Culture Section

10/ ______/ 15

Purpose of Government Notes

The following is an excerpt from a Poptopian’s journal that describes the second attempt at building the storage building. Part of the journal entry was torn away…. what do you think it might have said?

Dear Journal,

We tried making a storage building again and this time we met with greater success! We were more successful because ______



The events we just recreated give us an idea of how the Poptopians formed their first ______. Complete the following notes to create a deeper understanding of the role government plays in a culture.

I. Purpose of Government

A.  Government = group or individual with the ______to make and enforce ______for an area (nation, state, town, etc.)

B.  Governments are meant to:

1.  Keep order

a.  create ______

b.  enforce ______

Check In Question: How do laws keep people “organized”?


2.  Provide services

a.  ______

b.  fire/ police departments

3.  Protect the well-being of the people

a.  Military

b.  Road systems

c.  ______

C.  Taxes = ______collected from ______/ ______to be put towards goods and services for the town, state, nation, etc.

D.  Need for government

1.  People living in groups/ communities need ______

Check In Question: What would daily life be like if there were no laws?


2.  Early governments made decisions regarding:

a.  ______

b.  food distribution

c.  ______between people

d.  defense

Check In: Pros vs. Cons of having a government rule your community

Pros J / Cons L

Identify (underline) the responsibilities of government in the passage below:

We the People, of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
