The Centre for Information and Innovation Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, cordially invites you to a seminar on:
“Legal challenges to the European Spallation Source (ESS) under the ERIC framework: Public procurement, IPRs & more”
This seminar is part of the research project “CoNeXT”, which is a interfaculty collaborative project created to fertilize the ground and harvest the full potential of the new world-leading neutron and X-ray research infrastructures close to the University of Copenhagen. This interdisciplinary project is supported for the period 2013-2016 with 27.9 mio DKK that were granted by the UCPH 2016 Program of Excellence (see:
The legal sub-project of CoNeXT concentrates on specific contractual, IP and regulatory issues related to the managing and administration of large-scale international research infrastructures that are established and operated by transnational consortia. The seminar will focus on specific legal challenges related to the ESS’ transition to ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) legal status, including public procurement questions.
Time: Friday, October 31st at 15.00-17.00
Place: Faculty of Law, The staff canteen 02-3-44, Studiegaarden, Studiestraede 6, 3rd floor, DK-1455 Copenhagen K
Organizer: Associate Professor Timo Minssen, Centre for Information and Innovation Law (CIIR),
15.00-15.15: Prof. Sine Larsen (PI of the CoNeXT project) & Assoc. Prof. Timo Minssen (coPI & WP leader): “The CoNeXT project and its’ legal work-package – immediate and forthcoming issues.”
15.15- 15.45: Dr. Ohad Graber-Soudry, ESS, Head of Legal: "Legal challenges in ESS' transition to ERIC"
A glimpse into the type of legal challenges ESS is facing with the EU legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) and the transit to ERIC legal status.
15:45- 16:00: Break
16:00-16:30 Dr. Torsten Bjørn Larsen, PostDoc, CoNEXT project: “Public Procurement & the ESS”
Would it be possible for a private or academic partner (e.g. a university) to provide the ESS with in-kind contributions (e.g. an intellectual property right or a license hereto) in exchange for access to the ESS’ infrastructure facilities? And what about member countries to whom contributions are accredited for the construction of ESS? This speech will point towards several unsolved issues related to university regulations and public procurement rules.
16.30-17:00 Discussion
For participation in the conference please use the registration form no later than Monday, 27 October 2014.