N56W26530 Richmond Road, Sussex, WI 53089

Community Room

May 9, 2016

6:00 p.m.


I Call to Order/Statement of Public Notice

Cindy Milgram called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. Jeff Weiss noted that the meeting was properly posted.

II Roll Call

Brian O’Donnell-here, Victor Frangopoulos-here, Craig Vento-here, Cindy Milgram-here, Laura Bradin-here. Administration present-Jeff Weiss and Gena Santharam

III Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes: Regular Board of Education Meeting – April 25, 2016-Laura Bradin motioned to approve the regular Board of Education meeting minutes from April 25, 2016 as presented. Victor Frangopoulos seconded. All ayes, motion carried 5-0.

B. Treasurer’s Report-Craig Vento motioned to approve payroll direct deposit #’s 146942-147212 with one void check #147118 and accounts payable check #’s 39625-39703 and ACH #’s 816-863 with no void checks. Laura Bradin seconded. All ayes, motion carried 5-0.

IV Communications

A. Student Council Report-Erin Raebel, Student Council Recording Secretary, presented the May report. Erin noted that Richmond’s Student Council members received all gold medals at the state JAM conference in Madison. Members also continue to work on Box Tops for Education, Teacher Appreciation, and WASC summer camp registrations.

B. Super Hero Writing Awards-Mrs. Jen Sprinkman presented information to students regarding the Lake Country Publications annual writing contest, “What if You Were a Superhero? What Kind of Super Power Would You Have?” Luke Benson, 8th grade, won 1st place for his story and Dima Lando, 5th grade, won 3rd place for his story, “Me as a Superhero”. Congratulations to both boys for their work.

V Community Input on Current Agenda Items

A. Public Comments-None

B. Board Comments-Cindy Milgram read 3 thank you notes from staff members thanking the Board for providing breakfast one morning during Staff Appreciation week.

VI Reports

A. Administrative Reports

1. 8th Grade Graduation Reps-Jeff Weiss asked board members to let him know if they plan to attend the graduation ceremony on June 9. All Board members plan to attend graduation.

2. Kid Venture-Jeff Weiss noted the projects receiving KidVenture grant funds.

3. Gov. Walker Recognition-Jeff Weiss presented a framed recognition of the Richmond students who received 1st and 3rd place awards in the national Operation Sending Hope contest.

4. Focus on Energy-Jeff Weiss noted that the rooftop HVAC units contracted through Vorpagel, Inc. are not eligible for Focus on Energy rebates.

5. Partnership with Brookfield Academy-Gena Santharam presented information from the Character Education leadership training that was led by Brookfield Academy staff. Gena Santharam was invited to attend the day-long session with two additional staff members, Ms. Jody Calarco and Mrs. Laura Huffman.

B. Committee Minutes and Reports

1. BOE Workshop – April 19, 2016

C. Board Operations and Goals Report

1. BOE Committee Appointments for 2016-17-Cindy Milgram asked if Board members felt the need to discuss merging two committees to streamline committee assignments and duties. The Board members decided to discuss the topic at a future Policy meeting.

VII Report of the Management Team

A. Items of Information

1. Curriculum, Instruction, Programming, and Technology

a. Academic & Career Planning-Amanda Feiker and Jody Calarco presented an overview of Richmond’s Academic and Career Planning process. By fall of 2017, all Wisconsin public schools are required to provide ACP for students in grades 6-12, develop a long-range plan with school and community, publish the plan on the school website, and review the plan yearly.

B. Items for Consideration

2. Policy

a. Open Enrollment Applications-Brian O’Donnell motioned to approve 15 in-coming applications as presented, motion to deny 1 regular education application due to no like program in that district, 1 regular education application due to no space available and create a wait list, 1 special education application due to no space available and create a wait list and motion to approve 19 out-going open enrollment applications. Laura Bradin seconded. All ayes, motion carried 5-0.

VIII Adjourn

Laura Bradin motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 pm. Victor Frangopoulos seconded. All ayes, motion carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted by

Jane Vetter

Recording Secretary