Chets Creek Elementary School

Kindergarten Pacing Guide, 2009-10

It is the intent of this Pacing Guide to give teachers a “guideline” of the scope and sequence of skills to be covered during kindergarten. Teachers, of course, will rely on the F.A.I.R. assessments and Sulzby/ DRA at the benchmark periods to monitor progress and to make decision on the need for differentiated small group and center activities for strategic and intensive instruction. Informal assessments in between the benchmark periods will inform instructional decisions as it is our intent that decisions be data driven. However, for the teacher new to the grade level or for the teacher that wants to “check off” skills, this Pacing Guide can be used to lead a teacher through the initial instruction for their grade level expectations. The Pacing Guide is written with Lucy Calkins’ “echoes across the day” in mind. This means that if you are following the Pacing Guide for your initial instruction, you will see themes repeated across the week.

To provide teachers with resources that they may be used to help them develop mini-lessons and themes, the following resources are suggested and are in Italics in the Pacing Guide.

► RiverDeep is the county’s Learning Schedule

♦ Reading with Strategies, Stage 1 (Scholastic)

♥ Units of Study for Primary Writing by Lucy Calkins (Heinemann)

! First Grade Writers by Stephanie Parsons

▲ Eric Carle Author Study (NCEE)

● Reading With Meaning by Debbie Miller

◄ Personal Narrative, Grade K (NCEE)

Ø Houghton Mifflin Core Reading Series

☺Units prepared at Chets Creek include:

☺Phonemic Awareness with Nursery Rhymes


☺Star Book Vocabulary available at Reading-Star Books

Also available as resources in Skills Block:

Phonics Lessons, Level K by Fountas and Pinnell

Phonics Lessons, Level 1 by Fountas and Pinnell (begins in the 4th nine weeks)

Curriculum to drive math:

Math Investigations, Kindergarten

Math Investigations, Grade 1 (begins in the 4th nine weeks)

Star Books are preselected read-alouds with strong narrative elements that are used with the research of Elizabeth Sulzby and Lucy Calkins Star Names is a program adapted from Lucy Calkins that uses children’s names to introduce letters and sounds. For more information on both of these programs, check out

Kindergarten Pacing Guide, 2009-10

1st 9-weeks / Read-aloud / Skills Block / Readers’ Workshop / Writers’ Workshop / Every Day Counts / Math Investigations / Science
FLKLRS / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / Make their day!
Rituals and routines
ØTheme 1
Saying the ABCs / Make their day!
Rituals and routines
►District Anchor Lessons / Make their day!
Rituals and routines
► District Anchor Lessons
♥Launching Writers’ Workshop / The Practice of Science
F.A.I.R. / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / Star Names
☺Nursery Rhymes
ØTheme 1
Letters/ Beg sounds
Ordering ABCs
Directionality: left to right / ► District Anchor Lessons
Introduce Story Elements (characters, setting, plot, etc.) / ► District Anchor Lessons
♥Launching Writers’ Workshop / Assessment / Assessment / The Practice of Science
F.A.I.R. / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / Star Names
☺Nursery Rhymes
ØTheme 1
Letters/ Beg sounds
Directionality: top to bottom / ► District Anchor Lessons
Intro to Literacy Stations / ► District Anchor Lessons
♥Launching Writers’ Workshop / Assessment
Recognizing 0-15
Counting 0-15
Writing 0-15
Calendar skills / Assessment
Patterns, Trains and Hopscotch Paths / The Practice of Science
F.A.I.R. / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / Star Names
☺Nursery Rhymes
ØTheme 2
Letters/ Beg sounds
High frequency words (I, see)
Color words
Capital beg sentence
End punctuation / Retelling Star books
Intro to Literacy Stations / ♥Launching Writers’ Workshop
(Draw a picture of favorite part of story) / Recognizing 0-15
Counting 0-15
Writing 0-15
Calendar skills / Patterns, Trains and Hopscotch Paths / The Organization and Development of Living Things
- 5 senses
F.A.I.R. / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / Retelling Star books
Intro to Literacy Stations / ♥Launching Writers’ Workshop
(Draw a picture of favorite part of story) / Recognizing 0-15
Counting 0-15
Writing 0-15
Calendar skills / Patterns, Trains and Hopscotch Paths / The Organization and Development of Living Things
-5 senses
F.A.I.R. / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / Retelling Star books
Reading Strategies / ♥Small Moments / Recognizing 0-15
Counting 0-15
Writing 0-15
Calendar skills / Patterns, Trains and Hopscotch Paths / Properties of Matter
- sorting objects
F.A.I.R. / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / ☺Nursery Rhymes
ØTheme 3
Letters/ Beg sounds
High frequency words (my, like)
Capital beg sentence
End punctuation
Return sweep / Retelling Star books
Reading Strategies / ♥Small Moments / Recognizing 0-15
Counting 0-15
Writing 0-15
Calendar skills / Patterns, Trains and Hopscotch Paths / Properties of matter
- sorting objects
F.A.I.R. / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / Retelling Star books
Reading Strategies / ♥Small Moments / Recognizing 0-15
Counting 0-15
Writing 0-15
Calendar skills / Patterns, Trains and Hopscotch Paths / ☺Pumpkins
Changes in Matter
- changing the shape of matter
10-19-09 / ☺Nursery rhymes
Star books
☺Star vocabulary / Retelling Star books
Reading Strategies / ♥Small Moments / Number line / Number Sense / ☺Pumpkins
Changes in Matter
- changing the shape of matter
2nd 9-weeks / Read-aloud / Skills Block / Readers’ Workshop / Writers’ Workshop / Calendar Counts / Math Investigations / Science
10-27-09 / Star books
☺Star vocabulary
Columbus Day / ØTheme 4
Morning message
Blend/ segment onset/rime, Blend phoneme
Letter/ Beg sounds
Short a, Families –at -an –ag -ab
High frequency words (a, to)
Spacing/Matching word to print / !Non-fiction elements (pumpkins / ♥Nonfiction: Procedures and Reports / Number line / Number Sense / ☺Pumpkins
Forces and Changes in Motion
- Push/Pull
11-2-09 / Star books
☺Star vocabulary
Apples / !Non-fiction elements (pumpkins) / ♥Nonfiction: Procedures and Reports / Number line / Number Sense / Forces and Changes in Motion
- Push/Pull
11-9-09 / Star books
☺Star vocabulary
Native Americans / ØTheme 5
Morning message
Blend phonemes
Letter/ Beg sounds
Short a, Families –ad –ap -am
High frequency words (and, go)
Number words / !Exploring non-fiction (Native Americans) / ♥Nonfiction: Procedures and Reports / Number line / Number Sense / Motion of Objects
- How things move
11-16-09 / Star books
☺Star vocabulary
Native Americans / !Exploring non-fiction (Native Americans) / ♥Nonfiction: Procedures and Reports / Number line / Number Sense / Motion of Objects
- How things move
11-23-09 / Star books
☺Star vocabulary
Thanksgiving / ØTheme 6
Morning message
Blend/segment phonemes
Letter/ Beg sounds
Short i, Families –it –ig
High frequency words (is, here)
Question mark / !Exploring non-fiction
Holiday Activities / ♥Nonfiction: Procedures and Reports / Number line / Number Sense / Earth in Space and Time
- Gravity
F.A.I.R. / Star books
☺Star vocabulary
Winter Holidays / ●Determining Importance / ♥Nonfiction: Procedure and Reports
! Questions and Answers / Recognizing 0-30
Counting 0-30 / Exploring Data / Earth in Space and Time
- Gravity
F.A.I.R. / Star books
☺Star vocabulary
Winter Holidays / ●Determining Importance / ♥Nonfiction:
Procedures and Reports
! Questions and Answers / Recognizing 0-30
Counting 0-30 / Exploring Data / Forms of energy
- Sound
F.A.I.R. / Holiday Activities / Holiday Activities
F.A.I.R. / Star books
☺Star vocabulary / ØTheme 7
Morning message
Blend/ segment phonemes
Letter/ Beg sounds
Short I, Families –im -ip
High frequency wds (for, have)
All CAPS / ♦Reading Strategies / Revisit Narrative / Assessment
Recognizing 0-30
Counting 0-30 / Assessment
Exploring Data / Forms of energy
- Sound
F.A.I.R. / Star books
☺Star vocabulary / ♦Reading Strategies / Portfolio Review
Revisit Narrative / Assessment due
Recognizing 0-30
Counting 0-30 / Assessment due
Exploring Data / Forms of energy
- Sound
3rd 9-weeks / Read-aloud / Skills Block / Readers’ Workshop / Writers’ Workshop / Calendar Counts / Math Investigations / Science
F.A.I.R. / Winter / ØTheme 8
Morning message
Blend/ segment phonemes
Substitute phonemes
Review letters
Short o, Families –ot –ob, –ox
High frequency wds (said, the) / ♦Reading Strategies / Revisit Narrative ♥Teaching Skills and Strategies / Writing 0-30 / Exploring Data / Earth in Space and
- pattern of day/night
F.A.I.R. / Winter / Revisit Story Elements (characters, setting, plot, etc.)
Attribute Chart / Revisit Narrative ♥Teaching Skills and Strategies / Writing 0-30 / Exploring Data / Earth in Space and
- pattern of day/night
F.A.I.R. / Ground Hog Day / ØTheme 9
Morning message
Substitute phonemes
Review letters
Short e, Families –et, -en, -ed
High frequency wds (play, she) / Fluency/Punctuation / Revisit Narrative ♥Teaching Skills and Strategies / Writing 0-30 / Exploring Data / Earth in Space and Time
- Sun and Moon
2-8-10 / Predications / Revisit Narrative ♥Teaching Skills and Strategies / Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10 / Geometry / Earth in Space and Time
- Sun and Moon
2-16-10 / Valentine’s Day
Eric Carle books / ØTheme 10
Morning message
Substitute phonemes
Short u, Families –ug –ut -um
High frequency words
(are, the, he)
Caps/ Punctuation / ▲Eric Carle Author Study
●Schema / ♥Authors as Mentors
Response to literature / Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10 / Geometry / Earth in Space and Time
- Observing objects in the sky
2-22-10 / President’s Day
Eric Carle books / ▲Eric Carle Author Study
●Schema / ♥Authors as Mentors
Response to literature / Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10 / Geometry / Earth in Space and Time
-Observing objects in the sky
3-1-10 / Eric Carle books / Review Houghton Mifflin Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, concepts of Print / ▲Eric Carle Author Study
●Schema / ♥Authors as Mentors
Response to literature / Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10 / Geometry / Earth in Space and Time
- Observing objects in the sky
3-8-10 / Eric Carle books / Morning message
Letter combinations
High frequency words / ▲Eric Carle Author Study
●Schema / ! Pattern Books / Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10 / Geometry / Earth in Space and Time
- Observing objects in the sky
3-15-10 / Eric Carle books / ▲Eric Carle Author Study
●Schema / !Pattern Books / Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10 / Geometry / * Catch up on any missed standards
3-22-10 / Eric Carle books
Spring / Culmination: Eric Carle / !Pattern Books / Addition
Time / Counting and Number System / * Catch up on any missed standards
4th 9-weeks / Read-aloud / Skills Block / Readers’ Workshop / Writers’ Workshop / Calendar Counts / Math Investigations / Science
F.A.I.R. / Persuasive Books / Morning message
Letter combinations
High frequency words
Long vowels, Bossy e
Families –ake -ade -ale
Families –ike –ice –ide
Families –ose, -ope Handwriting
Quotation marks / ●Schema / !Persuasive / Addition
Time / Counting and Number System / Organization and Development of Living Things
- comparisons
F.A.I.R. / Persuasive Books / Persuasive elements attribute chart / !Persuasive / Addition
Time / Counting and Number System / Organization and Development of Living Things
- Comparisons
F.A.I.R. / Poetry / ♥Mental Images /poetry / ♥Poetry / Addition
Time / Counting and Number System / Organization and Development of Living Things
- Comparisons
F.A.I.R. / Poetry / Morning message
Letter combinations
High frequency words
Lg vowels/ vowel combinations
Families –ain –ail, -ay
Families –eam, -eep
Families –oast -oach Handwriting
Quotation marks / ♥Mental Images/poetry / ♥Poetry / Quilts, Squares, and Block Towns, Grade 1 / Organization and Development of Living Things
- Observations of plants and aimals
F.A.I.R. / Poetry / ♥Mental Images/poetry / ♥Poetry / Quilts, Squares, and Block Towns, Grade 1 / Organization and Development of Living Things
- Observations of plants and aimals
F.A.I.R. / Poetry / Book of the Month / Revisit genres / Quilts, Squares, and Block Towns, Grade 1 / Organization and Development of Living Things
- Observations of plants and aimals
F.A.I.R. / Poetry
Summer / Morning message
Letter combinations
High frequency words
Review short and long vowels
Handwriting / Revisit reading strategies / Revisit genres / Organization and Development of Living Things
- Observations of plants and aimals
5-24-10 / Poetry
Summer / Revisit reading strategies / Revisit genres / * Catch up on any missed standards
6-7-10 / End-of-the-Year Activities / Final Portfolio Review

Revised 8/09