2018 7th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2018)

Nov. 27-29, 2018. /Amsterdam, Netherlands

ICMCE2018 Registration Form

NOTE: To avoid delays in registration, please read the entire form carefully. You may submit your completed Final present abstract (doc.), Registration Form (doc.) and Scanned Payment Proof of applicable registration fee to.Pleasesubmitoneformforeachparticipant.



*Speech ID:
*Speech Title:
*Abstract Authors:
*Registrant Name: / Male□Female□
*Prefix: / *Aclearphoto
*Valid Shipping Address:
*Country: / *State/Province: / *City:
*Tel.: / *ZIP/PostCode:
*E-mail: / StudentIDNumber:
Diabetic□ Vegetarian□ Muslim□ Other□ (pleasespecify: )


Items / Amount(USD) / Your Choice (Use Arabic Numerals)
Presenter Only / 400 USD
Listener / 320 USD
Social Program in Amsterdam / 100 USD

Presenter: Making a presentation on conference without paper publication.


Payment Terms/PAYINGMETHOD(Nohandlingfee)

1. Online Payment

Please make sure you have VISA or Mastered Card Credit Card before clicking this link, and you should also calculate the right amount to pay.

Please fill in the E-mail and Confirmation Number after paying.

E-mail: / Order Number:

2. PayPal


Please fill in your information after payment.

Remittance Date
Remitter’s Name
Remittance Amount

3.Bank Transfer

Registration fee can be paid to the Organizing Committees through bank transfer. If you want to finish the payment by bank transfer, please require it from conference secretary.

Please fill in your information after bank transfer.

Note: If pay by bank transfer, bank service charges should be paid by the payer. You need to additional 30$ more as handling fee.

Remittance Date
Remitter’s A/C No.
Remitter’s Name
Remittance Amount


Payment by Method 1 is priority to accept.


Toavoiddelaysinregistration,pleasereadtheentireformcarefully.Youmaysubmitthefollowingdocumentsin time.

Final present abstract (doc.) / RegistrationForm (doc.) /Payment Proof

You are sincerely invited to take part in 2018 7th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2018)in Amsterdam, Netherlandsduring Nov. 27-29, 2018.

ICMCE 2018OrganizingCommittees

Amsterdam, Netherlands