Content for Lube leaflets – for SWs

1. What are water-based lubricants?

Water-based lubricants are products that can make the surface wet and slippery for sex and reduce friction and possible irritation. Water-based lubricants are largely made up of de-ionized water into which glycerin, polymers and antibacterial agents are added. Water-based lubricants are highly recommended for use with condoms as they are non-irritating, user-friendly and easy to clean up. There are some water-based lubricants are available in the market such as KY Jelly, Number One Plus …

Number One Plus water-based lubricant has recently been launched in Vietnam. It is specially designed to meet your needs. The pack contains 2 condoms plus 2 lubricants to increase safer sex options available to you.

2. Why are they different from oil-based lubricants?

Cosmetics or food products such as skin creams, Vaseline, massage oil, baby oil, hair gel, or cream are considered oil-based lubricants. Oil-based lubricants are unsafe to use with condoms as they weaken the latex and may cause condoms to break or tear during sex. Oil-based lubricants do not provide any protection from STIs or HIV when used during sex.

The only lubricant you should use with latex condoms is water-based lubricants such as KY Jelly or Number One Plus (+).

3. Benefits of using water-based lubricants

  • Helps make sex more comfortable, especially for vaginal penetration
  • Provides additional lubrication to enhance sensations during sex
  • Reduces pain during sex caused by insufficient natural lubrication
  • Makes sex safer by reducing likelihood of condom breakage and increases correct use of condoms
  • Reduces tissue damage and tearing caused to the genitals
  • Increase the sensations and pleasure if sex lasts for a long time
  • Prevent dryness & scratchinessin the vagina
  • In case of having a high number of sex partners during the same day

4. Myths & misconceptions around lubricants

- Lubricants such as baby oil, lotions, hand-creams etc. can be used with condoms

FALSE. Condoms are made of latex and oil-based condoms (such as cosmetic or food products) can weaken the latex and result in tears or break in the condom. Water-based lubricants, such as Number One Plus, are safe to use with condoms.

- There is no need to use condoms if lubricants are used during sex

FALSE. Lubricants by themselves do not provide any protection against any sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. It is important to use condoms with lubricants for all sex acts.

- Lubricants, when used with condoms, are effective in HIV prevention

TRUE. Using condoms correctly and consistently i.e. with every sex acts with all partners can help reduce risk of HIV prevention. All condoms are lubricants. However, use of additional lubricant such as Number One Plus can help improve correct condom use.

- Lubricants are a luxury product and can only be used sometimes or with ‘special’ partners

FALSE. Number One Plus is an affordable product that is specially designed for you. The number pack contains 2 condoms plus 2 lubricants that should be used together – 1 sachet per condom. Number One Plus is easy to use and convenient. Just like condoms, lubricants can and should be used with all partners.

- Lubricants are difficult to use

FALSE. You can follow the simple instructions provided in this leaflet to use lubricants correctly with condoms. Lubricants are be used by both partners to increase sensations during sex. Water-based lubricants such as Number One Plus are also easy to clean up as they can be simply rinsed with water and are non-staining.

- Lubricant has bad smell and can cause allergy or disease

FALSE Number One Plus is natural fruit flavors, it is water base product so it is very easy to clean up which cause no allergy or any disease to human body.

- Women don’t need to use lubricant if they are excited during sex

FALSE. Water-based lubricants such as Number One Plus can be used by men and women. They are not only used by men. Use of water-based lubricants such as Number One Plus increases overall lubrication. One of the main causes of condom breakage is insufficient lubrication. Lubricants improve condom use and hence reduce risk of HIV transmission.

- Only old women use lubricant

FALSE Water-based lubricant can be used by any women who want to enhance sexual excitement and can reduce dryness if you have a long intercourse.

5. General risk reduction strategies

You can reduce your risk of HIV by developing your own risk reduction plan using the following strategy:

-Correct and consistent use of condoms: Using condoms correctly and consistently with every sex act and will all types of sexual partners reduces your risk of HIV infection. Condoms should be used from the beginning (i.e. before penetration) till the end of the sex act. Use a new condom every time.

-Knowing your HIV status: You can visit a Chan Troi Moi voluntary counseling and HIV testing centre to know your HIV status. Friendly & sympathetic counselors will provide professional counseling to help you understand issues related to HIV, behaviors that may put you and risk and will help you develop your own HIV prevention strategy.

-Early treatment of STIs: It is important for you to access medical care if you are suffering from any symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.