SEPTEMBER 15, 16, 17 • 2017

Spa Six Hours 2017 : a very promising 25th edition

September 15th, 16th and 17th, 2017: mark these dates in your calendar. That weekend, the organisers of the Spa Six Hours will put on a great show to deservedly celebrate the quarter-century anniversary of this emblematic event.

The Spa Six Hours, one of Europe’s most popular vintage racecar gatherings, needs no introduction. No doubt that the majestic backdrop of the world’s most beautiful 7km racetrack contributes to the success of this exceptional gathering and no doubt that the highly professional organisation has helped to create a very enviable reputation for this event over the years. Yet beyond their fine-tuned organisation, there is still a lighthearted, warm atmosphere you can feel with every step around the paddock and around each of the booths run by highly dedicated enthusiasts who have come to spend a wonderful weekend.

There will be no shortage of exceptional cars or glamorous guest stars, from a well-known singer in a hard rock band to the oh-so-British billionaire who eats a packed lunch with his mechanics, sitting on the tail of his truck, and even a former F1 star.

But above all, lots of fun and passion.

The 25th edition of the Spa Six Hours will feature lots of competitors in various categories, bringing together the crown jewels of the past in racing.

For this very special quarter-century celebration, the organisers propose other features to make the gathering even more interesting.

“Of course, the races, especially the six-hour endurance race on Saturday night will be the stars of the show,” says Vincent Collard, one of the managers of the event. “But we’re going to introduce two new sections: we’re going to organise a Concours d'Elegance for the racing cars. They must date from prior to 1976. Obviously, we’ll be judging the car, but also the ranking and style of the driver, who should be dressed in period-appropriate attire.”

”We will also be setting up a tour through the region’s most beautiful areas for these old cars. This tour, which will be more of a historical rally with strict rules, will arrive at the Spa Six Hours.”

These are all surely great reasons to show up for this weekend in mid-September to catch a glimpse of the show.

- Roadbook Organisation • • Press Release 24/02/2017 -