Define intelligence & compare and contrast historic and contemporary theories of intelligence.
SCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can define intelligence & compare and contrast historic and contemporary theories of intelligence.
- A. Define intelligence and identify different types of intelligence
- Outline arguments in favor and against the general intelligence model
- Describe the four components of emotional intelligence
- B. Identify similarities and differences between historic and contemporary theories of intelligence
- C. Compare and contrast the theories of each of the following: Gardner, Thurston, Spearman and Sternberg
- Complete Schoology quiz for Module 60 with a score of 90% or above
- Can discuss 3 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to the learning goal and apply the terms used in the correlating module.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 2 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology quiz for Module 60 with a score of 75-90%
- Can discuss of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Identify what intelligence is and what it is not
- Complete PsychSim 5
- T-chart or Venn diagram
1 / I can do1 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quiz for Module 60 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on Schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with Ms. Brunink
Describe various characteristics and methods that psychologists use to determine intelligence.
SCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can describe various characteristics and methods that psychologists use to determine intelligence
- A. Describe the history of intelligence testing including the contributions and limitation of each of the following: Galton, Binet, Terman, and Wechsler
- B. Compare and contrast the different types of abilities tested to determine intelligence. Primarily, verbal, performance, spatial, aptitude, and achievement tests
- C. Describe the process of constructing a standardized test including how the normal curve applies
- D. Determine the difference between reliability and validity as well as identify the subtypes of each
- Complete Schoology quiz for Module 61 with a score of 90% or above
- I can discuss 4 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to the learning goal and apply the terms used in the correlating module.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 2-3 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology quiz for Module 61 with a score of 75-90%
- Can discuss 3 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Create a timeline of intelligence testing with a pro/con t-chart next to each researcher
- Identify an example of each skill tested
- Teach the process of standardization and how to use the normal curve to a friend or sibling
- Create a Venn diagram
1 / I can do 1-2 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quiz for Module 61 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss 1-2of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on Schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with Ms. Brunink
Describe research findings related to intelligence from a developmental perspective and describe relevant labels related to intelligence testing
SCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can describe research findings related to intelligence from a developmental perspective and describe relevant labels related to intelligence testing
- A. Describe conflicting results from cross-sectional and longitudinal research on aging and intelligence
- B. Compare and contrast crystallized and fluid intelligence
- C. Identify the extremes of intelligence namely, intellectual disability, down syndrome, and giftedness
- Complete Schoology quiz for Module 62 with a score of 90% or above
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to the learning goal and apply the terms used in the correlating module.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 2 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology quiz for Module 62 with a score of 75-90%
- Can discuss 2 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Create a t-chart highlighting conflicting findings and explain contradictions using the terms crystallized and fluid intelligence
- See above
- Identify extreme scores on the normal curve and create a text structure highlighting the pros and cons of labeling
1 / I can do1 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quiz for Module 62 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss 1 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on Schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with Ms. Brunink
Discuss how culture influences the definition of intelligence and debate the appropriate testing practices, particularly in relation to culture-fair test uses
SCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can discuss how culture influences the definition of intelligence and debate the appropriate testing practices, particularly in relation to culture-fair test uses
- A. Identify the similaritiesdifferencesbetween various groups in regards to intelligence test scores (i.e., gender, race, and ethnicity)
- B. Apply the nature/nurture debate in order to explain the differences mentioned above
- C. Describe the various ways that intelligence tests can be biased
- D. Apply Rosenthal & Jacobson’s research to the issues of bias inherent in intelligence testing including the concept of stereotype threat
- Complete Schoology quiz for Module 64 with a score of 90% or above
- I can discuss 4 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to the learning goal and apply the terms used in the correlating module.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 3 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology quiz for Module 64 with a score of 75-90%
- Can discuss 2-3 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Create a text structure in your notes demonstrating differences and explanations
- Create a Venn diagram or a t-chart emphasizing the nature/nurture explanations
- Create a text structure of the reading portion “Two Meanings of Bias”
- Review 40 study work and/or revise group teaching methods
1 / I can do1 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quiz for Module 64 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss 1 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on Schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with Ms. Brunink