Weekly Newsletter of the Christian Reformed Church of Perth Inc.

5 Colombo Street, Victoria Park

Worship service times: Sundays 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.


Phone: 9356 7490 Pastor: Geoff Van Schie

Mobile: 0450 926 707 6 Booth Street,

Email: rnoppers@big pond.com WONGAN HILLS 6603

Phone: 08 9671 13 49


Church Website:


15th March 2015 AD Worship Services In Perth

TODAY 9.30 a.m. Pastor Reinier Noppers

1 Corinthians 15:1-32

“The Difference A Day Makes”

5.30 p.m. Pastor Reinier Noppers

Numbers 25:1-13, Malachi 2:1-9

“A People of Integrity”

NEXT SUNDAY 9.30 a.m. Pastor Reinier Noppers

22nd March 5.30 p.m. Pastor Reinier Noppers


A warm welcome to all who have come to the services today, and a special welcome to visitors.

May the Lord bless each of us as we worship together: that His Name may be glorified and

that we encouraged and strengthened in faith. A crèche is available at the back of the building for those who wish to use it for children aged 0-4 years of age. Join us for refreshments after the service.


Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 17 Q&A 45

Q. How does Christ's resurrection benefit us?

A. First, by His resurrection He has overcome death, so that He might make us share in the righteousness He won for us by His death.

Second, by His power we too are already now resurrected to a new life.

Third, Christ's resurrection is a guarantee of our glorious resurrection.


This past week we stood at the graveside with Hetty and family and turned to the Lord for the comfort of His Word in worship. It is good to fix our eyes on Jesus; to receive from Him the peace that passes all understanding, and to know that our Lord walks with us through every valley of this life. Let us continue to pray that as they adjust to life without Arnold, that God will continue to be their strength and shield. A big “thank you” also to everyone who helped out with providing afternoon tea after the service: what a blessing to see our church family share this time in such a practical way.

John Kik is recovering slowly from shoulder surgery: still a fair bit of discomfort – we pray that his recovery continues well and that the Lord provide full healing.

Please remember Arie VanderLinden in your prayers as he continues to weaken, and Mary as she cares for him. Cecilia Husselman continues to recover from ligament surgery and we thank God for healing provided thus far.

For the interim, Trudy Noppers will be doing the Link, so please forward any items to Trudy on or phone them through on 9356 7490.

Catechism Classes : both classes are on as usual TOMORROW, Monday March 16th. Please phone or text if you are unable to make it.JPastor Reinier

23rd March 2015 Opening Night 7pm
David Griffiths – Mayor of Gosnells
All most welcome!
24th – 28h March
9.30am – 4.30pm
Gosnells Christian Reformed Church
55 Mills Road (West)
Gosnells 6110
Christina Verbrugge
Fund Raising Event - Proceeds go to sponsor
Charles & Lynnette Kafa,
from Samasodu, Solomon Islands


Canning Bible Study meets this Tuesday evening, March 17th , at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Bardi Bester. Please note change of location. We continue studying Isaiah 11-12, Chapter 7 in the Book. For more detail Speak to Reinier. New members always welcome!!

News From Other Churches

Australind : Pastor Craig and Annette van Echten were blessed with a baby girl, Esther Corrie.

Gosnells: Rita Cozynsen had surgery to remove a bone fragment from her knee. She was then able to celebrate her and Gerald’s 50th Wedding Anniversary.


Tuesday 12th May, 2015, Rally outside Parliament House. It is seven years since WA defeated the adhorrent proposal that human embryos should be deliberately created to be used an destroyed in experiments as well as the 17th anniversary of legalised abortion. Please put the date in your diary and come and speak for LIFE.


We will meet again Lord, willing on TUESDAY 17th March, 10:00a.m., at the Peletier home, 26a Bridge St, Wilson.

Our guest will be Terry West, who is the Field worker in Australia for CROSSROADS BIBLE INSTITUTE (CBI). He will tell us about the ministry of Bible correspondence courses for prisoners in many countries. One of the most recent countries to join is Papua New Guinea, where there has been a very encouraging response.

All very welcome

Jan Peletier

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Reformed Theological College has scheduled the Annual General Meeting of the RTC to be held on Friday 17 April 2015 at 7.30pm at the College, 125 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Geelong, Victoria.


MONDAY 3:45 p.m. Catechism at Noppers’ home

7:30 p.m. Catechism at church

TUESDAY 7:30 p.m. Canning Bible Study @ Bardi Bester

FRIDAY 7.00 p.m. Cadets @ Gosnells Church

7:30 p.m. Youth @ Gosnells Church


March 23rd-28th Solomon Islands Fund raising Art Exhibition @ Gosnells CRC

Sunday April 5th Shared Lunch @ church

Saturday April 18th Manoah Market Day @ Manoah 86 Mills Road, Martin

Second Offerings

March 15th Committee For Social Responsibility

March 22nd Target 21

March 29th Manoah House

Good Friday April 3rd Prison Fellowship

April 5th World Development and Relief (Empty Hands)


Am / Pm. / SOUND
Am / Pm / Musician/s / VIDEO
Am Pm
TODAY / Jannet & Raymond / Johan & Isaak / Paul N. / Rachel / James
22nd March / Eril & Steve / Paul N. / Luke / Elsa / James
29th March / Bardi / Luke / Johan & Isaak / tba / James
Good Friday / Jill & Willem / Steve / Paul vdK / Elsa / James
5th April / Rob & Willem / Johan & Isaak / Paul vdK / Elsa & Rachel / James
TODAY / . Noppers and Everix
22nd March / Tay, P. & Y. van der Kooij & Jill
29th March / Ossevoort, A. & M. Slooter & Johan
Good Friday April / R & H van derKooij, Venter, Bill
3rd April / Morgan, Loos, Janny
TODAY / Mieke & Vanessa
22nd March / Yvonne & Bethia
29th March / Mieke & Emma
Good Friday / Holidays
5th April / Holidays
12th April / Holidays
Bold print denotes crèche Door Reception
TODAY / Jacqueline, Luke, Klarinda
22nd March / Melody, Leon, Joshua
29th March / Rebecca de Haan, Eliza, Nelson
Good Friday / Volunteers required
5th April / Annette, Isaak, Bethia

Please arrange your own swaps if you are unable to do your duty.