff Brauer reviewed plans for the Joint Dinner at Vigalucci on Friday night in Coronado at 6:30 and the invitation of COOYL to join us. Lisa Dickinson confirmed that COOYL has agreed to join us.
  3. Brauer reviewed pricing options. There were no opinions.
  4. Jeff Brauer confirmed the BLC Planning Meeting –Thursday 2 pm
  5. Alyssa Ehrlich confirmed that BLC was invited to a Gaslight Pub Crawl 9-12 with COOYL which will go from rooftop bar to rooftop bar. It will require an Uber to get to the start point. It is timed to allow COOYL representatives to go to the BLC dinner.
  6. CLE Programs
  7. Jeff Brauer reported on the TeleCLE – Handling Business Tort Cases 10/3 at Noon - Bob Caldwell and Joel Mohrman are speakers. Jeff urged members to attend.
  8. Lesley Reynolds discussed a proposal for an Annual Meeting CLE called the Battle Royale involving Decisionquest and the Trial Techniques committee. We are looking for a speaker from BLC.
  9. Lisa Pittman discussed a proposal for the Annual Meeting CLE on Marijuana Law. Lisa Dickinson is helping. Bruce Courtade pointed out some materials in Michigan that might be useful. Lisa Dickinson asked for other committees to sponsor.
  10. Brochure –Lisa Dickinson reported that it is nearly done thanks to Ashley.
  11. Newsletter
  12. Amy Gross reported on the new approach that BLC is taking with newsletters releasing an article at a time and then combining them for a newsletter on a quarterly basis.
  13. Amy asked for interested persons to prepare articles for the BLC materials
  14. Annual Survey – Brian Bank confirmed that all authors are on board and ready to have drafts by early November

6.  Membership - Lisa Dickinson reported on efforts to develop members within the BLC. Jeff Brauer discussed the TIPS Women Trial Lawyer Reception on Saturday at 5-6 and encouraged members to attend it or other minority committee activities, and to encourage those members to join BLC.

  1. Website/Social Media – Dainen Penta reported that the web page is updated and he is working on putting the index of BLC articles onto the web site. Dainen reported about steady progress in Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
  2. 1 Minute Pitch – A-F Pitching – approximately 7 committee members with last names between A and F introduced their practice and gave the committee a one minute “elevator speech” about their practice.
  3. New Business – Jeff Brauer reminded the committee about the need for the committee to make a Muskie nomination. No nominees were recommended.

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