Acceptable Use Policy for room D-7
I strongly believe in the educational value of technology and electronic services and recognize the potential of such to support our district's curriculum and student learning. Access to network services in room D-7 is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use will result in possible revocation of those privileges.

All students must agree to all terms of responsibility required for access by reading and signing this acceptable use policy if they wish to remain in the multimedia course. All parents/guardians of students must read and sign the acceptable use policy as well. The form must be returned to Mrs. McCormick so the roster can be finalized.

Acceptable Use.
Individual users of room D-7's computer network are responsible for their behavior and communications over that network. The use of assigned accounts, the Internet, and electronic resources will support the educational goals and objectives of SDUHSD. I may review student files at any time to insure that users are using the system responsibly. Therefore, users must recognize that files stored on room D-7's computers are NOT private.

Unacceptable Uses.

·  Using another’s password to login through that person’s account.

·  Using obscene language.

·  Harassing, insulting or attacking others.

·  Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures.

·  Sending threats of violence toward persons or property.

·  Damaging or tampering with computers, computer systems or computer networks.

·  Uploading or creating computer viruses.

Network Etiquette/Student Responsibilities.
All users are expected to abide by the rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

a.  Be polite. Use language, which is appropriate for an educational setting. Do not use abusive, inflammatory or obscene language.

b.  Respect privacy. Do not reveal personal information about yourself, students and/or staff. Do not share your account information or password with anyone.

c.  Be considerate. Do not use the network in a way that would disrupt the use of the network by other users.

d.  Use access time efficiently. Use access time for only school-related purposes.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities.
During school hours, I will guide students toward appropriate use of technology and especially the Internet. Outside of school, parents/guardians have the same responsibility for this guidance. Please use the same caution that you exercise with other potentially offensive media such as television, radio, movies etc.

Final Terms and Agreement

I have read and understand the terms and conditions of Mrs. McCormick's Acceptable Use Policy. I further understand that any violation of this agreement may result in removal from the class and possible legal consequences.
User Name (Please Print) Last Name:______

First Name:______

Student I.D.#______Student Grade______

User Signature:______


As the parent/guardian of the student signing above, I have read and understand the terms and conditions of Mrs. McCormick's Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that access to computer and electronic resources are designed for only educational purposes. I accept responsibility for guidance of Internet and electronic use, setting and conveying standards for my student to follow when selecting, sharing or exploring information and media. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my student's use is not in a school setting. I hereby give permission for my child to remain in his/her multimedia class and certify that the information contained on this form is correct.

Parent/Guardian (Please Print): Last Name:______

First Name:______

Home Phone:______Work Phone:______


