Standards for Better Health Topic Group
Work Programme
Meeting / Theme / Witnesses & EvidenceMember debrief: 25 Nov
2pm / Background: Healthcare Commission debrief on topic group commentary 2007/08 / Witnesses: Jackie Williams (Healthcare Commission Assessor)
Evidence: SfBH TG trust commentaries (2007/08)
Meeting 1: 4Feb
10 – 4pm / Data 1: Public, user and commissioner evidence / This to include consideration of the
Patient experience of treatment
Patient/public involvement in service redesign
Realisation of commissioning plans
Outcomes of joint working
Service improvements (acute and primary)
Narrowing of inequalities
Users: PALS, ICAS, Viewpoint, Carers in Herts, Guideposts
Commissioners: ACS, CSF, JCT
Others: Director of Public Health, LINk, HCC Strategic Partnerships Unit
- PALs data: number of complaints and compliments and emerging themes
- ICAS data: number of complaints and emerging themes
- Commissioners: providers responsiveness to service reconfiguration ACS – Mark Lobban, Tim Anfilogoff, Mark Jordan; CSF - Ann Domeney;
- LAA: joint working outcomes Mark Lobban, Keith Shephard
- Public health: Herts Observatory comparison data 2007 and 2008
- LINk evidence for CS 6, 13, 17, 18, 22 (a & c)
- HSC findings (including topic groups) relevant to CS 6, 13, 17, 18, 22 (a & c)
- Healthcare Commission feedback of 2007/08 Commentary
Interim draft report to be distributed with agenda for Meeting 2
Meeting 2:25 February
10 – 4pm / Data 2: Trust draft declarations & trusts response to evidence from Meeting 1 / This to include
consideration of the outline of draft declarations with regard to CS 6, 13, 17, 18, 22 (a & c)
Comparison of evidence from Meetings 1 and 2
Draft recommendations to make to HSC
Establishing the key elements of the commentary members wish to make for each trust
Witnesses: E&NHHT, WHHT, PCTs, HPfT, EoE Ambulance Trust
- Outline of draft declarations with regard to CS 6, 13, 17, 18, 22 (a & c)
- Minutes of Meeting 1
- Interim draft report
- Healthcare Commission feedback of 2007/08 Commentary
- Outcome of HPfT Our plans for the future consultation
Draft commentaries to be distributed with agenda for Meeting 3
Draft HSC report to be distributed with agenda for Meeting 3
Meeting 3: TBC / Conclusion / This to include
Finalising commentary
Agreeing recommendations for report to HSC
Key Findings & Recommendations:
Dates of trust Board Meetings to be considered