APES- Sample Multiple Choice Test #14

1. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Chesapeake Bay?

A. It is one of many small estuaries along the east coast of the United States.

B. A large amount of sediment travels down the watershed into the bay.

C. It receives anthropogenic chemicals that adversely affect the local fish populations.

D. It receives nutrients from sewage treatment facilities.

E. It experiences algal blooms from the fertilizers used on the land in its watershed.

2. What is the difference between a point source and a nonpoint source of water pollution?

A. A nonpoint source is easily identifiable.

B. Point sources can be targeted for reduction.

C. Nonpoint sources tend to be factory outputs.

D. Point sources tend to be agricultural.

E. Nonpoint sources are less harmful to the environment.

3. Which is a type of wastewater?

I. Sewage water from toilets

II. Water from showering and bathing

III. Water from washing clothes

A. I only

B. II only

C. III only

D. I and II

E. I, II, and III

4. Human wastewater entering into bodies of water such as rivers or lakes can be dangerousbecause

I. it causes a drop in the biological oxygen demand.

II. it can lead to cultural eutrophication.

III. the wastewater can carry pathogens.

A. I only

B. II only

C. III only

D. II and III

E. I, II, and III

5. Which is the correct order of the events leading to cultural eutrophication?

A. Leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands, fish die-off, algal bloom

B. Leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands, algal bloom, fish die-off

C. Fish die-off, algal bloom, leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands

D. Fish die-off, leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands, algal bloom

E. Algal bloom, fish die-off, leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands

6. A man-made pond constructed to hold animal waste is called a

A. septic tank.

B. manure lagoon.

C. feed lot.

D. leach field.

E. sewage treatment plant.

7. Which is NOT a disease caused by wastewater exposure?

A. Cryptosporidium

B. Cholera

C. Typhoid fever

D. Stomach flu


8. Which is NOT an environmental advantage of septic tanks?

A. Gravity is used to move the water.

B. Water is returned to the local environment.

C. Sewage is broken down by natural means.

D. No byproducts of water treatment remain.

E. Harmful pathogens can be degraded by soil microorganisms.

9. Primary treatment in a sewage treatment plant is designed to

A. remove pathogens from wastewater.

B. remove solids from wastewater.

C. create sludge for use as fertilizer.

D. move water from municipalities to the plant.

E. recycle water.

10. What happens to sludge from a sewage treatment plant?

I. It can be deposited in a landfill.

II. It can be incinerated.

III. It can be used as a fertilizer

A. I only

B. II only

C. III only

D. I and II

E. I, II, and III

11. Bacteria are beneficial in the wastewater treatment process because

A. they help solid material to settle out of the wastewater.

B. they naturally break down organic matter.

C. the nutrients produced are beneficial to the treated water.

D. they prevent the wastewater from forming sludge.

E. they make the use of chemicals unnecessary in the treatment of wastewater.

12. Which toxic substance can be found in the water of buildings with old plumbing systems?

A. Lead

B. Radon

C. Mercury

D. Arsenic

E. Methane

13. Acid deposition from SO2 emissions occurs

A. as acid rain, acid snow, or dry-acid deposition.

B. as acid rain only.

C. as acid rain and acid snow.

D. as gasses that harm the ozone layer.

E. only as particles that attach to the surfaces of plants.

14. Which is NOT an unintended effect of synthetic pesticide use?

A. The pesticide may be lethal to nontarget species as well as target species.

B. Pesticide use leads to an altered species composition of the community.

C. Inert ingredients may be harmful to non-target species.

D. Human exposure may be detrimental to health.

E. Nearby streams may become more acidic.

15. Which is a class of carcinogens formerly used in the production of plastics?

A. Reproductive hormones




E. Perchlorates

16. What substance is believed to be responsible for the development of eggs in the testes of somemale fish?



C. Perchlorates

D. Synthetic estrogens


17. It is estimated that initially the Deepwater Horizon oil platform accident released 53,000barrels per day. If one barrel contains 42 gallons, how many gallons per day were released?

A. 22 billion

B. 2 billion

C. 22 million

D. 2 million

E. 200 thousand

18. Which pollutant or pollutants are most likely to create eutrophic areas?

A. Nitrates and phosphates

B. Synthetic organic compounds

C. Heavy metals

D. Solid waste

E. Pharmaceuticals

19. Methods used to remove spilled oil from the surface of the ocean include

I. containment boom and oil vacuums.

II. chemical dispersants.

III. large screens.

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II

D. I and III

E. I, II, and III

20. Which is NOT a negative environmental effect of using high-pressure water hoses on rockycoastlines to clean spilled oil?

A. Removal of fine-grained sediment

B. Displacement of native plant life

C. Washing away microorganisms

D. Cost of energy to heat water

E. Organisms unable to recolonize the coastline

21. Noise pollution in water is a significant problem for

A. schooling fish.

B. sea turtles.

C. whales.

D. marine birds.

E. phytoplankton.

22. Which is an environmental cost of moving contaminating industries from developed countries

to developing countries?

I. Better jobs

II. Human exposure to contaminants

III. Additional pollution in the developing country

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and III

D. II and III

E. I, II, and III

23. The Federal Water Pollution control Act of 1948 was the precursor legislation to the

A. Endangered Species Act.

B. Clean Air Act.

C. Clean Water Act.

D. Cradle to Grave Legislation.

E. Superfund Act.

24. Which U.S. legislation empowers the EPA to establish maximum contaminant levels indrinking water?

A. The Clean Water Act

B. The Superfund Act

C. The Clean Air Act

D. The MCL Act

E. The Safe Drinking Water Act

25. For which substances does the EPA allow a MCL (maximum contaminant level) of 0 indrinking water?

A. Giardia and fecal coliform

B. Giardia and arsenic

C. Mercury and atrazine

D. Mercury and fecal coliform

E. Benzene and mercury