Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Update News

April 2009 Archive


1)  A new course on a) Assessment Skills and b) Parental Engagement

In response to feedback, CAF Training have now commissioned new dedicated training on Skills and Techniques for

a)  Initial Engagement with families

-  dissolving resistances to initial information gathering

-  developing a strong relationship with the family which enables a partnership approach

-  together identifying target areas for change

b)  Holistic Assessment and Action Planning

-  drawing conclusions from information gathered

-  ensuring that action plans are measurable and effectively translated from the assessment

-  involving and empowering the child, young person and/or family by identifying their own specific contribution to a solution focussed action plan

See flyer attached for further information.

2)  Child & Young Person Concern Model (CCM) and CAF/Information Sharing (IS) training started being rolled out mid 2004. Were you one of the first wave of trainees? Are you feeling the need for refresher and/or update on the CAF process in Merton?

Or have you still not gotten round to signing up to this training at all?

In either event, some good news for you ….

The CCM/CAF/IS training is now condensed into just two half-day training sessions in total, which should make it easier to find time to attend. The morning session focuses on the use of CAF as a tool for assessment, while the afternoon focuses on Information Sharing guidance. You can choose to attend either or both of these as suits your need.

See below for dates.

CAF Practitioner Champions

As advised in previous CAF Update, Merton has established a network of CAF Champions whose function is to support those new to the process in completing their first CAF or running their first multi-agency meeting. They are also willing to discuss issues of concern that may arise in ongoing practice.

See the attached list to identify YOUR Champion.

CAF Aide Memoirs

As CAF is increasingly being used as a Referral Form across all agencies in Merton, we have started to provide a set of Aide Memoires to guide you in understanding what various services do, what information they need included on a CAF form and who to send the completed CAF to.

This suite will continue to be added to on an ongoing basis within the CAF-Materials tab, so please remember to check in periodically.

Click here to access current list.

CAF Form and Progress Update Sheet

Again in response to suggestion and request, we have now introduced a new section to the CAF form for recording updated information at meetings. This is to allow for a clearer picture of the chronology of developments through successive CAF versions. (This now supersedes previous advice to initial and date any additional information as it was added to the original CAF form.)

The CAF form is now divided into three sections:

·  CAF Front Sheet (coloured blue): identifying whether CAF is being used as an early assessment form or referral form

·  CAF Sections A-E (coloured yellow): the DCSF CAF equivalent (Merton version has added some minor helpful amendments).

·  CAF Sections F-G (coloured green): to record first update with the family – be this single agency or multi-agency. This has areas to record update on Actions Met; further information gathered on strengths/needs; updated Action Plan; as well as details of all present.

A separate downloadable CAF Progress Update Sheet (coloured green) is then available to similarly record any subsequent meetings.

All these forms downloadable from

For any queries, please contact CAF Champions, CAF Trainers, or CAF Coordinator.